Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8561: :bribe

Tianmu Academy has the largest number of students and instructors who can go to Fairyland, but that doesn't mean they are weak.

In the past few years, because they were the first to come into contact with the Taoist Stone and the first to receive blessings from the resources of the Immortal Kingdom, their level of immortality was very high.

If it is a test of spiritual power, most of them may not be as good as the elite students from other colleges, but this is a fairyland, and it is about the intensity of the use of fairy power.

Therefore, as long as we strictly follow Daoshi's plan, I think it will not be difficult for all students to be in the top class. Those students who are in the middle class must not have fully followed Daoshi's instructions.

However, there are always a few out of a hundred who are unwilling to change their ways. Now that we have a mediocre result, we have brought it upon ourselves.

Of course Lu Jian didn't know about these things and thought we were cheating.

"Mr. Lu, there is no problem. Our test stone is normal. I just took the opportunity to test their immortal power to withstand pressure. It can indeed reach the top level, and it is much stronger than other students from the Immortal Mu World! It can be seen that the body The level of immortality is very high!" a female instructor said quickly.

Another male instructor couldn't help but murmured: "That means, wouldn't their qualifications be better than those of other students in the Immortal Shepherd World?"

"That's for sure. Disciples with a high degree of immortality will definitely develop well in the future. Once their cultivation level is high, it will be difficult to correct the problem of immortality. If the foundation of immortality is low, it will be almost irreversible, unless the marrow is cleansed by the Book of Changes. With all the treasures of heaven and earth, cut off your roots and practice again," the female instructor said calmly.

A group of disciples from other colleges were mostly embarrassed, and they all said that it would have been better if they had come into contact with the Dao Stone earlier. However, they had no regrets about taking the medicine now. Most of the people who came to the fairyland without coming into contact with the Dao Stone earlier had passed the test and were able to do it on their own. The cultivation of marrow cleansing.

Therefore, the students of Tianmu Academy will achieve immeasurable achievements in the future!

After the commotion, Lu Jian's face was ashen, but he could only face a series of 'superior' reports. The rules of the fairyland were iron laws, and even he couldn't do anything about it.

He can now predict the outcome of Yun Cangran and me.

This is definitely a slap in the face.

Lu Jian didn't receive any benefits, so how could he let this happen?

"Okay! The test is here first. Disciple will rest where he is today. I will decide whether to continue the test after I report it!" Lu Jian snorted.

"Then those that were tested before..."

"Didn't you hear what I said? After I report it, I will decide whether to test it or not! The other Mu Immortal Realms haven't arrived yet, so why are we so anxious?" Lu Jian glared at the inquiring female officer.

The female officer felt quite aggrieved and could only agree.

Everyone could only wait where they were. Lu Jian didn't say when he would report it, and he was probably thinking of some way to drain the firepower.

This is not surprising. When the Muxian Realm recruited new members, which chief officer and instructor didn't scratch their heads? Why didn't he get any benefits when he arrived?

Fortunately, he was also an experienced person. His eyes stopped moving, and after he had made up his bad idea, he went out and walked around in a serious manner.

After half a day, he came back and announced to everyone: "I have discussed with the superior leaders. After all, the accommodation and supply quota for the superior military academies in our district is limited. Therefore, in view of the number of superior students in our district, If there are too many, they can only be allocated in order, that is, after the upper-level military schools are full, they will be transferred to the middle-level military schools, and after the middle-level military schools are full, they will be transferred to the lower-level military schools. "

"Haha, I wonder how many places there are for a superior military academy in our district?" I asked coldly.

"One hundred upper-class soldiers! This is the quota assigned to us by the Xianguo School District! The maximum number of medium-class soldiers is five hundred! There is no limit to the number of lower-class soldiers and those who do not meet the standard!" Lu Jian said loudly.

He didn't break the rules of the fairyland. He still gave the amount that should be given, but he didn't give him another way to choose.

Of course I knew what he meant, so I said: "There are more than 500 students in our Tianmu College, and more than five times the number of upper class soldiers. Only 100 places are given, and the rest will be decentralized. Where will the promotion channels be in the future? Can't we? Is there any cross-filling with other school districts?”

Lu Jian chuckled and said, "You know about cross-filling, but have you ever thought about it, don't other school districts have quota quotas? They may not have enough quota themselves. Besides, I go to communicate with the head of the school district, don't I need to Is it organized? Who allowed your Mu Xian Realm to have so many students over the quota this time?”

I secretly thought that this was just a naked collection of money, and the behavior was extremely shameless.

"I wonder how many school districts there are in our Immortal Kingdom, and how many places are there in each upper class college?" Yun Cangran asked with raised eyebrows.

"I won't bother you to calculate this. Students in each school district are responsible for it. If there are no special circumstances, we are not qualified to raise it." Lu Jian's meaning is simple. Give the money first, otherwise the proposal will not be qualified.

As for sending to other school districts, there is no way without passing through him.

Yun Cangran was so angry that her face changed. I quickly told her to calm down, and then softened my expression and said to Lu Jian: "Instructor Lu, I used to be the dean of Tianmu College. This time I joined the fairyland as the leader of all colleges. , not only responsible for the students in our college, but also responsible for the instructions of the deans of other colleges. The quota below is indeed a bit aggrieved to the students in our district. Since Director Lu said that he can communicate with other chief officials, how about taking care of the matter? We can talk, can we take a step to talk?"

"Haha, I want to see what you have in mind. If you see that mountain, go over there and talk." Lu Jian glanced at me, and his eyes suddenly flashed with light, as if I was still barely on the road. .

"Daotian, he did this on purpose. We reported it to the superiors and asked him to look good..." Yun Cangran gritted his teeth in anger as he watched Lu Jian fly away.

"It doesn't matter, the kid has always been difficult to deal with. If you can spend some money to solve it, these are not problems. We will deal with him later." I patted her shoulder, and then flew to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was filled with clouds and mist, and the pressure of the immortal energy was astonishing, but it couldn't stop me at all. The moment Lu Jian landed, I landed almost at the same time. You know, I also comforted Yun Cangran.

So they landed at the same time, making Lu Jian's eyes more alert.

I had no intention of hiding it, and said with a sneer: "Instructor Lu, let's get straight to the point. How much fee do you want before you are willing to communicate with other school districts? In other words, before you are willing to continue to report our special situation? Don't say you can Resist the pressure from above, I believe I won’t give you too much time, I can give you benefits, but it is obviously within a reasonable range.”

"Boy, what do you mean?" Lu Jian had already thought of various words to say, but when he asked me this question, I still disrupted his rhythm.

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