On the grass outside the forest on the top of Black Wind Mountain, a brand new wooden house stands.

At this moment, the door of the wooden house was pushed open, and Zhou Qing, dressed in a blue robe, walked out.


Zhou Qing stood on the grass outside the wooden house, his clothes moving without wind.

His blood and qi were boiling, and strong blood and qi gushed out from his skin and pores, and finally turned into blood-colored smoke and soared into the sky, gathering above his head to form a blood-colored mist that looked like a real thing. From a distance, it looked like a wolf smoke.

On the surface of the blood and qi wolf smoke, there was a layer of translucent dark purple gas mask, and black smoke rose from it, which looked extremely strange.

As Zhou Qing's true essence, blood and strength operated, the dark purple gas mask could condense and dissipate at will.

On the grass that came into contact with the gas mask, the weeds that were originally full of vitality were now rapidly blackening, withering, and turning into dust at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Poison Dragon True Qi, it's completely done!"

Zhou Qing couldn't help but show a happy expression.

Under the stimulation of Lan Canghai before, his cultivation successfully broke through to the sixth blood exchange.

After returning to Black Wind Mountain, he used the meat of the tiger demon Tai Sui to prepare a medicinal bath, which not only stabilized his realm, but also made the Poison Dragon Golden Body further advanced.

[Skill: Poison Dragon Golden Body·Volume 2]

[Progress: Mastery (628/120000)]

[Effect: Poison Dragon Blood Sac, Poison Dragon True Qi]

Poison Dragon Golden Body has entered the mastery stage. Zhou Qing can now stimulate the Poison Dragon True Qi at will, which can be said to be a great improvement in strength.

If he faces Feng Xingyun who has exchanged blood eight times now, he probably doesn't need to use the Gu Dao and the Shinto means, and the Poison Dragon True Qi alone can kill him.

The fourth level of blood exchange, the gap becomes larger as you go on.

The Qi and Blood Wolf Smoke Realm and the Qi and Blood Long Dragon Realm are a watershed in the combat power of the Blood Exchange Realm, because after seven blood exchanges, the Qi and Blood are highly condensed and can leave the body, realize complete materialization, and directly cause damage to the enemy.

The strength difference between seven blood exchanges and six blood exchanges is at least twice. Eight blood exchanges in the same realm, although only a level improvement, can at least increase the Qi and Blood by 40% to 50%, and the improvement in combat power is even greater.

"It is still more obvious to raise Gu to improve combat power. Cultivate a powerful combat Gu worm, and the combat power will skyrocket immediately."

Although the martial arts cultivation has skyrocketed, it is not something worth getting excited about for him now.

It is already extremely exaggerated that he can have a combat power comparable to the Qi and Blood Long Dragon Realm in the Qi and Blood Wolf Smoke Realm. If he can kill eight or nine blood exchanges, it will be simply against the sky in the eyes of other warriors.

But the improvement of martial arts still requires a basic law. It is almost impossible to cross two realms and fight against the martial artist in the Qi and Blood Furnace Realm by relying on the Qi and Blood Smoke Realm.

The upgrade of martial arts is step by step, emphasizing stability, and all strength comes from oneself.

"After all, the strength of the physical body has increased a lot, and it can last longer under the power of heaven and earth."

Zhou Qing dispersed the Qi on the surface of the body and took back the Qi and blood.

At this time, Zhou Qing took out a foot-long red centipede from the Yuanqiao, which was Chi Yan.

Chi Yan lay in his palm, motionless, only the inside of the body, with a barely detectable red light.

The terrifying heat that was originally released anytime and anywhere has disappeared without a trace at this time. Zhou Qing held it in his hand and even felt a faint cold touch.

This of course does not mean that Chi Yan is dead.

In the battle with Lan Canghai, Chi Yan was broken by the opponent and suffered a slight injury.

However, with the powerful vitality of the Gu worm, this injury is nothing, especially the grade of Chi Yan is as high as the second-grade top grade, which is not comparable to ordinary Gu worms.

