There is less than half a month to go before graduation.

Zefa’s teaching of Mo Fan and Ain’s domineering ability is also nearing its end.

At this time, the huge waves in the nearby sea swelled, the wind was howling on the sea, the weather was very bad but it did not rain, the practice ship with the strong wind and waves up and down, like a leaf duckweed, the cadets and miscellaneous soldiers on the ship each held their posts to stabilize the practice ship from being overturned by the huge waves.

On the deck, Zefa, Mo Fan, and Ain stood in the center, in the wind and waves, the practice ship swayed violently, but the three of them stood very firmly on the smooth deck without foreign object borrowing, like three long guns, and their bodies were straight.

“Armed color domineering and seeing the power of color domineering, I have taught you all the knowledge and skills, and the rest is up to you!” Zefa said solemnly, and the voice of the words did not seem to be affected by the wind, and it clearly reached Mo Fan and Ain’s ears.

You know, in such a stormy weather, even if you face each other, you have to speak loudly to barely hear the other party’s words, let alone the clarity of words.

“Zefa-sensei, I seem to be able to use armed color domineering already!” At this moment, Ain suddenly spoke up, and said with some joy, “I seem to have tried successfully last night!” ”

“Oh?” When Zefa heard this, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and his eyes also showed surprise.

Mo Fan next to him did not have any unexpected expression.

“You use it and I’ll see.” Zefa nodded to Ain.


Ain stretched out his white and tender right hand, and then slowly took a breath, his eyes closed, as if he was making preparations.

After about half a minute, she suddenly opened her eyes and sighed.

Zizi ~~~!!

I saw that a burst of mist suddenly rose on her outstretched right hand.

When the fog clears, the interior is revealed.

Ain’s right hand was already clenched into a fist, but the black armed color domineering was wrapped in nearly half of his fist.

“… It is indeed armed color domineering! After carefully looking at and confirming, Zefa nodded heavily, and his eyes showed appreciation, “Being able to comprehend and master armed color domineering in more than two months, your talent is relatively rare in naval history, it is indeed very good!” ”

High talent is genius, and it is the highest honor to be able to get Zefa’s praise as a ‘genius’, and Ain’s face turned red with excitement.

“It seems that Ain’s armed color domineering fist should be able to break the ship’s main mast with one blow.” On the side, Mo Fan also smiled and spoke, nodding slowly, as if commenting, “The armed color domineering wrapped half of the fist, it is indeed very good to have this kind of power.” ”

“Hmph~” Ain raised his head proudly, but did not answer.

When Zefa heard this, he thought thoughtfully, stared at Ain’s small fist for a long time, and said slowly: “Not bad, although it has just been comprehended, Ain’s armed color domineering strength is not low…”

Speaking of this, Zefa showed excitement.

“I can’t imagine that your talent is so high… Even compared to the pheasants, your talent will not be much lower! ”

“However, high talent does not mean that you will be able to grow to the strength level of generals in the future, remember, you must continue to work hard to cultivate, and you must not have pride and arrogance…”

Zefa obviously valued Ain very much, and said a lot of words of encouragement and awakening words in a serious manner.

Mo Fan stood beside him, silently looking at Ain, seeing that under the domineering opening, he could even vaguely see through the latter’s clothes.

“Ain’s armed color domineering strength is almost reaching LV.1, just comprehending the domineering, she can have such an intensity level, her talent is indeed very high!” Thinking of this, Mo Fan suddenly moved in his heart again, stepped forward, and said to Zefa, “Teacher Zefa, I have something to do today, and I want to go back first.” ”

“Well, today’s training is almost the same, you go back first!” Zefa was teaching Ain with interest, and did not pay much attention to Mo Fan’s words.

Half an hour later, Zefa’s teaching was finished, and Ain also went back to the house to rest.

At this time, Zefa vaguely felt that something was wrong.

“Strange, how did that kid Mo Fan know that Ain could break the main mast with one punch? Could it be that he had already comprehended the domineering nature of seeing and hearing? Zefa’s heart moved, but he shook his head again, “The comprehension of seeing and hearing the domineering color is a little more difficult than the armed color domineering, he doesn’t even comprehend the armed color domineering, how can he comprehend the color so quickly… However, with his strength, it will definitely be no problem to comprehend the two-color domineering in the future. ”

Although he felt that Mo Fan had not yet been able to comprehend the domineering power, Zefa still did not doubt whether Mo Fan could comprehend the domineering power.

Being able to defeat Weibull at this age and still without comprehending the domineering power and grow into a general-level powerhouse in the future is almost a sure thing.

Ain is likely to grow into a general-level powerhouse, while Mo Fan is definitely able to!

“But it’s best to comprehend domineering before graduation, when his rank can start higher!” Zefa remembered the previous call with the Marshal of the Warring States of the Navy headquarters, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.


On the other side, Mo Fan returned to the bedroom, still sitting cross-legged on the bed.

It was not early, the weather was very bad, and it was only after 5 o’clock in the afternoon and it was as dark as night.

“Well, I can already see the state picture of the perceived creature more clearly…” Mo Fan closed his eyes slightly, seeing that he was domineering and using it with all his strength, many pictures appeared in front of him, and there was a human figure in the picture, that is, the trainees and miscellaneous soldiers on the practice ship, and even the picture of fish swimming, which was a swimming fish in the sea near the practice ship.

However, he still can’t see Zefa’s current state picture, or he can only perceive the existence of the latter as before, and what is stronger than before is that he can now sense Zefa’s approximate aura strength to judge its strength.


After testing the domineering appearance, Mo Fan called out the system to test his current state of strength.

‘Ding! After the detection is complete, the current state data of the host is as follows…’

[Mo Fan].

【Lucky value: 0 (normal)].

【Six Styles: LV.4】(‘Shaving’ has reached the full level!) (‘Finger gun’ has reached full level!) )

[Right arm: full level].

[Armed Color Domineering: LV.2].

[See Domineering (Variation): LV.2].


In the six-style physical surgery, in addition to ‘shaving’, ‘finger gun’ has also reached the full level!

The system divides each ability into 10 levels, and the full level can only be achieved by special means, and ordinary cultivation can never reach the full level!

The reason why Mo Fan’s ‘finger gun’ can reach the full level is thanks to the ‘full level spicy strips’ obtained by the random lottery last month!

That’s right, it’s spicy strips, it’s still full level! Mo Fan only felt very pit daddy! And he looked at the full level prize that he had just won in this month’s lottery placed at hand, and he felt even more pit daddy!

“It’s either noodles or spicy strips… How did it get on the line with these fast food products? ”

PS: Sorry, the third was sent so late… Will try to update as early as possible tomorrow!

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