
A huge ice crystal dragonfly Gu fell from the sky through the clouds and landed on the top of Black Wind Mountain.

Zhou Qing, who sensed the movement, walked out of the wooden house.

Wanqi Zongyuan, Wu Hongyang and Wu Xia jumped off the ice crystal dragonfly Gu.

Zhou Qing greeted him and bowed: "Meet the clan leader and the two messengers."

Wanqi Zongyuan smiled and nodded, and suddenly his expression changed, and he said in surprise: "You broke through?!"

"I got something when I returned this time, and I broke through by chance."

Zhou Qing said with a smile.

"This is not a fluke." Wanqi Zongyuan shook his head.

It took them more than a year to go to the Central Plains to do business, which is a long time for ordinary people.

But for a second-level cultivator, more than a year is nothing.

After all, after reaching the second level, it may take several years or even more than ten years to cultivate a small realm.

At this time, Wu Hongyang looked at Zhou Qing and said with interest:

"Zongzheng's blood seems to have greatly improved! Could it be that his martial arts skills have also improved greatly?

When we came, we heard that some major events had happened in Southern Xinjiang recently, and it seemed to be related to you."

"I was just a bystander who escaped with my life in the battle between the three top masters of the Five Poison Sect, the Su Family, and the Wushen Sect." Zhou Qing smiled helplessly, and directly skipped the time when his martial arts skills were improved.

"Not even the third level, how can it be called the top?!"

Wu Xia curled her lips and said with some disdain.

As a disciple of the Tianqing lineage of the Jinhong Dao, this time when she went to Zhongzhou, she was a grandmaster of the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top, and she was also very courteous to her. She had a natural sense of superiority over the warriors in the Southern Xinjiang region.

Wu Hongyang looked a little embarrassed, "Junior sister speaks quite directly, please don't mind, Zongzheng."

"The messenger is telling the truth." Zhou Qing smiled. Given their backgrounds, they naturally looked down on cultivators below the third level.

"Zongzheng, we are going to return to the Bingling Clan after finishing our business. Do you want to go with us?"

Wanqi Zongyuan took the initiative to change the subject.

Zhou Qing couldn't help but look apologetic when he heard this: "Clan leader, I want to stay here for a while.

The martial arts training resources in the southern Xinjiang area are richer than those in the Qilian Mountains, which is more conducive to the improvement of martial arts.

Compared to the qualifications of a Gu Master, my martial arts roots are stronger.

If I return to the Bingling clan, when the Wanshou Blessed Land opens in eighteen years, my Gu Dao cultivation may not be able to reach the peak of the second level.

But if I stay in the southern Xinjiang, maybe in eighteen years, my martial arts cultivation can be cultivated to the peak of twelve blood exchanges, and I can get a glimpse of the realm of three flowers gathering at the top.

By then, I hope to gain more benefits in the test of the Wanshou Blessed Land."

"This" Wanqi Zongyuan hesitated.

In his opinion, although Zhou Qing did not have the qualifications of a Gu Master, he only relied on the four-flavor wine worm to obtain the true essence comparable to the second-class qualifications, but he had a talent far beyond ordinary people in refining Gu, and he might be able to cultivate the seven-fragrant wine worm to impact the third level.

Moreover, if more time is spent on cultivating the spirit-subduing Gu, there is still hope that the Gu Master's qualifications can be truly upgraded to the third grade, or even the second grade.

Specializing in Gu Dao should be faster than practicing martial arts.

However, Wanqi Zongyuan was sensing Zhou Qing's powerful blood and qi at this time, and he really could not refute the fact that Zhou Qing's martial arts roots were stronger.

According to this training speed, I am afraid that before Wanshou Fudi opens again, he really has the hope of impacting the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top.

A forty-year-old Grandmaster of the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top is no worse than a third-level Venerable.

But in this way, Zhou Qing's hope of obtaining the inheritance of Wanshou Fudi is small.

The earth spirit of Wanshou Fudi will definitely give priority to Gu Masters as inheritors, otherwise high-level warriors in the Central Plains will also come to compete for the inheritance of the blessed land.

"Since Zongzheng thinks that martial arts practice is faster, the clan leader should respect his own wishes."