The reason why Chi Yan fell into a deep sleep and underwent such a strange change was because Zhou Qing let it devour Lan Canghai's body.

Although Lan Canghai died, he was a top-level strong man who had exchanged blood twelve times and stepped half a foot into the three flowers gathering top. His blood was extremely pure and condensed.

The most important thing is that he had used three pieces of degenerate god seed fragments to impact the three flowers gathering top before his death. Although he failed to break through the barrier and consumed the power of the degenerate god seed fragments, there were three pieces after all.

Shortly after devouring Lan Canghai's body, Chi Yan's injuries recovered quickly. In just a few days, all its severed legs grew out.

During Zhou Qing's training, Chi Yan gradually fell into a deep sleep.

"I don't know if Chi Yan can break through the limit this time."

Zhou Qing put Chi Yan in his palm and played with it for a while, and then took it back to Yuanqiao.

The red flame has grown to its limit and cannot evolve again, but it can refine five of the seven pieces of degenerate god seed fragments in a row, and maybe it can create a miracle.

Otherwise, Zhou Qing will have to try to refine them together.

"The Sky Fire Centipede is the result of the Yin attribute power reaching its extreme, and the Yin attribute generating Yang. Now the Sky Fire Lava Centipede may have reached the extreme of the Yang attribute power and undergo a second transformation."

Zhou Qing thought secretly in his heart.

This kind of Gu worm is extremely rare. If it were not for the degenerate god seed fragment, he would not be able to cultivate the Sky Fire Lava Centipede.

"Ice Evil Gu, Sky Fire Lava Centipede, one Yin and one Yang, maybe."

As soon as this idea appeared in Zhou Qing's mind, it grew wildly like weeds.

However, he did not have the courage and guts to try to refine them together.

The Sky Fire Lava Centipede and the Ice Evil Gu were the two strongest Gu worms in his hands.

Now that the Sky Fire Lava Centipede has fallen into a deep sleep, his combat power has been greatly reduced.

If something goes wrong with two Gu worms, then most of his Gu Dao combat power will be lost instantly.

"Let's wait a little longer. Let's cultivate the Ice Demon Gu to the second level and then make a long-term plan."

The results of this victory have not yet been digested, so Zhou Qing decided to play it safe.

He continued to stay on the mountain to practice and cultivate Gu insects, and at the same time began to refine the second-level 'Marrow Cleansing Pill'.

More than a month has passed since Lan Canghai died.

The Witch God Cult began to significantly shrink its sphere of influence, and its strongholds in many places were removed.

In a very short period of time, the followers of the Wushen Cult disappeared from major cities.

This matter could not be hidden from other people, but not from the powerful forces in Nanli County.

Just when Zhou Qing was seizing the time to digest the results of this battle, there was a big move in Nanli County.

Every once in a while, Miaoyin would come to give Zhou Qing a change of clothes. This day, she came to the mountain and brought Zhou Qing some not-so-good news.

"The captain of Shenwei Camp came to Black Mountain Town?! And he brought hundreds of soldiers with him?"

Zhou Qing frowned slightly.

Today's captain of the Shenwei Camp is no longer Han Wending, but Sima Changhe, who airborne from Shuntian Mansion. His martial arts cultivation has been changed eleven times.

For the current Zhou Qing, who has only reached the peak of twelve blood exchanges, he is afraid of the extremely powerful people who touch the threshold of the Three Flowers Gathering.

Eleven times of blood exchange, at most let him pay attention.

Even if the Sky Fire Lava Centipede is temporarily unable to fight, with the rest of the Gu worms and the divine power of the golden body, he is not afraid of Sima Changhe in a single fight.

The only problem is that Sima Changhe was sent by the palace master.

It is not yet known whether there is a grand master in the Three Flowers Gathering Realm in Shuntian Mansion, but there should be one at the peak of twelve blood exchanges.

The master of Shuntian Mansion comes from the main lineage of the Sima family, has the support of the imperial court, and can sway people from Zhongzhou when encountering problems. The great master may not appear easily, but the peak of twelve blood exchanges is definitely there.

