Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8673: :traumata

"Both of you, sit down and let's have a good chat." I took the hands of the two sisters and found a place to sit down.

Du Qingxiao looked very dignified and meticulous, but just sitting on the ground like this, she didn't know how to sit properly.

He could only kneel on the ground and listen to my sermon with piety.

Xuan Qingxiao randomly came to sit on it, which told me that she was messed up anyway, so she could just say it.

I smiled and said, "Actually, I don't care too much about what kind of people you are. Whether you live a casual life or be cautious, I don't care. Do you know what I care about?"

"What the Holy Lord cares about must be whether we are useful to the Three Thousand Enlightenment Universe under the Holy Lord's governance." Du Qingxiao said seriously.

I shook my head and said: "With your current ability, you are already unable to manage a corner of the country, so how can you be useful to me?"

After hearing this, Du Qingxiao suddenly felt a little more frustrated and said, "Holy Lord, I will definitely work hard to make progress in the future and live up to Holy Lord's expectations."

I shook my head again: "The pursuit of progress is an essential virtue for everyone. You are very independent and far-sighted, but you are too harsh on yourself."

Du Qingxiao looked at me puzzled and said: "Holy Lord, compared to your efforts, I am not even one ten thousandth..."

"No, I don't actually work hard, at least I don't work as hard as you." I patted her hand.

Du Qingxiao looked at me in shock and said hurriedly: "How is it possible?"

I didn't answer. I looked at the surprised Xuan Qingxiao again and said, "What about you? On the road to progress, why do you want to follow your sister's path? No matter how hard you work, can you still work harder than your sister?"

"I...I definitely won't be able to catch up, but my sister is on the right path..." Xuan Qingxiao muttered.

"Indeed, her path seems to be the right one, but once you think so, you will obviously be compared with her, and the comparison will cause internal friction. The final result of internal friction is that no one will make progress." I smiled and said to the two of them. He picked it up with his hand and said: "Your sister has obliterated your spirituality. You forced your sister to go on an indomitable path, so the world I see now, even though it is full of flowers and beautiful, has no spirituality at all. , it’s a pity.”

"Holy Lord, I'm sorry, I was wrong." Du Qingxiao apologized.

"You're right. I'm not belittling your aesthetic sense. On the contrary, this world is very beautiful." I comforted you.

Du Qingxiao didn't know what to say for a moment, she was confused.

"My sister's world is obviously so beautiful, and it's what I want. Every time I think of something, my sister seems to finish it first... Isn't it good to be beautiful?" Xuan Qingxiao asked quickly.

"So, this is why hard work may not achieve the goal." I touched Xuan Qingxiao's head.

"If you don't work hard, will you do nothing like me and be like a waste?" Xuan Qingxiao finally had the desire to seek knowledge.

"If you do everything correctly and don't do it if it's not correct, can you really achieve your ideal world? If you plant flowers with intention, they will not bloom, but without intention, willows will form shade. This kind of thing is also common. The key point is to do it. That’s fine.” I smiled.

Xuan Qingxiao looked at his sister and said, "But my sister's world is still very beautiful."

"It's too formal and full of craftsmanship." After I said that, I waved my hand and we came to the sky.

Looking at the beautiful world, I can indeed see that Du Qingxiao's proficiency is amazing, but as I led them to move around, Xuan Qingxiao seemed to have discovered something wrong with it.

"Just tell me." I looked at Xuan Qingxiao.

"The beauty is beautiful, a bit...the same." Xuan Qingxiao didn't dare to hide it.

Du Qingxiao's expression suddenly darkened. She was also looking at her own world, but all she thought about was striving for excellence, but she never thought that the world was so beautiful, and that it was indeed very homogeneous.

"The perfect world is perfect precisely because it has imperfections. If these imperfections are eliminated, wouldn't it be a incomplete world?" I looked at Du Qingxiao.

She lowered her head, obviously feeling at her lowest point.

"You are so smart, you must have found your own position. Well, let's go out now and not only set Xiao Xuan's wild little world back thousands of years according to the law, but also set the world here back. Give it a thousand years, what do you think?" I laughed.

The two sisters all looked at me, feeling a little expectant for a moment.

"Okay, I agree, my world didn't do anything anyway."

"I...I agree, I want to see what it will become..."

After I took the two sisters out, the law of time struck both worlds, and then I asked them who they were going to see first.

"Let's see my sister first. I don't think there's much to see in my world." Xuan Qingxiao suggested.

She didn't know that she had gone from instinctively accepting to taking the initiative.

Du Qingxiao also wanted to know what his world would be like in ten thousand years, so he nodded and agreed.

Entering her little world, what surprised both sisters was that all the beautiful flowers full of ingenuity, as well as various carefully crafted topography, were all destroyed in large quantities at this moment.

What replaced it was a wild environment, not even as good as when I first gave it to her.

There are also many strange places with chaotic laws, which can only be described as devastated.

"It seems that beauty may not be a good thing, so it's time for us to take a look at Xiao Xuan's little world and see how the original world will evolve into." I smiled.

In fact, I can calculate the results ten thousand years later, but I want to give them a greater visual impact, so I give it a try.

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