Three days before the execution,

After Mo Fan and the Warring States spoke on the phone, they quickly set off for the naval headquarters.

On the way to the headquarters of the Navy on Fishman Island, the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates really retaliated against him on the way.

The pirate group under Whitebeard, there were more than a hundred pirates who wanted to capture Mo Fan to boost their morale before the big war, but they didn’t wait for them to attack.

Mo Fan, who was cultivating domineering, discovered them, and captured them all alive and took them to the naval headquarters together.

After the incident, they also soon reached the waters near the naval headquarters.

At the same time, the female emperor Boyahan Cook also brought her own group of Nine Snakes to join him after receiving Mo Fan’s order.

Now there are two people with the strength of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai with him.

At this time, the other kings Qiwu Hai also set out one after another to respond to the call of the world government.

The port of the naval headquarters Marin Fandor, where a coffin-like boat stops.

Hawkeye Mihawk, who was carrying a giant knife, stepped down from the coffin boat, his eagle-like sharp gaze swept over, and no one in the navy around dared to look at him.

“Hawkeye Mihawk, please follow me!”

A naval officer in charge of reception left with an eagle eye.

Before the newly appointed Seven Wu Hai candidates came out, there were only a few people in the Seven Wu Sea who were now Hai Xia Jinping and the tyrant Bear Hawkeye.


At this time, when Hawkeye and the others were about to enter the headquarters building, a blue fat man suddenly jumped out of the sea behind him, it was His Majesty the Seven Wu Sea Sea Heroes among the fish people.

It seemed that his face looked a little hideous, but Mo Fan also knew that this face was one of the few moderates among the many fish people.

But what I don’t understand is that at this time, the gentle sea man is very peaceful, but his face is extremely ugly, and he looks like he can’t hold back a lot of words and wants to say them immediately.

And the strength he exerted after jumping out of the sea was enough to prove his anger.

Mo Fan looked at the floor where he landed from a distance, and a thick piece was broken by him like this, and then the surrounding places of the bricks were all cracked.

It’s an expression of anger!

Moreover, after Jinping landed, he did not look at the naval officers who came to receive him, even the naval headquarters ignored some of his generals, and walked towards the building of the naval headquarters.


Another blow to the karate boxing, which was a manifestation of his anger, as soon as he came in, he directly smashed the door of the room where the Sengoku was located.

Then he walked directly to the front of the Buddha’s Warring States, and after seeing him, he shouted loudly: “Marshal of the Warring States, I am against this war!” ”

“Presumptuous! The war has already begun, what else do you want to oppose? Sengoku roared angrily at Jinping, who had rudely opened the door of his room as soon as he entered, and said indignantly.

“Warring States, do you anticipate the consequences and impact of this battle between the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates? This war will not bring so-called peace, this war will only bring more and greater disasters to the people on the sea. So this war can’t be fought. Hai Xia said with great righteousness and awe, his face was fearless.

Sea Man Jinping is a native of Fishman Island, and this Fishman Island is the only way for pirates to enter and exit the first half of the Great Voyage and the New World.

With so many pirates passing and coming, it proves that the place of Fishman Island will be full of various mine-like hidden dangers at all times.

If there is no naval government or a larger force to protect it, then Fishman Island will definitely be chaotic, and even devastating.

And it is in this place full of crises and disasters that Whitebeard and his group of pirates stand up and shelter Fishman Island.

Jean’s Fishman Island has today’s prosperous development, and all this change is precisely because of Whitebeard’s words at that time, a flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fishman Island has become the peaceful harbor it is now.

If the Whitebeard Pirates lost their original dominance after the naval battle, he didn’t dare to imagine what would happen to Fishman Island in the future.

As a member of Fishman Island, Fishman Island is his hometown, and he certainly hopes that his hometown can always maintain its current peaceful state.

After being protected by the Whitebeard Pirates, Fishman Island developed and prospered, so not only Pingping was grateful to Whitebeard, but even the people of Fishman Island were grateful to Whitebeard.

His personal relationship between His Majesty Qiwu Hai and the Whitebeard Pirates is also very good, but it is just unknown.

At this time, the navy and the world government forcibly recruited him back and asked him to attack the Whitebeard Pirates, and Haixia Jinping must be angry, and he couldn’t sit idly by after knowing this.

Therefore, when he came to the headquarters of the Navy, he did not ask what tactics were next, but the first thing he did was to speak out against the war.

When the Marshal of the Warring States, who was studying further combat plans, heard these words, his face had already turned dark, and now he had even turned into a bomb.

As long as Jinping said something to ignite this anger in his heart, he really didn’t know if he would do anything.

When Jinping said this, he did not suppress his voice at all, but raised his voice as if he deliberately wanted others to hear.

When this voice fell, people in many rooms around came out to see it.

The Marshal of the Warring States looked at Haixia Jinping with a black face and asked, “Jinping, do you know what you are talking about?” ”

The sea man was very fearless, and said with great righteousness: “Marshal of the Warring States, this war cannot be fought, Whitebeard is not a heinous pirate, he just maintains the ideals in his heart.” ”

“Ideal? What ideals do pirates have! The Warring States shouted with a cold face: “Whitebeard is a sea thief, the object that the people of the world hope to eliminate, and the bully that our navy must eliminate!” ”

“Whitebeard has not hurt anyone, he has eliminated all the pirates who have scoured people, and his banner has protected countless countries in the New World in dire straits, how can such a person be a bully?” Haixia Jinping did not give up in the slightest, and continued to stalk his neck.

Sengoku said angrily: “Presumptuous! In the minds of the Navy, it is a pirate, it is evil. And as a navy, we must eradicate him, we cannot let him do evil, this is also the justice of our navy, we must safeguard! ”

Haixia Jinping sneered: “Pirates are evil? The Navy wants to uphold justice? On the Chambord Islands, a large number of my fellow fishmen are working as slaves, and there are also many enslaved people in the territory of the other four emperors of the New World. Marshal of the Warring States,

Why didn’t your navy help them with such justice? Is it because it is not just enough? ”

“Less nonsense! This is the order of the top of the world government, this war must be fought!

And you, as His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, must obey the forcible conscription of the world government to participate in this war! The Marshal of the Warring States was blocked by Haixia Jinping’s words and had nothing to say, and he said directly in a commanding tone in anger.

Haixia Jinping hugged his hands and roared angrily: “The old man refuses!” The old man will not help your navy in this war no matter what! ”


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