"Not necessarily looking for trouble."

Zhou Qing thought to himself, and went down the mountain with Miaoyin, returning to Heishan Town.

I saw a group of soldiers in black armor stationed outside the town. Each of these soldiers was wearing full-body armor, with the visors covering their faces. Only their eyes and hands were exposed.

The tall horse beside him is also armored and looks extremely fierce.

The residents of the town took a detour when they saw it from afar, and even the warriors did not dare to approach.

Zhou Qing glanced at these people and found that they were all muscle-training warriors, obviously elites selected from the Shenwei Camp.

He quickly returned to Shiqiao Lane and found four soldiers in black armor standing on the steps at the entrance of Baiyun Martial Arts Hall. In addition, there were some apprentices standing at the door.

"It's Sixth Senior Brother!"

"Sixth Brother is here!"

When the apprentices saw Zhou Qing, they all looked happy.

"What are you all doing standing here?!" Zhou Qing was stunned.

"These people blocked the door as soon as they came!"

"They won't let us in!"

Seeing the support of Zhou Qing, a great martial artist in the blood exchange realm, the apprentices immediately felt emboldened and expressed their dissatisfaction one after another.

"what happened?"

Zhou Qing walked up the steps and came to the four people.

One of them was about to speak, but another soldier stepped forward. He took a step forward and explained respectfully to Zhou Qing:

"I've seen the former General! The Captain and Martial Master Wei were talking in the front hall. The warriors in the front yard were too noisy, so we restricted the number of people entering the martial arts hall."

Zhou Qing raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "This is not Camp Shenwei, get out of my way."

"Yes!" Upon seeing this, the black-armored soldier bowed and waved to the other three people, who immediately followed him and retreated down the steps.

Zhou Qing stepped into the front yard. The apprentices who were blocked at the door followed him and walked inside. Before entering, they glanced at the black-armored soldiers provocatively.

However, the four people showed no reaction, as if they didn't see it.

Zhou Qing passed through the front yard, walked through the corridor and came to the front hall.

Outside the front hall, there were also four black-armored soldiers standing. The four were of considerable strength and were all Bone Refining Realm martial artists.

"I've met Martial Master Zhou."

When the four of them saw Zhou Qing arriving, they all bowed respectfully.

Zhou Qing nodded slightly and looked towards the hall. He saw a middle-aged man wearing a black python robe sitting on the main seat, and Wei Sheng was smiling to accompany him.

"Ah Qing, you're here." Seeing Zhou Qing appear, Wei Sheng's smile relaxed.

Zhou Qing entered the front hall. While he was sizing up the middle-aged man, the other man was also sizing him up.

"I've met Captain Sima."

Zhou Qing came to Sima Changhe and bowed to him.

"Are you Zhou Qing?" Sima Changhe looked strange and sighed:

"Sure enough, you are extremely talented! Even among the younger generation of my Sima family, there are not many people of your age who have your level of cultivation.

Last time you rushed to Shenwei Camp in a hurry, I was preoccupied with many things and couldn't see you. Otherwise, Wending must let you stay in the camp and serve the imperial court! "

"Lord Sima, you are ridiculous. In front of the Sima family, how dare you call me a genius." Zhou Qing said politely.

"Alas! Why do you have to be so modest! If you were from my Sima clan, you would probably have become a famous young talent in Central Province. Of course, it's not too late now. I remember that you joined the Demon Suppression Division before. Later, you entered the Shenwei camp, which shows that you are destined to the imperial court. "

Sima Changhe seemed to admire Zhou Qing very much and wanted to win him over to serve the court.

"I am lazy by nature and am used to being unorganized. I am still not used to the constraints of rules. Now I am satisfied as a martial artist in a martial arts school and devote myself to training on weekdays. I apologize for letting Captain Sima's hard work go down."

Zhou Qing declined, saying that no matter whether Sima Changhe was sincere or not, he was not willing to join the court.

"In that case, I can't force anyone to do anything difficult for me." Hearing this, the smile on Sima Changhe's face gradually faded.

