Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8529: :sign

Yudai is not greedy. She knows that I collect immortal weapons for the Daoling Academy, and she has no interest in this kind of immortal weapons, so she allows me to take more than a dozen dead leaf knives into my hands.

All she was looking for were bottles and cans, even though most of them looked like garbage to me.

Not everyone has my vision, and I don’t think much about the ruins. It would be great to be able to find some immortal weapon currency. Many truly valuable things have been destroyed in thousands of years.

Even the immortal crystal will not remain, because after suppressing and draining the immortal energy, the immortal crystal will be destroyed together, and the immortal soldiers left here are also in a state of being drained of the immortal energy.

The main door of the main hall was open, and one door had fallen to the ground. Many things were rusty, and even the things that were once made of wood were empty. The main hall was covered with rubble, and it was impossible to find a way into it.

While I released the demon spirit body to search for the location of the warehouse, I also scanned the surrounding immortal weapons. Except for the dead leaf knife, I was very lucky and found a medium-grade staff-like immortal weapon.

"This should belong to the chief officer here?" Yudai asked.

"Not necessarily. Most of them should be in the storage bag. Together with the disappearance of the storage bag, they are lost in a different space." I said.

"Isn't there a lot of things stored in the different space? What will happen?" Yudai is very curious, after all, only I can answer this question.

"After the entrance to the different space of the storage bag is destroyed, the treasures will lose their connection points and drift. Most of them will be torn into pieces by the space. Some of them will drift to some weak places in the space and reappear from the inside, just like the rare treasures in some places. In this world, there is a high probability that it will be like this, and high-level exotic treasures will often drift to the lower realm. The barriers in the lower realm will be difficult to resist, and eventually they will fall to the earth. After drifting, they will probably be degraded." I smiled.

"You can explain this? That's amazing." Yudai was shocked and suddenly thought of something, and said: "Then most of the missing treasures of the Immortal Kingdom have appeared in other places on the mainland? "

"Most likely, shouldn't you know this better than me?" I smiled.

"Oh, no wonder." Yudai finally understood the principle.

While we were talking, the demon spirit found the warehouse, and we immediately followed it. A ruin with the entire structure collapsed appeared in front of us.

"How could it be a warehouse if it collapsed so easily?"

"There is a formation, look here." I rolled up my dead leaf knife, and the formation hub appeared in a corner.

"Is there any possibility..."

"Impossible. If it is suppressed, it will be difficult to maintain another cave in the cave. There is a high probability that even if you go in, you won't be able to find anything inside because the passage is destroyed." I said with a bitter smile.

"What a pity. Should we leave then?" Yudai also knew that the chance of the treasure house being preserved was low.

"Well, let's go. Although it's the Immortal Weapon Division, most of the things hidden here are general supplies for soldiers. There won't be very good Immortal Weapons." Although I secretly thought it was a pity, I wasn't particularly disappointed.

When we left the Immortal Weapon Division, we suddenly found that we were in darkness, and the demonic energy was surging in!

"Yes..." As soon as Yudai realized that the monster was lying under the basement where we were, I covered her mouth.

"I don't know why I came back early." I whispered.

"Then what should we do?" Yudai looked at the energy light I lit up and saw that there were indeed demonic breathing vents above, which were already surrounded by demonic energy.

If nothing is done, ordinary people will definitely be suffocated to death here, and they will die of being possessed.

"Don't worry, my demon spirit body is not a vegetarian, let them lure the snake out of the hole again." I felt helpless.


But before I could recite the incantation, there was a sudden vibration and violent shaking around me. It seemed like something happened outside!

Why did that monster come back, and what was the movement outside?


The gushing demonic energy suddenly filled the basement, and the monster roared, soared into the sky, and the poisonous slurry immediately spattered everywhere!

Just when Yudai thought it was an opportunity to escape, I grabbed her because I felt that there seemed to be a terrifying aura outside!

And it threatened that monster!

In a short period of time, it seemed that because of encountering this terrifying existence, the monster ignored the demonic spirit body and escaped back!


It was dark outside, and this was not a fight at the level of the Immortal Stage. According to my guess, this monster was at the minimum level of the Nourishing Stage.

The spiritual cultivation period of becoming a demon is obviously not something that the same level can handle. The only existence that can scare him now is not the two monsters of Xian Zhengsi or Xian Shusi. The only one left is the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Kingdom!

"I got the worst card, it seems to be the Immortal Emperor." I took a deep breath, because the evil spirit had just been blown away by the overwhelming Yin Qi, and everything in the sky came into our sight!

"Why is the Immortal Emperor here?!" Yudai panicked.

"I don't know, maybe the demon spirit body released too much, which aroused its suspicion, and didn't we just release a lot of demon spirit bodies here?" I can only analyze, because there is no sign of a demon spirit body around. .

The spirit body itself is very sensitive to the same kind, let alone the human spirit body encountering the demon spirit body.

Moreover, large spiritual bodies can swallow small spiritual bodies, thereby increasing their own strength. The many demonic spiritual bodies I released before were obviously eaten by the Immortal Emperor.

After eating something sweet, of course I wanted to eat more. I searched everywhere and inevitably ended up here.

Originally, I was planning to take this monster to the center to the Immortal Emperor. What a coincidence, I might have bumped into it halfway.

Knowing the disparity in strength, the monsters fled back to their base camp and hid.

But who knew that the Immortal Emperor would suddenly change his mind on a whim?

The two sides fought fiercely. Yudai and I looked at each other and saw the word "run away" in each other's eyes.

So without any hesitation, I took Yudai and ran towards the forest.

When we turned back, it was unclear whether the Immortal Emperor noticed us. We only heard a miserable howl, and the monster had been chopped to the ground!

How terrifying!

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