Random Shopping System

Chapter 316 Wireless Power Transmission

"The last 4 things, I hope they are all good things." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the remaining 4 wooden boxes, although he still has reputation points, but Zhu Yuanyuan does not plan to use all of them to buy items of level 2 civilization , Level 2 random shopping, he still thinks there is nothing good, remembering that when the previous system was not upgraded, at that time random shopping could buy more advanced items. Although it may not be available for a while, it is better than now.

Thinking about Zhu Yuanyuan, I regret it. Why didn't I buy more things at that time!

But there is no regret in selling medicine in the world, um, maybe it can be bought through random shopping in Wanjie?

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan did not think that after he bought the regret medicine, the system would be degraded, and it is estimated that he could not buy such a thing.

Opening the seventh item, Zhu Yuanyuan was taken aback.

"A pair of fast-growing pigs: from the world of Yunxian. This is a pair of domestic pigs that can reproduce offspring. It only takes half a month to grow up and can weigh at least one kilogram. As long as the boar is not castrated, this kind of pig can be reproduced indefinitely. ."

Zhu Yuanyuan is really speechless. Now the Huaxia Empire, and even the whole world, has no shortage of meat at all. All animals have evolved. Each pig weighs several tons, even ten tons. This fast-growing pig, Zhu Yuanyuan It feels very tasteless. Now the whole world is not short of meat, and in the past year, the whole world will use the meat of the three-headed devil as food, and no one can miss strengthening the body and prolonging life.

But having said that, this kind of fast-growing pigs is still useful. For example, you can feed them and drink the blood of three Mowu, so that the pair of fast-growing pigs can evolve. Huge, maybe this fast-growing pig will become an existence of dozens or hundreds of tons. In that case, all human beings will not have to worry about running out of meat in the future.

It's just that the price of meat may plummet, um, although it has fallen unsightly now, there is no meat on the market now, whether it is pork, chicken, or beef and mutton.

The main reason for this is that the flesh and blood of the three-headed devil is so delicious, it is better than all kinds of meat on the water blue star, and even if it evolves, it is not as good as the meat of the three-headed devil. good to eat.

The animals on Feiyu Island are much more delicious than the three-headed devil, after all, they have been nurtured by aura.

Eighth item.

"Wireless power transmission technology: from the second-level scientific and technological civilization, the GS universe. A small transmission device can transmit power without loss, but this technology is very difficult, and it can only be wirelessly transmitted within the planet. There is no wireless transmission.”

"I'll go, is there really a wireless power transmission device? I used to read those boring gossip media on the Internet bragging about the new technology in that country, and said that those foreigners have already researched wireless power transmission, haha. , now the young master really has it."

Zhu Yuanyuan was really happy when he saw this wireless power transmission technology. This thing can actually carry out lossless power transmission among the planets. How much power does it save?

Although there are high-voltage wires now, when power is transmitted, there is still resistance. If there is resistance, there is loss, and the loss is not small. The resistance of precious metals is small, but what is the use of precious metals?

It is estimated that taking out all the precious metals of the Huaxia Empire will not be able to arrange the power grid of the entire empire, let alone the wires in people's homes.

With this wireless power transmission technology, Zhu Yuanyuan feels that the power of the entire empire will be greatly developed. This technology is a good thing. With him, the power grid of the empire will not be pulled everywhere, and the Huaxia Empire is an electric power. Large countries also export electricity every year.

Now with this lossless wireless power transfer, more power is exported.

Of course, it also provided great support for the unification of the entire Water Blue Star by the Huaxia Empire. Zhu Yuanyuan touched his chin, this thing is useless in his own hands,

Just let Xingchen archive the data. If you want to use it, you can use it at any time. It’s better to sell it to the royal family. After all, the emperor is also a cheap uncle.


Ninth item.

"Economic Growth BUFF (Double in 7 Days): From the Achievement Continent. As the name suggests, the economic growth of the country where the user is located will double in one week. (PS: With it, the country will not worry about running out of money!" )”

"Good thing, there is still such a state, but 7 days, isn't it a bit short?" After seeing this buff, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that the time was too short, but he was still very satisfied.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan was thinking wrong. In a country as big as the Huaxia Empire, the economy of the entire country doubled in one week. This increase in the economy is not a lot. If there is any major business negotiation in this week Or if it's a transaction, it's incredible, it's a trillion-dollar economic growth.

Maybe trillions are too few, and this BUFF is not only the country's taxation and various incomes, but refers to all the economic growth in the country, even personal growth is included, so this increase rate can be described as very terrifying .

After Zhu Yuanyuan saw this thing, he used it in a blink of an eye, and there was an additional status on his system panel in an instant.

"Double economic growth BUFF: 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes."

Now Zhu Yuanyuan has four BUFFs for the Huaxia Empire, all of which are positive.

"I don't know if there will be a negative state?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the four positive states on the system panel, and he couldn't help thinking that when playing games in the past, there were not only positive states, but also various negative states.

And Zhu Yuanyuan saw the four states on his panel, and couldn't help but think what would happen if all the states were reversed?

Will economic growth turn into negative economic growth? If it is not used, the whole country will increase by one trillion, but if it becomes negative growth, will it lose one trillion instead?

Will the law and order halo turn into a rogue halo? Will the whole country be in chaos? Will there be hooligans, thieves, robbers, murderers everywhere?

Will a government decree become a corruption decree? Will all policies become a mess, and will those who are clearly not corrupt also become corrupt officials?

Zhu Yuanyuan shuddered when he thought of this. He couldn't think about it anymore. It was too scary. These buffs are good, they are not so abnormal, but they are too scary when they become negative.

No wonder, as the saying goes, building a house is hard, but destroying a house is easy.

It's the same when it comes to being a human being. It's hard to be a good person, but it may only take a second to be a bad person.

At the same time, it takes a long time for a good person to be praised by many people.

However, if you are a bad person, you may only need to do one thing and you will be left behind forever. .

Of course, being a good person can make you feel good, and helping others will give you a sense of accomplishment and a good mood for granted.

And the bad guys? Do they take it for granted after they do bad things? No, they will be frightened, fearful, afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night, they will have uneasy conscience, and they may not have peace of mind for the rest of their lives.

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