Step, step, step!

More than a hundred navies, marching in unison, trotted to the door of the Rain Banquet Casino, and then slowly dispersed to other places to surround the place.

Later, the captain of the navy took a loudspeaker and shouted at the door of the Yuyan Casino: "Sand crocodile Klokdal! You are surrounded by us, come out and arrest you!"

Although this shouting is a bit corny, it is the best way to go to war, and Crocodall will not be so stupid to come out and surrender anyway.

So Mo Fan didn't stop him from continuing to shout, he just wanted to see how Klockdahl would appear in this place where people came and went.


Step, step, step!

Just when they appeared outside the Yuyan Casino and shouted, the people on both sides of the street just now were running over violently at this time, surrounding them in groups.

Louder than them, he shouted, "Navy, what are you doing here?"

"Yes, what are you doing here, we in Alabastan don't welcome your navy!" said to the navy with a hideous look and a very unfriendly look.

"Hello, we're here to catch the sea thief Klockdal!" Mo Fan's men came to the front to explain, and then motioned for them to get out of the way: "Please get out of the way!"

"What pirates? These are our heroes of Alabastan! Do you Navy want to charge our heroes with trumped-up charges? "

"That's it! Lord Klockdahl is our hero, and your navy is not a good thing! Get out of here!"

"Yes, get out of here, get out of here!"


The number of sailors who were several times greater than the number of sailors brought by Mo Fan came over, gathered around the sailors around the rain banquet, and shouted angrily at them one by one with weapons.

To from Alabastan

When Klockdahl was young, Lao Sha was like Luffy after the original book, and he became famous in the sea with the strength of breaking bamboo, and joined the Seven Martial Seas in his early 20s.

He then challenged Edward Newgate "Whitebeard" and failed miserably.

After that, he settled down for a while, but after a while, he extended his claws to the kingdom of Alabastan and continued to hunt pirates as the Seven Martial Seas, so he was often published as a hero in the newspapers.

Therefore, Alabastan is also famous, and it is no wonder that these people have such a reaction when they see that these navies are going to capture Klockdahl.

However, even so, Mo Fan didn't believe that these people would know about their actions so quickly, and as soon as they entered Alabastan, those people looked sensitive to him.

When he came here, it was even more so, he directly picked up arms to greet him, and Mo Fan estimated that there must be the consequences of someone manipulating it behind.

And this person is most likely the sand crocodile Klockdahl himself.

Hearing the words of these people, Mo Fan walked out and said lightly: "Hero, I think it's a bear!"

"Don't look at a Crocodal who looks kind and kind, in fact he is more poisonous than a scorpion, I advise you to get out of the way, don't get in our way. "

"What? What did you say? Are you dying, the navy?"

"Klockdahl is our hero in Alabastan, he has been helping us clean up the pirates here since he became the Seven Martial Seas, what kind of scorpion-hearted person will he be, don't talk nonsense about you navy!"

"That's right! There were so many pirates wreaking havoc on us at that time, and if it weren't for Lord Klockdahl, we would have become a pirate den in Alabastan, and you navy was there at the time!"

"How dare you say anything nonsense here!

For Mo Fan's words, none of the people present believed it, and the big hero in their hearts was insulted by these navies, and they were also very unhappy.

So in the middle of speaking, suddenly, several people rushed in front of Mo Fan, raised their weapons and were about to stab at him.

"Looking for death... Ahh

"What's wrong?"



In front of everyone's eyes, Mo Fan did not hesitate at all, and directly used violence against the few people who came to hedge, and solved the few people in front of him, and then continued to walk towards the door of the rain banquet.

Needless to say, there were countless eyewitnesses to what happened here, seeing is believing, it was clear, and it even caused a certain amount of confusion, and the incident quickly spread.

"What a despicable thing! Will these navies use such methods?" said some of the people who saw the people around them talking to themselves.

"You're already considered a pirate with Klockdahl's accomplices by now that you attacked the navy, so don't blame me for doing it. "

Mo Fan's voice sounded in the ears of the people around him.

Oh, sure enough, the navy is a virtue, and it actually does it to us innocent people, what is the difference between doing this kind of thing and those evil pirates?

Seeing is believing, hearing is false, so many people have seen it in front of everyone, and it was Mo Fan who solved those people by himself.

And there was no one around to persecute her, these were all things that he did voluntarily from his heart, according to his own ideas, and they all saw Mo Fan beat people.

Even if Mo Fan wants to explain now, he probably can't say it clearly.

"Quick! Get the Imperial Army's people!Let them arrest these navys! We have all seen them do it to our innocent people! This is a crime, let the Imperial Army people arrest these navy!" one of the crowd suggested.

"Yes, yes, we have all seen these navies beating people, and it was their navy that made the first move! Quickly find the imperial army to come and arrest them. "

The people present were three or four times larger than the navy led by Mo Fan, and it seemed that they were all soldiers facing them, and at this moment, his action may be a little hindered.

Some people have even started to fight against the navy guarding the edge of the casino, but it is only a small-scale confrontation, after all, they are still afraid of the navy

In the face of such a change, Mo Fan's face did not change much at this time, because he had already expected such a scene to appear, and his eyes were also aimed at the figure in a corner at this moment.

This figure looked down from a very secret tall building, looking quite familiar, with a puff of cigarette in his mouth and a hook in his right hand, this person was Klockdahl.

Where, Klockdahl had been observing the movements of the people and the navy, and was now smiling smugly as if he had succeeded in his treacherous plan.

Seeing Mo Fan notice him, his smile smiled even more.

When Mo Fan saw his appearance, he was already furious, so he continued to take a few steps forward.

Step, step, step!

But just as he had taken a few steps, a few more people suddenly stepped forward to stop him;

"Where do you want to go this navy? Don't try to escape, our imperial army is already here!"

As soon as the words fell, Mo Fan heard a burst of neat footsteps and walked towards him.

Looking at him, in the middle of the group turned out to be a luxurious sedan chair, and a group of imperial soldiers protected him.

When the people saw the king's arrival, they all shouted with joy:

"Great! It's the king!"

"This time the navy is dead!"

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