When they first came here, even if they just took over the original camp, it was not as easy as Fu Ming!

So, this is Qian Jiyun.

This is also the reason why he hates Qian Jiyun so much and wants to get rid of him quickly, because this person is so annoying!

Taking another deep breath, he exhaled heavily and gritted his teeth!

A few days passed by in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, Shang Ningyi had not sent someone to find Fu Ming, and Fu Ming was too happy to ignore it. Anyway, even if Shang Ningyi sent someone, he would not go.

He would go there only if he was stupid. At this moment, he was practicing with two little milk babies sitting beside him.

‘Gulu. ’

Suddenly, an inappropriate sound sounded.

The three people who were practicing were forced to interrupt, opened their eyes, and looked at that person.

"Gong Cheng, what on earth are you here for?"

Fu Ming gritted his teeth, looking at this unsatisfactory person, he was so angry that he was going to die.

When you meditate and practice, you usually won’t feel hungry even for a day or two. Just like him, now that he calms down and meditates, he won’t feel hungry even at night, because the endless source of original soul power in his body is supporting him. .

So, was Gong Cheng meditating or sleeping? His stomach was roaring loudly.

I really want to make him angry to death!

There are two children here. I don’t teach the good ones, but teach them to be bad. I have never seen such elders!

"I'm here to practice."

Gong Cheng was embarrassed to say that he actually came here to have a meal, but unfortunately he didn't. An Jiuyue was not here, and it was said that he went to refine the elixir.

He was also surprised. An Jiuyue had temporarily lost her original soul power just a few days ago, and her second brother was always guarding her.

How come you can refine elixirs again so soon?

Isn't this original soul power restored too quickly? It was a bit unprepared for him to come here for a meal.


Fu Ming smiled coldly.

"Are you trying to say that you have practiced so much that you are hungry? Did you not eat enough in the morning?"


Gong Cheng couldn't answer for a while. He was full in the morning, but it didn't affect his hunger.

Could it be that he was hungry? Besides, he couldn't tell when he would be hungry. He didn't have the ability to control his stomach so that it wouldn't be hungry, right?

"This may be my natural reaction. Isn't it noon? It's reminding me that it's time to eat, but I'm really not hungry, really."

He said stiffly.

"No more talking, no more talking, keep practicing."

With that said, the first one closed his eyes and entered the cultivation state.

Fu Ming glanced at him, then gave the two little guys a look, telling them to continue practicing obediently, and then he closed his eyes and entered the cultivation state.

As for Gong Cheng, whether he was practicing or sleeping was none of his business.

If someone doesn't want to work hard, it's useless no matter how hard he forces it.

In fact, he had really wronged Gong Cheng. He was really practicing hard and had not fallen behind for a moment in the past few days. But his stomach wanted to growl and he really couldn't control it.

Among the space medicinal spirits.

An Jiuyue already has medicinal plants such as Ten Thousand Poison Ginseng, Rainyin Flower, Eight-leaf Nine Ice Grass, Bloody Bodhi Fruit, etc., as well as bract ice heartworm as a medicinal herb, allowing her to refine the Nine Yang Pill. for success.

These medicinal plants are extremely precious, especially the Bloody Bodhi Fruit. Naturally, it is impossible to use a whole one. Just cutting a small piece is enough to refine a batch of elixirs.

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