Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8685: :depressed

The gods then stood up respectfully.

Looking around, men, women, old and young all have their own characteristics, and the young ones are all handsome and beautiful.

The older ones must look calm and sophisticated, while the younger ones have bright eyes and wisdom.

I nodded with satisfaction and said: "Everyone who came with me from afar must be the best in the Holy Realm and someone who is deeply trusted. They are all present. These sacred stones are considered a gift for me to meet the Holy Saint." !”

Having said that, I waved my sleeves, and a bunch of divine stones flew out of my sleeve pockets, floating in front of all the gods and demons.

"My husband, is this too much of a gesture? I will give you the God Stone when we meet. Then I will win people's hearts. Where can I get these things to give as gifts?" Xue Qingcheng had a smile on her lips, but secretly she was already Chuanyin complained.

"I'll give you everything I got during this time later, okay? I know you have a strong background as a palace official, so you have to leave some treasure to reward the gods." I smiled.

"That's more like it. You don't know it during this period. I was almost struggling to make ends meet. Those demon spirits made me so angry. They fanned the flames everywhere, destroyed many divine veins, and killed many of our gods. I cloned myself again. With no skills, it is only a matter of time before the consumption bottoms out, and..." Xue Qingcheng said with a hint of helplessness in her tone.

"Okay, don't worry, don't talk about the problems first, I'm here to solve all your problems."

"Humph, this is what you said. If you can't solve the problem, I will solve it for you."

Even though she seems to be acting very confidently, she actually looks calm, but she is actually panicking inside.

Everyone received the sacred stone and thanked them one by one.

After I signaled that there was no need to be polite, I took Xue Qingcheng into the main hall of Cangwu Immortal Courtyard.

To bring people together, a political hearing is indispensable.

Everyone was either reporting on the situation in the sanctuary or talking about the difficulties on their own territory.

We encountered various problems, not only the problem of demons, but also the geopolitics that I faced this time when I changed places in the Zhengdao universe and became a top priority.

Xue Qingcheng and I sat on the throne and listened, and the report went straight into the afternoon.

Even though I just waved away dozens of questions, there seemed to be an endless stream of questions.

"It's all trivial stuff, just bothering me." I complained through my voice.

"Otherwise, how do you think I got here all these years? Do you know how big the Creation Universe is? My territory here is one of the best, but it's not even as big as 10%!" Xue Qingcheng said.

"Is it that big? I thought you accounted for at least 30%, right?" I propped my chin and looked like I was following the briefing given by the gods below very seriously.

"Isn't that great? We don't know much about the vastness of the land boundary, but at my level, how can we not know how big it is?" Xue Qingcheng continued.

"How is the situation over there at Jiu'er?" I asked again.

"I'm better than her here. After all, I'm stronger." Xue Qingcheng almost stopped laughing.

The old immortal who reported below was stunned for a moment, and said hurriedly: "Yes, as your Majesty found out, this is really ridiculous! But they are not ashamed of it, but proud of it!"

"Well, the Creator Saint already knows about this matter, and he will definitely solve it. Please step back first." Xue Qingcheng slowly raised her hand, and then called the next person.

A girl in official clothes hurriedly came forward, bowed respectfully to both of us, and then began a long report.

"Stop, let me say a few words."

I really feel that if I continue talking like this, I will definitely not be able to finish it for several days and nights. If I spend this time back in the Holy City, I might as well not come.

"Your Majesty, please tell me..." The girl looked worried, fearing that she had just said something wrong.

I smiled and said: "I listened, you actually have the way to solve the problem, but it is just hindered by a few points, first, insufficient resources, second, insufficient manpower, third, lack of ability, then I am Aren’t all your problems solved by solving these three problems of yours?”

After hearing this, the gods immediately started chatting quietly, making the scene look like a vegetable market.

I could only press my palms down and say: "Okay, if you think I can't solve your problem by solving these three problems, stand on my right side! The rest should stand on the left!"

As soon as I finished speaking, most people stood on the left side.

"Very good, those on the left go down first. Someone will naturally solve these three problems for you later. As for the rest, write down the specific problems first and send them in the form of a memorial. Then we can call it a day." I said. Wave your hands.

Seeing me throwing away the shopkeeper and driving away the gods, Xue Qingcheng saw that His Highness was left alone, so she couldn't help but pat me: "Is this how you solve the problem?"

"These are all small problems! I am the Holy Creator of the World. I am responsible for at least three thousand enlightenment universes, right? You actually asked me to solve the problems of your small enlightenment universe?" I laughed.

There were several times when Xue Qingcheng's mood changed the most.

He was ruthless and wise when we first met him.

The calmness and worry after getting to know each other later.

After giving birth to Ruxue, she became depressed after being infected.

That was when she was at her most dull and negative.

At that time, she forced herself to smile, and even when she attained enlightenment, she directly transformed herself into the Dao.

So much so that later on, consciousness was in a state of fragmentation.

So that was the most dangerous time.

It wasn't until I recovered later that I became what it is today.

That is already rejuvenation, which is equivalent to being reborn.

The memory was later restored, but Xue Qingcheng's subjective view of being younger has always been maintained.

In fact, I think it’s good to be younger.

Even now, ten thousand years later, at least he has not become depressed again.

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