Mo Fan had indeed expected it.

Before the devil fruit hit his head, maybe he hadn’t noticed the big ship, who knew that the other party took the initiative to send it to the door, so after seeing the domineering opening, with his special ‘screen monitoring’ ability, he naturally knew the details of this sea ship and the personnel on board.

Just now ordered the trainees to arrest the personnel on the opposite sea ship, it is not a reversal of black and white or something, well, absolutely not, at most it is a means to follow the trend and enforce justice.

Anyway, Mo Fan felt that this method was ‘very just’!

“Quick! Arrest all the outlaws on board! Binz commanded loudly, dutifully.

Ain, who had been parked on the deck, couldn’t stay any longer, and got up and went to the opposite sea ship to check on help.

Soon after, the head of the head of the sea ship, that is, the fashionable young man – Disco, was brought to Mo Fan.

“You guys are dead, everyone is going to die, everyone has to die, hahaha…” The man seemed to be a little delirious already.

Binz raised his hand and slapped it.


Disco woke up, raised his head, his face was full of blood, looked in front of him, and finally fixed his gaze on Mo Fan, and shouted in a harsh voice: “Laozi is a subordinate of Qiwuhai-Doflamingo!” How dare you sabotage Doflamingo’s business? You’re all going to die!! ”


Another slap in the face.

Binz flicked his blood-stained palm and turned to look at Mo Fan, his face was also a little solemn.

Qi Wuhai is a legal pirate recognized by the world government and the navy government, and more importantly, for those of them who have not yet graduated, the strong people of the level of Qi Wuhai are completely looking up to existence, and the other party can crush them to death with one finger! It’s like they can crush those pirates with one finger!

“Doflamingo?” Mo Fan’s heart moved, and he smiled, “Very good, let him go to the naval headquarters to rescue you.” ”

After that, he got up and signaled to Binz and the others, and then walked to the other side.

Not to go back to the room, but to check out the other gains this time.

Originally, he didn’t expect anything, it was already a surprise to get a devil fruit, but just now he heard that disco’s words, knowing that this ship belonged to Doflamingo of the Seven Martial Seas, Mo Fan immediately became interested.

It’s a pity that this famous Qi Wuhai doesn’t seem to be as rich as he imagined, and the things that were searched from the sea vessels, except for the population slaves, were only some jewelry and gold coins, and the total value was less than one-tenth of the devil fruit in his hand.

And these treasures are also difficult to carry, he simply distributed them to other cadets and miscellaneous soldiers, such generous behavior also won the respect and admiration of cadets and soldiers – but these belongings are not easy to take, after receiving it means that they are all participants in this incident, the impact of future events must be shared together, well, to put it bluntly, if Doflamingo investigates or even retaliates, these people will not be able to escape.

Looking at everyone’s elated appearance, Mo Fan also nodded with a smile.

“Lock up all those lawbreakers who traffic in human beings, and when they arrive at the naval base on the Chambord Islands, hand over the lawbreakers to the navy there, and the slave people who have been trafficked will also be transferred, and let the navy there deal with them!” Mo Fan waved his hand and gave some command.

Then he turned and went back to the house.

This sea area is not too close to the Chambord Islands, and at this time it is late, and it is estimated that it will take a night of sailing to reach the islands, and this time he naturally has to go to rest, and by the way, he also did another thing.


“I accidentally got a Devil Fruit, the harvest is not bad, although there are some twists and turns, but overall it is a good thing… Well, is this the result of luck values, increased luck? ”

Back in the bedroom, Mo Fan sat cross-legged on the bed, silently thinking in his heart.

In fact, an ordinary animal devil fruit, Mo Fan will not pay attention to it at all, even if this devil fruit is worth hundreds of millions of Bailey, and what he cares about is the meaning behind this incident – he is transferred!

“If you are really lucky, then the next thing is the most important!”

Mo Fan’s gaze was heavy, his heart was as strong as him, and his face gradually showed a solemn color.

That’s right, tonight is the monthly full raffle! This is a lottery that only happens once a month, and because that lucky value +10 experience card has an effect time limit, Mo Fan only has this chance to get better prizes in the short term.

After all, instant noodles and spicy strips or something, he has eaten enough!

“I hope to draw a reliable prize…” Recalling the prizes of the previous times, Mo Fan couldn’t help but roll his eyes, and the feelings in the depths of his memory came again and again, and the feelings had long faded.

“Huh? Is it already time? Then let’s get started! ”

The system’s prompt sounded in my mind, which meant that it was time for the monthly draw.

Mo Fan did not hesitate to give the lottery order.

Hum Long~!!!

Similar to the previous draws, countless prizes flashed in the field of vision… Finally, a light mass stopped in front of him, and then a violent light suddenly burst out.

At the same time, the system prompt sound sounded again.

‘Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the full level sword technique! Prizes have been distributed! ’

Mo Fan was stunned when he heard this, and then quickly reacted, overjoyed, and at the same time, his heart moved, and his current state data was revealed in his field of vision.

[Mo Fan].

【Lucky value: 10 (0)].

【Six Styles: LV.4】(‘Shaving’ has reached the full level!) (‘Finger gun’ has reached full level!) )

[Life Return: LV.1] (‘Whip’ has reached full level!) )

[Right arm: full level].

[Armed Color Domineering: LV.2].

[See Domineering (Variation): LV.2].

[Kendo: Full Level].


“Full level swordsmanship… Not! When Mo Fan’s conscious gaze scanned the Sword Dao column, a large section of knowledge information poured into the depths of his mind.

At this moment, he felt that his comprehension of kendo ‘rubbed’ went up many steps!

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