Wu Hongyang suddenly spoke for Zhou Qing.

Of course, he was not out of kindness.

Because he also wanted to compete for the inheritance of Wanshou Fudi.

Zhou Qing's talent has reached a level that cannot be ignored.

If he cultivates to the state of the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top within 18 years, he can better assist him and his junior sister in obtaining the inheritance in the Wanshou Blessed Land.

But if Zhou Qing cultivates to the point of breaking through the third level of Gu Dao, there will be one more powerful competitor in the Blessed Land Trial, and it is unknown who will get the inheritance in the end.

"In that case, I can't say much more." Wanqi Zongyuan nodded, feeling sorry, but it was not easy to persuade him.

"By the way, I wonder how much vitality the Jiangling Gu has recovered during this period? I still have some blood essence brought back from my master, which can be given to Zongzheng to cultivate the Jiangling Gu."

Wu Hongyang suddenly changed the subject and took out a palm-sized porcelain bottle. As soon as the porcelain bottle came into contact with the air, a layer of frost condensed on the surface.

"The vitality of the Jiangling Gu cannot be restored in a short time." Zhou Qing sighed. He had just awakened the martial arts spirit body with the help of the Jiangling Gu a few days ago. The current state of the Jiangling Gu is similar to when he first got it.

Now, less than 40% of the Ice Soul Black Spider's blood essence remains. Zhou Qing plans to use another portion of the Ice Soul Black Spider's blood essence to restore the Soul-Subduing Gu when he returns it.

This is considered to be a complete repayment of Wanqi Zongyuan's two life-saving favors.

As for now, he has no plans to continue cultivating the Soul-Subduing Gu.

After all, it is difficult to improve the martial arts spirit body and the first-class Gu Master's qualifications.

Even if it can be improved, this amount of blood essence will not work.

As for Wu Hongyang's thoughts, Zhou Qing saw through it at a glance.

How could the other party be so kind as to give the second generation ancestor of the Ice Spirit Clan the blood essence for nothing?

I am afraid that he has evil intentions towards the Soul-Calling Gu again and wants to see to what extent the Soul-Calling Gu has recovered.

"I have agreed to give Zong Zheng the right to use the Soul-Calling Gu for twenty years. I believe that such a long time is enough for Zong Zheng to slowly restore the vitality of the Soul-Calling Gu." Wanqi Zongyuan obviously saw Wu Hongyang's thoughts and spoke for Zhou Qing.

Seeing this, Wu Hongyang hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to use the Soul-Calling Gu again.

Last time I used the Soul-Calling Gu, I was careless for a moment, which caused the Soul-Calling Gu to lose its vitality. I feel sorry for it."

As he said, Wu Hongyang presented the porcelain bottle.

He did have the intention to check the Soul-Calling Gu again, but since he had been seen through by the two, he couldn't say anything.

Anyway, there was not much blood essence left, so he took this opportunity to ease the relationship with Zhou Qing, and eighteen years later, he would use Zhou Qing to obtain the inheritance of the Wanshou Fudi.

It must be said that he had a very good plan.

"Then I would like to thank the envoy on behalf of the Ice Spirit Clan." Seeing this, Wanqi Zongyuan took the porcelain bottle and handed it to Zhou Qing.

"Thank you, envoy." Zhou Qing took the porcelain bottle. Now that he had awakened his Ice Soul Spirit Body, he was extremely sensitive to the blood of the black spider. There were probably only a few drops of blood in it.

"We are all members of the Ice Spirit Clan, so there is no need to be so polite." Wu Hongyang smiled with satisfaction. It didn't matter whether he was sincere or not. Eighteen years later, he had plenty of ways to get Zhou Qing to help.

"After explaining the matter clearly, return early." Wu Xia was a little impatient. She just wanted to return to the Ice Spirit Clan as soon as possible to inform her master that the mission was successfully completed so that she could get a reward.

"Okay. Zongzheng, take care of yourself." Wu Hongyang smiled. Wu Xia's attitude just made Zhou Qing realize the reality and know who is the most suitable person to cooperate with.

