Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8626: : Earth and space

"It's not noisy." Yun Cangran muttered.

"I thought you guys were having another fight inside." I joked.

"No way, we have all calmed down and are thinking about solving the problem for you." Bei Mu said quickly.

"Oh? Tell me." I stopped immediately.

"Yao Yue took Su Tang to the Demonic Holy City. I also want to take Bei Mu there. We will act according to the situation first. You should be more worried about Zhao Qian, right? In this case, it is better for everyone to act separately." Yun Cangran It's time to get serious.

I thought to myself that I was not angry, probably because I was trapped in a small world.

However, Yao Yue and Ling Yan took Su Tang to the Demon Holy City earlier. With their abilities, they might end up in the Demon Sanctuary now.

It's normal for Yun Cangran and Bei Mu to want to do something.

Although I also want to go to the Demon Holy City immediately, Zhao Qian is not as lucky in that direction, so it is not my first choice.

As a super god, Yun Cangran has no doubt about the comprehensiveness of his laws and must have his own way of calculation.

So her decision should be right.

I nodded and said, "Okay, then be careful."

"You found Zhao Qian, come to the Demonic Sanctuary quickly! Also, don't let your true identity be exposed in advance." Yun Cangran said quickly.

"Only you and Bei Mu and a few others know." I thought to myself that she was also worried that she would not be able to deceive the cunning Su Tian.

This is not surprising, after all, that woman is actually quite strong, and even Yun Cangran regards her as an equal opponent.

There was no more nonsense this time, maybe because I had made enough trouble, Yun Cangran quickly disappeared into the sky with Bei Mu, leaving me alone.

After taking a look at the direction I was heading in, I continued moving forward without hesitation.

A few days flew by.

Although the speed is fast, this Demonic Sanctuary is too big. Even if I look at the map and walk, I can't get from one point to another quickly.

Not to mention that there are only some important landmarks on this map that can be used as a reference. In fact, there are no detailed records.

And if I want to find Zhao Qian, I have to search based on her remaining luck.

If the remaining luck cannot be captured, there is almost no possibility of finding her.

When we arrived at a landmark called Shihua Mountain, I floated straight up into the sky.

Looking at it, this huge mountain range called Shihua Mountain stretches endlessly. Even from a high altitude, you can't see its edge.

The reason why it is called Shihua Mountain has its own allusions. It is said that in addition to the fact that Shihua Mountain is as beautiful as the dye splashed on the landscape, it is also said that it was during the creation of the world. Because I felt sorry for the desolation of this place, I personally used a brush to paint it. I drew a mountain and came down, and now here the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the spiritual mountains and spiritual waters are everywhere.

This is of course impossible, because even my client does not know that such a thing has been done before!

Of course, it can also be seen that for the Holy Demon Immortal, my status in their mind is still transcendent.

Perhaps I am the creator of the Sanqian Zhengdao universe. With Mu Qiang’s mentality, I am omnipotent.

This has nothing to do with whether it is a **** or a devil.

While I was traveling around the Shihua Mountain, I caught one of the few rays of luck.

I immediately followed this luck, but when I got closer, the luck suddenly stopped.

However, although my luck was cut off, I was able to capture a trace of the broken demonic fairy aura.

I looked at a stream at the foot of Shihua Mountain, and then floated down.

Walking by the stream, I smiled lightly and said, "Fellow Taoist in the water, can you come out and talk?"

When I finished speaking, the sound of gurgling water remained.

The other party seemed to feel that I had not noticed him.

"Do you have my friend's lucky thing in your hand? If you don't come out, I will be rude." I looked at the waterfall in the distance with my hands behind my back.

Still no movement.

I actually have a lot of patience, but I don’t have time to continue to waste it with it. Just when a colorful little fish demon was about to go up the waterfall, I pointed my finger, and it immediately jumped from the broken water flow. And down.

A burst of purple light flashed, and the girl in purple clothes fell to the ground in inexplicable horror.

"I won't give you anything, and I'm going to refine it right away. Even if you get it, it won't do anything to you!" the girl said anxiously.

I instantly appeared in front of her, slowly stretched out my hand, and the girl's Yingluo immediately fell into my hand.

The purple-clothed girl's face turned pale and she wanted to fight for it, but due to the isolation of the law, her hand traveled through time and space, but she couldn't catch the Yingluo at all.

"Where did this necklace come from?" I looked at the exquisite structure. This classical atmosphere was undoubtedly from Zhao Qian's hand.

"I was leading the way to a sister, and she gave it to me! Give it back to me!" The girl was anxious.

I smiled and said: "I'm going to give you such a precious thing just because I showed you the way? But what else haven't you said? If it's reasonable, I can give you another opportunity. If it's not reasonable, don't even think about taking the thing." gone back."

"I'm really just leading the way!" The girl still wanted to be harsh.

But when she saw that part of the Yingluo in my hand turned into powder and disappeared, she burst into tears: "Isn't it okay? Don't..."

"Say it." I smiled, and Yingluo turned from powder to substance again. It was easy for me to reverse time.

"She came to Shihua Mountain to find something, and I didn't know what it was called Earth Universe Yuanjing Powder! I just took her to search for several days, and she suddenly said she found it, and then gave me this thing! "The girl in purple no longer concealed anything.

"Oh? Earth Universe Crystal Powder? Apart from this, what else did she say?" I asked curiously.

"They were all talking about Shi Hua Shan. They didn't say much else. I don't know where my sister went!" The girl in purple decisively put an end to my questions.

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