"What you say is true?

"Do you really know where the historical text of Alabastan is?"

It has to be said that this information is very attractive to Nicole Robin, because he came here to join this organization because he found the whereabouts of Alabastan with clues to the historical text.

At this time, if Mo Fan can help her find it, then it proves that Mo Fan is naturally trustworthy, so if so, she is willing to cooperate.

"Of course, I can take you to the historical text of Alabastan right now. "According to Mo Fan's understanding of the One Piece world, it is naturally easy to find which piece of historical text is in Alabastan.

And because the language of the historical text is very complicated, it needs someone who knows how to interpret the content of the text, and it is only fitting for him to ask Nicole Robin to interpret it.

One would allow Nicole Robin to join him, and the other would allow him to get the content of the history text.

However, if Nicole Robin had the slightest hint of rebellion, he would have the power to make her obey, just like the illusion just now, or something more clever.

"If you can prove what you say, then I'll call you the Boss in the future!" Nicole Robin had never trusted such a person since he was eight years old, but at this time he believed Mo Fan.

"Well, let's go. With that, Mo Fan prepared to take Nicole Robin to see the historical text, and then left the grove here.


Mo Fan and Nico Robin returned to the door of the Rain Banquet Casino, and at this time, Klockdahl and the others, who were defeated by him, had been locked up by Hailoushi's handcuffs.

At this time, Klockdahl also saw them, and he did not feel unexpectedly that Nico Robin was not locked up in the same way as him.

Crockdahl didn't care about the strangest part of the incident, nor did he feel a lot of anger at Nicole Robin for betraying him, after all, he didn't trust anyone at all, he was a lonely guy.

However, he was still very curious about why Nicole Robin, who had been wanted for many years, surrendered, that is, the question of how Mo Fan used to make Robin surrender.

Robin and Mo Fan, just the two of them, what did they say in that kind of place where no one was?

What exactly was done?

Of course, Crockdahl wouldn't be naïve enough to think that the two were doing that kind of innocent and beautiful thing, he still knew Nicole Robin better, that woman, and it was impossible for her to fall in love easily.

Nicole Robin and Mo Fan's private meeting will only talk about more secret and important things!

Mo Fan is the commander-in-chief of the Navy, could it be that Robin cooperated with the Navy?

No! There is no way Nicole Robin could trust the Navy!

So...... Crockdahl suddenly remembered that Mo Fan's identity seemed to be a little different, and he didn't do his best for the navy at all, could it be...

"I see! I see! Navy Mo Fan, you are such an amazing little ghost!" Crockdahl gritted his teeth.

Previously, Crockdahl thought that there was no place for Nico Robin to stand apart from him.

This judgment was actually incorrect, of course, Crockdahl was not thinking of anything like love, he was thinking of a situation similar to his own.

Why wouldn't there be another person who also needed Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, to provide him with a weapon similar to Hades or information about history, and also provide Nicole Robin with a place to live?

He Crockdahl is still only a Seven Martial Seas, and he has not yet captured Alabastan, and Mo Fan's identity is an upright naval commander-in-chief, even if he has lost the right to dominate the naval forces, he is still a commander-in-chief after all.

Whether it is in terms of strength or status, it can give Nico Robin a role of shelter!

From this point of view, the other party's conditions are much more favorable than his Crockdahl's side.

Then, it is estimated that Nicole Robin still thinks that his Crockdahl's conspiracy has been exposed, and the plan to seize Alabastan has not succeeded, so she naturally decisively detached, so as not to trap herself in, and it is best to naturally break away from him and choose Mo Fan who can shelter him better.

What a selfish and capricious woman!

However, compared to Nico Robin, the person who Crockdahl now feels more terrifying is this seemingly imp-like Mo Fan.

Crockdahl thinks he has found a reason why he doesn't dare to move himself, and he has been ruined!

As a result, in the end, he was put on the side by the other party, not only did he not get any benefits, but also made the other party become a heinous pirate because he caught himself and found some evidence.

Finally, back to the headquarters of the Navy, and maybe a commendation .....

Now he can see Mo Fan's purpose, it is the "Son of the Devil" Nicole Robin, it is Alabastan, it is the ancient weapon Hades!

Like him, Crockdahl, he is ready to act as a hero first, but unlike him, he is stealing the country, and he Mo Fan will always have the support of the country!

Moreover, Mo Fan's plan is much more ingenious than that of him Crockdahl.

Think about how much hard work he has made, how many years have passed, earned popularity in Alabastan, and secretly established a Baroque studio, and worked hard to achieve the current results.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, Mo Fan was good, as if he had not prepared anything in advance, he ran directly over to expose his conspiracy, and of course got the support of the country.

Later, you may use Nico Robin to capture the ancient weapon Hades and get the content information of this historical article, and dominate the world!

Think of it! He, Crocodall, is so ambitious that he feels terrible!

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