After all, there can only be one person to inherit the blessed land, and Wu Xia is also his competitor.

"If you need anything, you can ask Miaoyin to contact the clan, and I will send someone to deliver it. Or you can go back to the clan to get it." Wanqi Zongyuan advised.

"Take care." Zhou Qing was touched when he heard this. He bowed to Wanqi Zongyuan and made a decision in his heart.

After the three of them left quietly on the ice crystal dragonfly Gu, Zhou Qing's face turned cold.

"If you want to compete with me for the Wanshou Blessing Land, I hope you will have this life in eighteen years!"

Zhou Qing's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Wu Hongyang and Wu Xia, relying on the Jinhong Dao and the shadow of the master, can be arrogant in front of him.

When the Wanshou Blessing Land is opened, these gaps will be leveled, surpassed, and then left far behind.

"Maybe the martial arts cultivation can really catch up." Zhou Qing thought secretly, the martial arts spirit body has a significant improvement on the martial arts cultivation, which is the main reason why he is unwilling to return to the Bingling clan.

Although the Qilian Mountains also have many precious resources that are rarely seen in the outside world, if we talk about the complete variety of martial arts training resources, it has to be Nanjiang, because Nanjiang is backed by the Central Plains. As long as you have money and strength, it is easy to gather at least the training resources of the blood exchange realm.

Zhou Qing needs to prepare the elixir for the impact of the three flowers gathering in advance.

Although he has awakened the martial arts spirit body and will not encounter bottlenecks, it does not mean that his success rate of breakthrough is 100%.

If a thing has an 80% to 90% success rate, and can continue to improve the success rate without paying a huge price, then it is necessary to do it.

And the elixir that Zhou Qing wants to prepare is called "Tianling Pill", which is one of the most difficult pills to refine among the second-level pills.

The main function of Tianling Pill is to increase the toughness of the meridians.

In addition, there is the third-level "Wufu Duanyuan Pill", which can strengthen the five internal organs. Even the martial saints in the realm of Wuqi Chaoyuan will use this pill.

The amount of heaven and earth power that Zhou Qing needs to absorb when breaking through the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top of the Head is incomparable to the amount that Zhou Qing absorbs during his usual cultivation. Naturally, the more the better.

The more heaven and earth power he bears, the more benefits he will get after the breakthrough.

Zhou Qing has a profound foundation, and he pursues a perfect breakthrough. Fortunately, after the breakthrough, his cultivation continues to advance by leaps and bounds.

[Profession: Alchemist]

[Skill: Alchemy]

[Progress: Superb (361/800)]

Since alchemy has entered the superb stage, the improvement speed has slowed down significantly.

Only by refining these difficult pills can the progress be accelerated.

It just so happens that Zhou Qing has this need, so he can kill two birds with one stone.

Moreover, the Tianling Pill can be used by the warriors around him, and in the future it can be used as a strategic resource for the sect, rewarded to meritorious disciples, and increase cohesion.

Theoretically, with his current level of alchemy, he can also try to refine third-level pills.

If you can refine or buy the Five Prefectures Refining Yuan Dan in Zhongzhou, you can truly achieve a perfect breakthrough.

"It seems that I need to go to Zhongzhou in person in the future, but before that, I'd better find Yao Xuewei to understand the situation."

Zhou Qing pondered in his heart. Although Nanjiang is large, it is only a prefecture.

There are as many as 54 prefectures in the entire Zhongzhou. The Sima family of the Great Jin royal family directly governs only 12 prefectures, and the other 42 prefectures are co-governed with local aristocratic families.

Yao Xuewei's Yao family is located in Jinyun Prefecture, close to Shuntian Prefecture, about 10,000 miles away.

The Yao family is one of the largest families in Shuntian Prefecture. The ancestor of the Yao family is a grandmaster in the realm of the three flowers gathering at the top of the head, and he has condensed the earth flower among the three flowers of heaven, earth, and man. He is not an ordinary grandmaster.

Although Yao Xuewei is not a direct descendant of the Yao family, she can still have a say in the Yao family at the Blood Exchange Realm. Zhou Qing plans to use Yao Xuewei's relationship to test how deep the water in Zhongzhou is.

