Rampant Online Games

Chapter 595: You Can Level Up Even While Lying Down

Chapter 595

"Yibo Yuntian's shocking treasure! Please take a photo!"

"Jingbao! I'm your fan!"

"Don't be surprised! Can you join our guild!"

Along the way, countless enthusiastic passers-by players rushed forward.

Chu Jing had no airs, responded with a smile, and satisfied them.

After finally arriving at the garrison, Lie Yantao pretended to be jealous and said, "Brother, I used to have a good time wherever I went, but now walking with you is like a clown."

Chu Jing touched his nose: "I'm sorry Brother Tao, I didn't expect this to happen."

He really didn't expect passers-by to change him so quickly.

Isn't it just that he still treats himself as a joke, all kinds of sympathy?

Start raving about yourself right now?

It can only be said that Chu Jing's counterattack worked.

The major hostile guilds did not establish him as a "public enemy of the whole server".


A guard from the barracks shouted loudly.

Chu Jing immediately showed the captain's medal.

The guard showed shock and chose to let him go.

After Chu Jing and others entered the garrison, they found that there were many wounded in the barracks.

There are many soldiers on the side of the road with bandages on their bodies.

Some have blood on their foreheads, and they all look like they have just experienced a hard battle.

"It seems that Warlord Smith's battle is not easy."

Chu Jing knew the truth.

Although I don't know the result, but judging by the situation of the battalion full of wounded soldiers, even if they win, it is still a miserable victory.

"Dear warrior, can I serve?"

The enchantress, who had no sense of existence, suddenly walked in front of a wounded soldier.

The soldier showed surprise, but still nodded and said: "My wound is very painful, and the medical materials are in short supply at the moment. If you can bring me pain-relieving herbs, I will be happy."

"Hey, the mission is released, please help the soldiers find painkillers..."

Because it is a team mode, both Chu Jing and Lie Yantao can see the tasks sent by the soldiers to Yao Ji.

Both of them were a little speechless.

We're here to do big things.

Sister Yao Ji, are you still serious about these small tasks?

"Accept the mission!"

Without asking the two allies, Colorful Enchantress chose to accept the task.

Then, a new side mission appeared on the panel of the three of them.

"Sister Yao Ji, stop making trouble, we are here to hand over the mission of the Ostrich King, why are you wasting time doing these side quests?"

Lie Yan Tao said angrily: "It's not a big task to help this soldier find herbs, whether it's experience or gold rewards, it's not much!"

The colorful demon girl turned her head, blinked her eyes and smiled, "How can I let go when I encounter tasks? What's more, these tasks are very simple for me!"

She turned around and took out a gourd and handed it to the soldier.

The wounded soldier wondered: "What is this?"

The Colorful Enchantress smiled and said: "This is pain-relief wine, something I brewed, you can drink a little and try."

"Painkiller wine?"

The wounded soldier was skeptical, but the wound hurt badly, so he gritted his teeth and took a sip.

Gulu Gulu!

Soon, the half-gourd wine was drunk, and the pain subsided on the soldier's face, showing excitement: "Oh my God! I feel the wound is numb, and it seems that there is no pain anymore. This pain-relieving wine is amazing!"

"Thank you very much, colorful enchantress warrior, this is a reward for you!"

"Drip, the task of rescuing the soldiers is completed, the experience value is 5000, and the silver coin is 10..."

When the mission prompt came, both Chu Jing and Lie Yantao were full of question marks.


This is a mission?

Although this reward is very small, it is similar to mosquito meat.

But the two still couldn't help being stunned.

After all, this is their first "laying mission", lying down without doing anything.

At this moment, the Colorful Enchantress walked in front of the other soldiers.

"Mr. Soldiers, do you need help?"

"Ours hurts, if you could give me some painkillers..."

"Hey, the mission is released, rescue the soldiers..."

Next, the Colorful Enchantress began her superb performance.

She keeps taking missions.

In the end, she received a total of hundreds of soldiers' "pain relief" tasks!

Afterwards, she kept taking painkiller wine out of her bag, and every soldier looked excited after drinking it.

"Drip, the task of rescuing the soldiers is completed, the experience value is 5000, and the silver coin is 10..."

"Drip, the task of rescuing the soldiers is completed, the experience value is 5000, and the silver coin is 10..."

"Drip, the task of rescuing the soldiers is completed, the experience value is 5000, and the silver coin is 10..."

There were no surprises, and the screen continued to be reminded of task completion.

At this time, Chu Jing and Lie Yan Tao Tao's hearts were overwhelmed.


That's okay too?

Can clear tasks without doing anything?

Depend on!

We misunderstood the enchantress girl.

She is a high-end player!

Later, after all the soldiers were rescued, Chu Jing and Lie Yan Tao Tao gained a total of 1.5 million experience points!

What concept?

Now all three of them are level 40.

Upgrading requires about a million experience points!

And these tasks alone are enough for everyone to upgrade!

Chu Jing had already accumulated some experience!

No surprises, this time he got mixed points, and he directly gained a level and a half of experience!

Below are his latest panels.

Love or shame (The Chosen One)

Grade: 41

Occupation: Assassin

Title: Redeemer, Extraordinary Warrior

Attack: 1312-1398

Physical Defense: 3780

Magic Defense: 2300

HP: 3912

Blue amount: 2050

Combat power: 3710

Lucky value: 0

Extraordinary achievements: 1610

Skill Points: 4

Experience Points: 826400/1200000

Money: 1120 gold 32 silver

Skill: Stealth LV6: Assassin's core skill. Up to this level, players can enter stealth anytime and anywhere, and they will basically not be found when they are far away. When they are close, the enemy level is not too high, and the environment permits, and it is difficult for the player to be found. Note: In the dark night, even face-to-face enemies may not be discovered.

Bow and Dagger Specialization LV2: Proficient in any bow and arrow, the archery skill increases by 40%; proficient in any dagger, the critical strike rate increases by 20% when using a dagger as a weapon.

One-handed weapon specialization LV3: Proficient in small one-handed weapons, when using one-handed weapons, the damage is increased by 30%

Landing Silent LV3 (not upgradeable): Light as a feather, smart cat, completely silent when walking on flat ground, basically no sound in special environments such as grass and schoolboys!

Turtle Breathing Technique LV1: Makes the body enter a state of low breathing rate, making it harder for the player to be detected by the enemy.

Assault Slash LV2: Quickly approach the enemy, causing 200% damage with slash. (can be crit)

Poisoned Dart LV2: Throws two poisoned darts to attack the enemy. The damage of the poison dart is equal to 40% of the attack power, and the enemy is paralyzed for 1.5 seconds.

Burst Dart LV1: Shoots a Burst Dart, causing AOE damage.

Art of Breakthrough LV1: Using this skill allows the player to break into any area within ten meters.

Pickpocketing LV4 (cannot be upgraded): "When facing a high-level (within level 15) target, the chance of stealing the target is 40%."

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