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Chapter 307 Going to Chenshan to see Chen Lao

"Huh? Xiaoyuan, why are you here?"

As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan got off the plane at Beijing International Airport, he walked to the car sent by the group to pick him up, and saw Chen Ziyuan standing pretty beside the car, his face suddenly changed to an inexplicable surprise, and his heart was warm.

"Yuanyuan, knowing that you are coming to the capital, of course I will come to pick you up." Chen Ziyuan looked at Zhu Yuanyuan with a gentle smile on her face, with strong affection in her eyes.

"Haha, I missed me, Xiaoyuan, I miss you too." Zhu Yuanyuan stepped forward with a smile on his face and hugged Chen Ziyuan's soft body, and said softly.

"Well, I miss you." Chen Ziyuan blushed and muttered something while lying in Zhu Yuanyuan's arms.

"Okay, Xiaoyuan, let's go back to the yard first." Zhu Yuanyuan saw the crew members getting on and off the plane looking at them from time to time, and he knew that there were too many people now, which was not good.

"Well." Chen Ziyuan nodded obediently, and followed Zhu Yuanyuan into the car.


Back in the four-entry yard in the capital, Zhu Yuanyuan did not rush to find Mr. Chen and the others, but stayed with Chen Ziyuan for a whole day.

As the saying goes, seeing each other for one day is like every other day, and the two of them haven't seen each other for more than a week. Of course, they are tired of being together. During lunch, you feed me, and I feed you. Do what men and women like to do.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and the moon quietly hides in the clouds. Maybe it's shy?

The next day, October 1st, is the founding day of the Chinese Empire, a public holiday of the Empire.

"Xiaoyuan, I'm going to see grandpa in Chenshan in a while, do you want to go?" Zhu Yuanyuan sat at the dining table, eating breakfast while talking to Chen Ziyuan across from him.

"Yuanyuan, wherever you go, I'll go there, don't even think about getting rid of me. Hehe!" Chen Ziyuan confided her sweet tongue playfully, and then looked at Zhu Yuanyuan and said with a smile.

"Well, then, let's go together!" Zhu Yuanyuan nodded. He didn't think it was bad for Xiaoyuan to follow. Anyway, Xiaoyuan knew the base of Feiyu Island, which is the moon base, and Xiaoyuan also knew it, but Romance Tiangong, Xiaoyuan didn't know yet. After Zhu Yuanyuan was going to return to Shenhai City, he took Xiaoyuan to the moon and gave her a huge surprise.


A domestic Nanfeng off-road vehicle galloped out of the capital, crossed the fields along the way, and headed for the road up the mountain.

This is Zhu Yuanyuan driving Chen Ziyuan in a car to the Wentang Mountains, and Chenshan is just one of them.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan also wanted to buy a mountain in Wentang Mountains, but after asking Shen Huifang, an assistant, he had a sentence MMP did not know whether to say it or not. Those aristocratic families have been bought, and they will continue to pay after the expiration date. After all, it is a place that others have operated for many years, and they cannot sell the things left by their ancestors for no reason.

Now in the Huaxia Empire, the mountain that finds the hot spring basically has the owner. Unless Zhu Yuanyuan finds it himself, otherwise, if you want to buy it from others, the money you pay may be sky-high, even if Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't care about this Some money, but he also doesn't want to be the scapegoat.

Along the way, Zhu Yuanyuan chatted with Xiaoyuan while driving, and unknowingly arrived at the foot of Chenshan Mountain.

After being stopped by the gatekeeper, Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the soldiers guarding the gate, but he didn't know them. Everyone here was on duty in turn. In addition, he was not married to Chen Ziyuan, so he could not be regarded as the Chen family, so these soldiers There is no picture of him.

"Sir, hello, this is a private place and you can't go in casually." A soldier standing guard with a rifle hanging diagonally, saluted Zhu Yuanyuan, and said politely.

"Hello, we went up the mountain to visit Elder Chen, Xiaoyuan, tell me.

"Zhu Yuanyuan first explained his intention, and then said to Chen Ziyuan who was sitting in the back seat.

Basically, if Zhu Yuanyuan drives by himself, he will let Chen Ziyuan sit in the back row, because the position of the front passenger is actually the most dangerous, why do you say that? Because when the driver encounters a dangerous situation, the direction of dodging is often the direction of the co-pilot. This is a conditioned reflex of the body, not intentional. People must stay away from dangerous things, but the co-pilot will suffered.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan is now mentally strong and his physical fitness is many times stronger, this is also a habit of his. His own woman should not be placed in a dangerous position.

"Xiao Bing, it's me." Chen Ziyuan opened the door glass from behind and said softly.

"Ah, it turns out that Miss Yuan is here, please come in, please come in." When the soldier called Xiaobing saw Chen Ziyuan, his expression suddenly became enthusiastic. Xiaobing was adopted by the orphanage run by the Chen family. Child, so I have been grateful to the Chen family since I was a child, so that I applied to come over to guard Chenshan without any complaints or regrets.

"Well, Xiaobing, you've worked hard, this is my fiance Zhu Yuanyuan. In the future, you can let him go when you see him. Grandpa has also seen him." Chen Ziyuan nodded, then pointed at Zhu Yuanyuan and said.

"Okay, Miss Yuan, my subordinates know." Xiaobing looked at Zhu Yuanyuan seriously, and muttered to himself, this future uncle seems to be very ordinary, not as handsome as me! Well, Xiaobing is in YY, and with his square face, he doesn't match Shuai at all.

Without saying much, Zhu Yuanyuan saw that the railing on the way up the mountain was raised, and he drove up to Chenshan. He didn't blame him for being a soldier, after all, others were also responsible.

"Xiaoyuan, how do these soldiers know you?" Zhu Yuanyuan is also a little strange. It stands to reason that these guards who are soldiers will not be the same group of people. Although they are all elite soldiers in the Beijing Military Region, the guards will often change. , it doesn't mean that you will always be here if you transfer to the chiefs as guards. The guards also have a time limit, about one shift a week. If you want to talk about you next time, it is estimated that you will have to wait, some will wait for a while. Years, some may not be able to get the job for several years, and maybe some soldiers will not be able to get their turn after being discharged from the army.

It's a good thing to be a guard for the chief. Every time you get credit, you also get a lot of benefits. Of course, it's an errand to do. .

"Origin, the soldier just now came out of the Chen family orphanage. I used to go there several times a year. Once I went there, all those orphans knew me, and now many orphans have joined the army." Chen Ziyuan did not. After all, this is not a shameful thing. The Chen family runs an orphanage, and many people in the upper circles of the empire know about it, but they think that the Chen family is cultivating their own power, and they do it themselves. .

The Chen family didn't think so much. Although they also meant to cultivate power, they took good care of these orphans. If there were many orphans who didn't want to do what the Chen family wanted, the Chen family wouldn't be embarrassed. There are many orphans living in their own lives.

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