Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8617: :deterioration


With a wave of his sword, the prince's body was split into two.

Xia Lingyun has obviously gone berserk. He should have the mentality of eliminating evil and doing his best.

As for who the other party is, it doesn't matter at all.

Ever since he was a child, he has never bowed to anyone.

His father is the founder of the Three Thousand Worlds. If he does not do evil, it is already the greatest good thing. How can he allow others to do evil in front of him?

So let alone a prince in a newly created interface, even if he is the God Lord of the Three Thousand Worlds, he will kill him without hesitation!

Without him, in his eyes there is only good and evil, and there is no such thing as power.


The third prince of the Kingdom of God fell to the ground like this. This simply made all the teachers confused!

Of course, everyone is afraid of the imperial power of the Kingdom of God, so facing an alien like Xia Lingyun, they only have one way to remedy it now!

"Third Prince!" A female teacher rushed towards him with tears of grief and anger, as if her son had died.

Of course I know why she sheds tears. It's nothing more than a waste of her efforts and the disillusionment of her subsequent vested interests.

"Are you his mother?" Xia Lingyun looked a little hesitant in his eyes as he watched the female teacher throw herself into a pool of blood, trying to save the third prince whose eyes were starting to blur.


While Xia Lingyun was dazed, he was suddenly knocked out by a male teacher, collapsing several buildings before he came to a stop!

"Dare to touch the third prince! You are seeking death!"

"Save the Third Prince quickly! Why are you still standing there?!"

The cries for help ebb and flow, for fear that they are not loud enough!

"Brother Emperor! Brother Emperor, wake up!"

It was also mixed with the princess's exclamations, various chanting of mantras, etc.

I looked at the ruins. After the sound of gravel squirming, Xia Lingyun stood up.

"Under the endless stars, the ancient and fiery elemental power."

"In my name, in my blood, in my will, ray magic! Come!"

The female teacher waved her little magic wand instantly, and bursts of advanced fire ray magic came straight towards him!

Not only this female teacher, but also a group of teachers wearing all kinds of gorgeous magic robes began to summon magic, and it seemed that they were determined to kill Xia Lingyun!

There wasn't any excitement in my heart. If there was, it was excitement.

This child is blessed with innate luck and is destined to have ups and downs throughout his life. As long as he doesn't rely on others, he will definitely cause all kinds of conflicts.

"God of Wind, please listen to my call and awaken the power that travels between heaven and earth."

"In my name, in my oath, in my belief, the whirlwind technique! Come!"

"God of Thunder, please listen to my call and awaken your thunder power hidden in the sky."

"In my name, in my will, in my faith, the chain of thunder and lightning comes!"

The sound of various high-level magic chants made people's scalp numb, and the entire market seemed to be trapped in a forbidden curse space!



A bunch of magic all hit Xia Lingyun!

The surrounding masonry collapsed, houses collapsed, and the aftermath could shake everything around.

Killing the prince is a recipe for death. How could these mentors let go of this opportunity?

In front of everyone, you must show your loyalty to the Kingdom of God!

However, they simply do not understand that in the face of lions and elephants, earthworms, flies, and ants are just insects after all. If they are competing with the overlords of nature, they feel that they have lived too long!

Under the baptism of a bunch of magic, Xia Lingyun still stood there perfectly fine!

"If you help the tyrants without asking any questions, no wonder I fought back. I will return the violent attack to you." After Xia Lingyun finished speaking, he touched his hand, and colorful energy instantly filled the sky!

With a bang, the magician floating in the sky either disappeared, or fragments fell all over the ground!

There wasn't even a scream, only countless shocked people watching this happen!

A group of magicians vomited it out directly. Many female magicians turned pale and their pupils' focus narrowed rapidly!

The princess fell to her knees, and for a moment she didn't know how to react.

"If anyone else wants to stand up for the villain, please stand up." Xia Lingyun held her head high, her eyes full of disdain.

The students who were shouting fiercely no longer dared to say anything. When the teachers who came one after another saw the scene in front of them, they were so frightened that they backed away. They all regretted why they were nosy and came to watch the fun!

This is obviously not a situation they can solve!

Xia Lingyun saw that no one came forward to find trouble, so he walked up to the princess and said, "You are in a high position, why are you so cruel to the weak? Have you never looked at things from the perspective of the weak?"

The princess hugged the third prince's unhealed body, her eyes trembling violently.

"Have you done even one good thing in your life?" Xia Lingyun asked again.

The princess hesitated. Deep down in her heart, she was really considering whether she had done nothing good.

But this thought stopped suddenly.


The sword energy swept across instantly, and the princess turned into a burst of blood mist on the spot!

Xia Lingyun seemed to have turned dark.

I touched my chin and thought that this child was too young. She was a beauty.

In the distance, not only the teachers came, but also the director of the Academic Affairs Office, Guo Yan, and a group of older senior people around her.

Watching this scene, I was already a little confused.

Chi Chi Chi!

There were still some people who didn't believe in evil. A bunch of energy chains, summoned by someone unknown, rushed out from the ground and **** Xia Lingyun!

Xia Lingyun was completely unaware, but the oldest among them raised his finger and immediately started chanting a curse in a low voice!

In the sky, a huge magic circle appeared, with thunder overflowing from it, as if preparing for the nine-day thunder punishment to come!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Xia Lingyun's mouth. Facing this top-level thunder magic, not only was he not afraid at all, he even felt a little more excited!

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