Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8645: : successively

But this scene made all the gods stare with their eyes open.

The originally destroyed mountains grew geometrically, mountains and rivers appeared out of thin air, and woods and plants sprouted from the ground. The boundaries of the Taizhou Immortal Domain were restored to their original state, and even became more beautiful.

If you build a fairyland here, it is indeed the best choice.

After all, the divine veins have been repaired, and the place that everyone thought had been contaminated is now so clean that there is no trace of demonization.

Zi Shou was overjoyed, her heart was at peace, and she was no longer as worried as before.

Returning to the Shenzhou in Cangwu Immortal Court, Zi Shou couldn't help but feel a lot about this place: "It would be great if we also had a Shenzhou like this, so that we wouldn't have to guard the Immortal Domain."

"It would be best if there were no demons, right?" Zhu Daoyun patted Zi Shou on the shoulder.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that?" Zi Shou immediately looked at me and asked me for advice on **** the demon spirit just now.

I immediately gave them a huge amount of hero's blood. As long as it was refined, it was easy to kill the demon spirits.

Of course, for Zi Shou's lack of Shenzhou, I also took out a Yuanzhou crystal that was slightly smaller than Zhu Daohe and the others.

Although we are both our own people, the relationship between Zishou and I is still different from that of the Zhu sisters, so we can only treat them differently.

Zishou burst into tears of gratitude and almost bowed her head to me.

"I said, why don't you go to your master Taiqing? It should be safer there, right?" I helped Zi Shou up.

"Holy Lord, do you know how many disciples my master has?" Zi Shou looked sad and almost shed tears.

I shook my head and said: "Taiqing has many disciples, I have heard a little bit about this, but you should be considered one of my beloved disciples, right?"

"No, I am just a little disciple among the little little disciples. Otherwise, the master would have remembered Zishou. But after thousands of years, he has not remembered Zishou. Once Zishou I went to visit him, but he almost didn’t remember who I was! Do you think it’s unfair?” Zi Shou whined.

"How is that possible? Maybe I'm distracted?" I'm a very busy person, and I usually travel to the lower realms with distractions. This kind of distraction can sometimes dilute my memory for a while.

Even gods are commonly known as old fools, and this is what they are talking about.

"How do I know? Holy Lord, how miserable do you think I am?" Zi Shou said in a whisper.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "So you just built a fairyland here?"

"I originally wanted to join the God Lord Dangdang, but my strength didn't allow it, right? At that time, you called Ming Tian Gu Zhou's name, and I didn't join in the fun. Didn't I just fall behind? Fortunately, Sister Xue paid attention to it, otherwise it would really have happened. I don’t know where to stay..." Zi Shou kept complaining to me.

In fact, Zishou's attainments in swordsmanship are very strong. I used it just to listen to what I was used to.

If she hadn't considered that she was Taiqing's disciple, she would have had more opportunities.

So, luck is sometimes very important.

"Won't good times come when you meet me?" I couldn't help but rub her hair.

Zi Shou nodded immediately with a rosy face: "Zi Shou thanks the Holy Lord for the promotion! From now on, I will definitely work hard for the Holy Lord!"

"Well, I actually don't have anything to do. I'm just planning to move you into a more important circle. After all, with your ability, I believe you can definitely go further." I smiled.

Zi Shou was moved again. This was undoubtedly telling her that you have gained trust and that your career is not far away.

A domain lord of a fairy domain is of little use, especially in such a huge divine domain.

There are at least three figures in the Immortal Realm, and she is not outstanding at all.

But entering the inner circle is different.

With a move of his hand, everyone in the Immortal Realm bows down, and even a single word can make the Immortal Realm disappear into ashes.

"Speaking of which, have you seen Qingcheng in recent years?" I eased the topic.

"I've seen her before! I've seen her a few years ago! However, Sister Xue spends a lot of time in seclusion, and rarely comes out of seclusion as a last resort. The last time she left seclusion, it was because of the demon spirit incident." Zi Shou said.

"Well, have you ever seen Ruxue?" I asked.

"Miss Ruxue? She is usually in charge of things in the divine realm." Zi Shou said quickly.

"Oh... to be more specific, does this child have a husband?" I asked again.

"One after another, I have seen several people who are closer to each other, but I don't know much about relationships, but there is one who seems to be very close to me. I don't know if it counts..." Zi Shou pinched her chin. Shen Ning.

"Okay, what's the difference between close and very close?" I couldn't help laughing.

Ruxue is the eldest among the children, and the other children have more or less partners. If they don't find a husband, it will really be my fault.

"Get closer, that is, get within ten feet. To be very close, it must be at least three feet away?" Zishou's finger moved from one point to another.

I couldn't help but shake my head when I looked at it. At this time, Zhu Daoyun and Zhu Daohe also finished their work and came over.

Hearing that we were chatting about Ruxue, Zhu Daoyun said: "The boss of our family, Ruxue, has high eyesight and is ridiculously strong. I really don't know who can get into her eyes. You know, men and women in this world, Which one is perfect?"

"Isn't that right? Even if your husband is as perfect as you are, in the eyes of other demon gods, you may be criticized for being completely disfigured. It's actually a lot of fun to just live this life." Zhu Daohe also felt a little more emotional.

"It seems that Daohe means that you can live a comfortable life with me." I joked.

"What, more than just making do? I'm just a make-believe..." Zhu Daohe complained.

Zhu Daoyun smiled and said: "Then you are quite active in gathering the numbers."

"I...what's wrong with me just liking it?" Zhu Daohe blushed in embarrassment.

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