Random Shopping System

Chapter 127 Zhongyuan Festival? Ghost Festival!

After Zhu Yuanyuan returned to the company, of course, he did not wait for the killers to attack. All the ace killers died. The other killers were originally there to assist. Without the order of the ace killers, no one took any action.

Until someone found the five people who died in the basement renting a house, the killers panicked, scattered like birds and beasts, and all left the Deep Sea City like crazy, as if something was chasing them.

This is human nature. The murderer who kills directly is not terrible, but the unknown enemy, and it can also make the ace killers fight with each other. This is terrible. If others don't know the ability of the ace killers, can they still not know? To talk about infighting, it is absolutely impossible, and it is impossible to commit suicide after killing someone. This is too weird.

This is also a piece of news. The police came out to seek revenge, but they themselves are very different. Since they have killed people, why should they commit suicide? This is an unsolved question.

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't pay too much attention to this news. It's good that these killers have been solved. As for other things? Who cares!

Li Qingyan also returned to Shenhai City today, and brought a group of researchers from Zhenlong Mobile. These are not administrators of Zhenlong Mobile, but technicians, so Zhu Yuanyuan will accept these people. People are still few.


Before you know it, a week has passed, and today is August 15th in the Gregorian calendar, which is also the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The Zhongyuan Festival is also the ancestor worship festival in the seventh month. It is also called the Ghost Festival and the Land Officials Festival. On this day, people will hold ancestor worship, put on river lanterns, worship dead lonely ghosts, and burn paper money. This festival is actually The above is a festival that evolved from the July half harvest. In ancient times, newly harvested grain was used to worship ancestors. In modern times, although this festival is no longer popular, many places still hold ancestor worship year after year. Festival.

"Ding! Detected the traditional festival of the host's ethnic group, the Mid-Yuan Festival, the system will start the Mid-Yuan Festival shopping event!"

"Ding! The Mid-Yuan Festival shopping event has started, and the system has locked the series of monsters, ghosts, and monsters. The owner can start the shopping trip at any time!"

"Ding! The system presents the master with a gift bag for Ghost Festival, which has been put into the inventory, please go to check it!"

Zhu Yuanyuan just woke up in his big bed in the morning, and the system sent several prompts in a row, which made Zhu Yuanyuan suddenly feel a little dazed.

"Ah, I almost forgot, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival!" Zhu Yuanyuan has nothing to do these days. He is busy in the company with the mobile phone company in the new season. A mobile phone is not only a chip, but also needs to have its own mobile phone system. .

What if there is no mobile phone system?

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't forget that when he got the system, there was a gift bag, which contained three things. The first one was the primary perfect genetic optimization potion, which he had already used.

The second one is a 2-hour rebate card, which has also been used, and got several trillion Chinese coins.

The third is a data card. This card can be digitized and turned into a skill book similar to an online game, so that Zhu Yuanyuan can learn the contents in an instant.

So Zhu Yuanyuan collected a lot of information about computer technology on the Internet, bought all the books about computer technology in the bookstore, and then copied all these materials, and the sum became a book.

This book is huge, one meter five long, one meter wide, and two meters thick. It is simply a super invincible computer book.

This is what Zhu Yuanyuan wants to try. Are there any restrictions on this data card? If there are no restrictions, if this book is turned into a skill book, wouldn't his computer skills be at full level all of a sudden?

In this case, it is not a small KS to make a mobile phone system.

Forget about the phone system.

Even the computer system is a small KS.

The result is that this super book has really been turned into a computer skill book, and it is still a level 9 computer skill book.

After Zhu Yuanyuan studied, he had the computer technology of the ninth level.

Computer technology is also a sub-occupation in life. The life occupation of the ninth level is the highest level on Waterblue Star, which means that Zhu Yuanyuan has the top computer technology on Waterblue Star. No one is better than him, um, except for aliens. .

With this computer technology, Zhu Yuanyuan spent the past week in the company writing the mobile phone intelligent system.

It was only yesterday that the smart phone system was completed, and some tests were conducted. After confirming that there was no problem, Zhu Yuanyuan returned to the villa to rest. Yes, he hadn't returned to the villa for a week. Fortunately, the cleaning aunt was hired to clean up, otherwise Can't be seen in the villa.

This week in the company to write programs, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that the whole person was almost useless. Fortunately, he still talked on the phone with his girlfriend Xiaoyuan from time to time, otherwise he would not be bored by now.

Although he has the world's top technology, he has written a new mobile phone system, and he is the only one who has to take care of everything. Fortunately, Zhu Yuanyuan's physical strength is N times stronger than ordinary people, and his speed is also faster, but mistakes are made from time to time. It will appear again, and then it will be completely overthrown and re-started again.

Realizing that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, after the Ghost Festival, Zhu Yuanyuan sorted out his confused spirit, opened the system inventory, and looked at the holiday gift package.

"Ding! Open the Mid-Yuan Festival gift package, the items are as follows!"

"Paper Yuanbao X10 (Zhongyuan Festival): It comes from the hands of a Taoist priest in the world of ghosts. Burning this Yuanbao can summon the ghosts and let the ghosts help you complete one thing! (Note: It can only be used on the day of the ghost festival. The gate of the ghost is open on the day of the ghost festival. Only in this way can the ghosts wandering in the underworld be summoned, and the ghosts who have completed the task can only be returned on this day. Otherwise, the ghosts will be summoned at other times. After your wish, if you can't go back to the underworld, you may backfire and summon people.)"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the ingot made of this paper, and after thinking about it, hehe, he smiled a little gloomily, this thing seems to be very useful.

"Headless Ghost (Zhongyuan Festival): A ghost from the world of spirits. Since he has no head, he cannot find the direction of the underworld, and one wanders in the mortal world. Combat power: 1W. (Note: this ghost tends to In close combat, the mental strength is not very strong.)"

"Hey, this headless ghost has only 10,000 combat power, can't I just control this thing?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan saw the second item, he became excited all of a sudden. Finally, he had something he could use, and it was a baby-shaped thing. It was so cool to control ghosts. You don't have to do it yourself, and no one knows that you did it yourself, hehe! Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanyuan laughed, that laughter is simply creepy, isn't it?

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