Random Shopping System

Chapter 312 Selling Steel Armor!

Long Zhenjun has already had enough of being this puppet-like emperor. Anyone who wants rights but has no rights is completely a mascot. He is not incompetent. He manages the royal family. After the royal family became a decoration, he created it. A group, when his father was in power before, there was no group company, and when his father Long Zhenjun was in power, he also had no rights. He just made some farms and shops and other expenses to maintain the royal family.

And now the Royal Family Group is developing very well. There are royal family industries in the whole empire. It can be said that Long Zhenjun is very capable, and not only in business, but also in the military. He also has his own private forces abroad. There are several domestic forces. There are also people belonging to the royal family in the military region.

These forces developed by Long Zhenjun are not from the Long family, but belong to the royal family.

The royal family and the dragon family are separated. Although the dragon family is also a royal family, it is actually separated from the royal family. Whether it is power, power, or wealth, they are all separated. The royal family is the royal family, and the family is the family. irrelevant.

The royal family is only the Dragon family who inherited the throne, such as Long Zhenjun and his wife, son, daughter, these are the royal family, and Long Zhenjun's brothers and sisters, parents, uncles and other people, all return to the Long family, Becoming a dragon family has nothing to do with the royal family, and the dragon family will support them in the future.

The reason why the Long family can last for thousands of years without decay is here, they will not blindly pursue any dynasty, what power and status, their Long family does not lack wealth, with wealth, the family wants power and status. , can be said to be at your fingertips, and the Long family has secretly developed power for thousands of years, and their strength is not lacking. As the guardians of China, they have never used their strength to dominate the world, and it can be said that they are very patient.

Even if the Long family has obtained the throne now, they still implement the rules set by their ancestors. When they become emperors, they will be isolated from the Long family, so as not to cause the family to be affected when the dynasty is changed.


Now that Long Zhenjun has a lifespan of 300 years, he doesn't want to continue to be this puppet emperor. He has done enough of this decoration, and he has been making secret preparations in order to regain the rights and glory belonging to the royal family.

The purpose of Zhu Yuanyuan's visit this time, and the steel armor he brought, can be said to have added firewood to Long Zhenjun's ambition and accelerated the result he wanted.

"Well, yes, this time I came here to sell the steel armor. As for whether it is purchased by the empire or purchased by His Majesty the Emperor, it is the same for me. As long as it is to protect my compatriots throughout China, I don't care who I sell it to. "ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Zhu Yuanyuan thought very simply, as long as the person who bought the steel armor can protect the entire China, of course, Zhu Yuanyuan would not think that these steel armors can protect the entire Water Blue Star.

He did this to prevent the fish from slipping through the net. After the arrival of the alien fleet, Zhu Yuanyuan will definitely fight, and there will be no scruples on the water blue star, even if there are those armed satellites and defensive weapons on the moon , but the water blue star is too large to completely protect it.

Therefore, these steel armors are sold so that the Empire can resist those fish that slip through the net.

"Okay, okay, okay, origin, don't worry, our Long family itself is the guardian of China, of course, we have to protect everyone in China as our responsibility, and we will not let anyone bully our compatriots in China unless we step on us. past."

Although Long Zhenjun's face was very happy, he also answered seriously. Although he has great ambitions, he will not ignore people's safety.


I don't know how much this steel armor will cost? "Long Zhenjun suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked the price yet, if it was too expensive, he really couldn't afford it.

"How much?" Zhu Yuanyuan was suddenly stunned. He really didn't think about how much the steel armor would cost. Now there are some old-fashioned armors in the base, and they don't cost much. Forget it, let's sell it cheaper.

"Your Majesty, this steel armor is very technical, but in order to support the strength of the empire, I will sell it to you at the lowest price, one million, what do you think?"

The price that Zhu Yuanyuan said is a big sale. A high-end car or sports car in China is more than this price.

Not to mention the weapons and energy systems on the steel armor. The weapons include small missiles, laser cannons, energy systems but cold fusion reactors, and special alloys on the surface. These are all black technology. .

If it wasn't for Zhu Yuanyuan's difficulty in making these things, and there was no cost, they would definitely not be sold so cheaply.

"What? One million? So cheap? Origin, you won't lose money. Steel armor is not just selling Chinese cabbage. I am afraid the alloy on the surface of the armor is more than this price." Mobile terminal: https:/

Mr. Chen jumped up before Long Zhenjun could speak. What can one million buy? Yes, ordinary people may think that one million is a lot, but in front of weapons and equipment, especially in front of the latest high-tech , a million farts are not, even the hair of the latest equipment can't afford it.

"Grandpa, it's no big deal to sacrifice some interests for China and to resist aliens, and I didn't lose money."

Zhu Yuanyuan quickly stopped Mr. Chen from asking him to trouble Long Zhenjun.

"Okay, well said, Yuan Yuan is a good boy. Since you said so, I will accept it with the face." Long Zhenjun looked at Zhu Yuanyuan, and he could see that Zhu Yuanyuan was not a swollen face and a fat man. But really think the price is on the line.

"You're too famous, that's what I planned." Zhu Yuanyuan shook his head, he wouldn't say that this is a good opportunity to harvest reputation.

"Where do you see the delivery? You'd better prepare a warehouse in Shenhai City, which is closer to my company and convenient for you to deliver the goods."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't plan to let those steel armors fly over. That would be too eye-catching. The old-fashioned armors were not coated with invisible coatings. If they flew over directly, a large group of armors would be too conspicuous. Let's keep a low profile. Lest those families in the empire come to make trouble.

"Alright, just trade in Deep Sea City. You can rest assured that I won't reveal that you sold it to me, the origin, when can it be traded? How many armors are in the first batch?"

Long Zhenjun didn't have any opinion at all, he quickly said something, he didn't want the cooked duck to fly away.

"You can just send someone to Shenhai City to find me after the National Day holiday." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Long Zhenjun and knew that his cheap uncle must be in a hurry, but he didn't want to run around, and let him It's okay to be in a hurry.

"Okay, no problem. After the National Day holiday, I will pick up the goods." Long Zhenjun finally agreed to this condition.


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