Now the mountain gate of the Wandu Sect has just been established, so there is no need to rush.

But it does not mean that Zhou Qing has no plans.

The first step of the Wandu Sect is to achieve large-scale silkworm breeding.

The second step is to scale up poisonous insect breeding, and finally reach the level of mass production of low-level poisonous insects.

Related derivative industries will also involve the production of various highly toxic substances.

The so-called poison and poison medicine are inseparable, so a chain of pharmacies must be opened.

If you are poisoned by the Wandu Sect's special poison, it is best to go to the Wandu Sect's pharmacy to detoxify and maximize your profits.

Silver is not easy to use in the world of poison masters, but in the world of warriors, as long as you are rich enough, many resources can still be bought.

At least resources below the third level can be obtained by spending money.

Of course, the industry of the Wandu Sect will only be centered on Black Wind Mountain and Huanglong Mountain at the beginning, and spread to the surrounding areas.

But as long as it forms a scale and snowballs, it will expand rapidly.

As long as there are strong people in charge, it is only a matter of time before the Wandu Sect dominates the southern border.

It can even enter Zhongzhou in the future.

Although personal force is the most important factor, the power of one person is ultimately limited.

If there are tens of thousands of people mass-breeding hundreds of millions of poisonous insects, the emergence of mutant poisonous insects will be an inevitable event.

This is not the amount of work that Zhou Qing can complete by raising Gu alone.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qing returned to Heishan Town and wrote a letter to Yao Xuewei.

Most of the large local business houses in southern Xinjiang come from Jinyun Mansion. As long as you spend a little more money and let the caravan take a letter to the Yao family, it is not a difficult thing, but it takes a long time.

It may take more than half a year to go back and forth.

When Zhou Qing first moved to Nanli County City, he wrote a letter to Yao Xuewei.

When the caravan brought back the letter, eight months had passed.

However, Zhou Qing was not in a hurry to go to Zhongzhou, so he could wait even for one or two years.

Now that Wei Sheng has recovered his foundation, his cultivation has reached the seventh blood exchange, and Wei Hongyu has also broken through to the sixth blood exchange with the support of his elixir.

In one or two years, it is easy for Zhou Qing to break through another level.

But it may not be the case for others.

However, he still plans to push Wei Hongyu to the Qi and Blood Long Dragon realm of seven blood exchanges before leaving.

Anyway, there are still many raw materials for the marrow cleansing pill. He can now use the power of heaven and earth to practice. Most of the second-level pills are not very meaningful to him, but they can be used by people around him.

In addition, the Wei family members practice the Qingmu Sutra of wood attributes, so it is likely that they can withstand the Yuanhun Jindan refined by the essence of the black spider.

Some time ago, Zhou Qing refined a Yuanhun Jindan and gave it to Miaoyin, who has been serving him attentively.

Miaoyin herself came from the Bingling clan, so she was able to refine the Yuanhun Jindan with only two blood exchanges, and finally broke through to three blood exchanges in one fell swoop.

Although the Wei family did not have the blood of the Ice Spirit Clan, their realm was high enough. As the wood attribute was a lower attribute of the ice attribute, the compatibility was also high enough. They should be able to adapt to the effect by refining some low-quality Yuanhun Jindan first.

Most people did not have the opportunity to cultivate to the Qi and Blood Furnace Realm, let alone the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top, so taking Yuanhun Jindan and being affected by the bloodline shackles in the future did not exist for them at all.

Zhou Qing naturally hoped to use the remaining Ice Soul Black Spider bloodline to benefit the people close to him.

If Wu Hongyang and Wu Xia had not been by his side just now, Zhou Qing would have handed the Yuanhun Jindan to Wanqi Zongyuan.

A year passed quietly, and Yao Xuewei's letter was finally delivered to Zhou Qing.

It had been two months since he broke through to the eighth blood exchange.

Yao Xuewei's letter contained a lot of content, and there was a hint of resentment in the text.

The last content mentioned that she had already been engaged, and wanted Zhou Qing to go to Jinyun Mansion to see her again.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing explained the situation to the people around him and immediately set off for Jinyun Mansion in Zhongzhou.

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