Random Shopping System

Chapter 125 Ace Killer

"There are still 105.550,000 RP left. This Qixi event seems to be a bit tricky. It looks very useful. In fact, it's all about love and love. Forget it, this event seems to be a waste."

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that the Qixi Festival, although it looked very good, was not a woman, so what was the use of getting these things, it didn't help much to improve his strength.

After reading the treasures in the inventory, Zhu Yuanyuan ate breakfast and set off for the company.

Although today is the Qixi Festival, the Suiji Group does not have a holiday. Originally, there are only eight hours of work a day, and there are two days off. The national holiday will only be closed. What is the usual Qixi Festival, Valentine's Day, etc., generally not Holidays, unless it happens to hit Saturday and Sunday.

Driving the car, Zhu Yuanyuan felt an inexplicable discomfort for some reason, and seemed to have a faint sense of crisis.

"Little Wolf, what do you think is going on?"

Holding the steering wheel with one hand and touching the co-pilot with the other, Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the road ahead and said.

"Woo!" The little wolf raised a cute wolf face and let out a somewhat puzzled cry.

"Forget it, you can eat it, no matter what happened to him!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it, he didn't care, no matter what he was, now he is also an S-level ability user, plus Xiaolang, even if there is a troop, it is not their opponent.

But Zhu Yuanyuan just drove past the place where he was attacked last time, and he felt as if someone was secretly watching him.

"Ma De, who is watching me." After Zhu Yuanyuan felt that someone was peeping in the dark, he released his mental power and found a person lying on a cliff. This person was wearing a camouflage uniform and had a Wearing a green straw hat, his face is also painted with green lines, and he is looking at Zhu Yuanyuan with a telescope in his hand, which is obviously surveillance.

"Fuck, who the hell is this, and how come to monitor labor and capital." Zhu Yuanyuan was a little angry, any cat or dog dared to tease him, he just didn't know whether to live or die.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan was not impulsive. With such a long distance, there was no way for him to use his spiritual ability to attack the enemy. Only within a hundred meters could he directly use his spiritual ability to attack the enemy, but he did not relax. Directly using mental power to lock this person, he wants to see if this person is alone or has another accomplice.

"Hound, hunting dog, I am the eye of the sky, I am the eye of the sky, the target has gone towards the city, repeat, the target has passed towards the city."

The man in camouflage lying on the cliff saw that Zhu Yuanyuan was in the car, and immediately connected with the wireless earphones on his ears.

"Tianyan, I'm a hunting dog, the information has been received."

Zhu Yuanyuan only heard these two sentences, but he also understood that these people are not good people. I am afraid that this is the ace killer that the dark wolf said, but in Zhu Yuanyuan's view, these people are like chickens and dogs. It can be dealt with easily.

"Little wolf, come on, grab the person on the cliff over there, and I'll give you something to eat when you enter the city."

When the little wolf heard something good, he immediately gave up the cooked steak in a small iron basin. A trace of excitement and desire flashed in the wolf's eyes, and then he wagged his tail vigorously.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you when I get to the company, okay! Go and catch that person for me."

Zhu Yuanyuan patted Little Wolf's head, then opened the car window and said.

"Woooo!" Little Wolf nodded, then his body turned into a silver light and jumped out of the car window, and then walked directly towards the cliff where the camouflage man was.

What Zhu Yuanyuan promised to give the little wolf to eat was the "Beautiful Beauty and Qi Pill" that he just pulled out yesterday. This pill contains a small amount of spiritual energy, and it is considered a kind of treasure.

This is also after Zhu Yuanyuan took out the medicinal pill and looked at it,

The little wolf saw it on the side, and then the little wolf pestered Zhu Yuanyuan to eat it. Zhu Yuanyuan had no choice but to give the little wolf one, but he did not expect that the little wolf fell in love with "Beautiful Beauty and Qi Pill"!

But there are only 100 pills of this medicine pill. Of course, it can't be eaten by the little wolf. Zhu Yuanyuan has to keep a part, and the rest can be used as a ration for the little wolf.


"Clap!" With a sound, a person was thrown in front of Zhu Yuanyuan by the little wolf.

"Ouch!" After the comatose left the comatose, the little wolf ran to Zhu Yuanyuan's feet and acted coquettishly. The little wolf kept rubbing Zhu Yuanyuan's calf with his head, and then looked at Zhu Yuanyuan eagerly.

"Okay, okay, you made a contribution today, and I'll give you one." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the coquettish coquettish appearance of the little wolf, and after seeing that there was no one around, he took out the medicine pill bottle and threw a medicine pill to the little wolf. , He chose a remote place. It's a dirt road and no one usually passes by here. Fortunately, he drove an off-road vehicle today.

"Woooo!" The little wolf caught the pill with his mouth and swallowed it directly. Then a look of intoxication appeared on the whole wolf's face. Well, the little wolf is a divine beast in the magical world. Of course, it has spirituality and has grown to a certain extent After the degree, it can be directly transformed into human.

Then Zhu Yuanyuan ignored the little wolf who was lying on the side, and directly used mind control to control the underground camouflage man.

"Who are you?" Zhu Yuanyuan asked lightly, looking at the camouflage man's empty eyes.

"I'm Shadow." The camouflage male mechanically answered Zhu Yuanyuan's question.

"Are you from the Dark Blood Killer Organization?"

"Yes, I am the ace killer of the Dark Blood Killer Organization."

"Why did you follow me instead of doing it?"

"There are three ace killers in ambush in the road ahead, so I am in charge of monitoring"

"Did the Liu family send you to kill me?"

"Yes, the Liu family sent us here."

"Where are the three of them lying in ambush?"

"Just at the intersection where the national highway enters the expressway, a big truck is prepared, pretending that the truck's brakes failed and hit your car. This is the first plan. If you dodge, there will be a sudden surge in the next wave. If the muck trucks that came out still escape, there will be the next wave of cement tank trucks.

These drivers are just ordinary killers, and if they all fail, the killers in ambush will attack you with sniper rifles and bazookas. "

After Zhu Yuanyuan asked the information he wanted to know, he couldn't help being a little surprised. Nima, this dark blood killer organization really likes him. It has prepared so many killers, and one by one, it is simply impossible to guard against, really It's so vicious, this is the rhythm that won't stop until he kills him.

Fortunately, Zhu Yuanyuan is not an ordinary person, otherwise, it is estimated that he may not know how he died!

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