"However, I heard some rumors about you, and I feel a little bad about you. It is said that you have barbarian blood, and the leader of the Ice Spirit Tribe personally went to southern Xinjiang and brought you back. I don't know if this is true."

Sima Changhe changed the subject.

"It is indeed true, but there is another hidden secret in it." Zhou Qing said thoughtfully.

"The leader of the Ice Spirit Tribe did find me and said that my ancestors had the blood of the Ice Spirit Tribe and wanted to bring me back to recognize my ancestors. However, I refused, so the leader of the Ice Spirit Tribe left me in Wuxi, thinking Force me to submit.

I finally returned to southern Xinjiang with great difficulty, and I don’t want to have anything to do with the Wuxi barbarians anymore. "

Zhou Qing started to make nonsense, but the other party couldn't verify it with Wanqi Zongyuan anyway.

In the final analysis, it still depends on whether the other party is willing to dig deeper and intensify the conflict.

Today's Zhou Qing has the will to be reasonable and the confidence to flip the table.

"I see, then the next thing will be easier to handle." Sima Changhe nodded.

"It is said that the leader of the Wushen Sect was killed by the old sect leader of the Wudu Sect and the ancestor of the Su family. Now Fucheng will take action against the Wuxi barbarians, so I ordered me to clear the obstacles in advance to prevent the Wushen Sect from colluding with Wuxi.

So starting from today, the Shenwei Battalion will conduct large-scale raids in areas such as Black Wind Mountain, Huanglong Mountain, and Jiulian Mountain, striving to exterminate the remnants of the Witch God Sect as soon as possible.

I came here today just to get some information from you, a survivor. "

"The leader of the Wushen Cult is dead?!" Zhou Qing looked shocked. He didn't believe what Sima Changhe said.

"You don't know about this?" Sima Changhe frowned slightly.

"In the battle that day, three top masters fought fiercely. The old sect leader asked me to leave first. I dare not stay." Zhou Qing shook his head helplessly.

"The leader of the Witch God Sect is really dead? What happened to the old sect leader?" Wei Sheng on the side showed concern.

"According to reliable information, the three of them died together." Sima Changhe said solemnly.

"Old Sect Master!" Wei Sheng was startled, his face full of grief.

"My condolences to Master Wei." Sima Changhe said: "Everything is the fault of the Witch God Sect. I am here to hope that you local warriors can cooperate with the actions of the Shenwei Camp. Anyone who kills the members of the Witch God Sect will be punished. A commendation from the imperial court.”

"This matter needs to be discussed with the local martial arts master." Seeing that Wei Sheng was extremely sad and unable to control himself, Zhou Qing added at the right time.

It seems that Sima Changhe is still not sure whether Lan Canghai is really dead, but he wants to seize the territory previously occupied by the Wushen Cult. He plans to use local warriors like them as cannon fodder to fight against the Wushen Cult. It is really a good calculation.

"Everyone in the world, including the royal family, I believe these martial artists will understand the truth." Sima Changhe spoke in an official tone, with a hint of threat.

"The matter of persuading the local martial arts masters will be left to the Baiyun Martial Arts School. I have other important matters to attend to, so I will leave first."

After saying this, Sima Changhe stood up and left.

"Captain Sima, let's go slowly!" Zhou Qing said with a smile. When Sima Changhe left, his smile instantly faded.

Let them convince the local martial arts masters. Once these people suffer losses in the battle with the Wushen Cult, or if the court fails to fulfill its promise afterwards, these people will first blame the Baiyun Martial Arts School.

Even if their current strength can dominate one side, they cannot offend everyone.

Sima Changhe is really good at calculating.

"Ah Qing, what should we do now?" Wei Sheng's face was solemn, and neither of them wanted to offend.

"Master, don't worry, I will solve this matter." Zhou Qing nodded, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

How can you allow others to sleep soundly under the couch?

That night, Zhou Qing left Black Mountain Town and went straight to the main altar of the Wushen Sect.

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