Raising My Children With My Personal Spatial Ability

Chapter 756 It makes me sad just thinking about it!

Without looking at the price of the inner bead, she sold the body of Warcraft for one point and decisively gave the inner bead to Yannuo, feeling that there was no need for her to take advantage of Warcraft.

Unless she has the ability to collect all the slain monsters in Hua Yan Jue.

Otherwise, she can only accumulate points slowly.

"Mother, how are you?"

However, Yannuo was still there asking her.

After hearing this, her face darkened, she glared at him, turned around and left.

If she doesn't stay here, she will be of no use at all. She might as well hunt a few wild boars in Daqing Kingdom and earn a lot of points!

Yannuo saw that she had left, looked at the inner bead in his hand, turned around and quickly went to the hunting ground, randomly handed the inner bead to the guardian he knew, and left after explaining something.

"Promise, promise..."

Yan Qin shouted after him, but he didn't call him back.

No, he has to suggest to his master that he transfer Ye Chengzong over. He doesn’t want to be the captain, otherwise, none of his brothers will recognize him!

Back at Zhan Yun Camp, An Jiuyue returned to her tent angrily and sat there sulking.

When Qian Jiyun saw it, he left the two little ones to play by themselves. He also came to her tent and sat next to her. "Can you tell me something?"


An Jiuyue opened her mouth, but finally held back and didn't say anything about the space separator.

"I need seven million points now, but the corpses of those monsters are really disappointing. They all have two or three points each. I really..."

It makes me sad just thinking about it!

Qian Jiyun was also shocked when he heard seven million points.

He had generally known before that the points in Jiuyue Points Mall were very valuable. What did she want to get that required so many points?

For a moment, he really couldn't guess it.

"You can think of other ways. Your academy will be built soon."

An Jiuyue wanted to say that even after the academy was built and students were accepted to teach, the points would not increase so fast. She could not increase the points so fast even if she saved people.

That’s seven million points!

"Unless I sell something valuable, how can I get so many points?" She spread her hands and said.

If you point at the academy, don't expect it, there's no chance.

If she really wanted to point her finger at the academy, she would have to have academies all over the world. She doesn't have that ability yet.

"Master, master, you really have something good, something very valuable." In the space, Wei Na thought of something and reminded his master.

"What? Snowfish?"

An Jiuyue asked angrily, "Xueyu is not worth so many points. Even if they are all sold, it will not be enough. What's more, Wei Na has to point at Xueyu to maintain his human form."

"I didn't say snow fish, that thing is not very valuable." How could Wei Na give up the snow fish, but when it comes to value, the snow fish is definitely not as valuable as the thing he thought of.

"Don't you still have colorful lotus seeds? If you sell one set, if one is not enough, then sell two sets. You will definitely be able to sell a lot of points. What do you think?"

he reminded.

"Colorful lotus seeds?"

An Jiuyue's eyes lit up.

Yes, she still has colorful lotus seeds. She still has a lot of them, and they will bear fruit again next year.

It's not valuable here, but in the points mall, that's not necessarily the case.

"I'll try."

She rolled her eyes and decided to try colorful lotus seeds.

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