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Chapter 320 Target Mars! Set off!

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, let's play on the moon for a day, and when we leave, Xingdust will arrange for robots to come and pick all these fruits and send them to the earth for storage, some will be made into dried fruits, some will be It will be made into canned food, and some will be made into jam, and now the fruit trees on Flying Fish Island are also treated like this, when we return to Earth, I will take you to the storage warehouse to get the things made of these fruits, it is delicious.”

What Zhu Yuanyuan said is also what he did recently. Due to the strong spiritual energy on Feiyu Island, those fruit trees grow quickly, and basically a batch of fruits will ripen every few days. Woe to the animals on Flying Fish Island.

So now he has asked Xingchen to arrange for robots to pick them, all of which have been made into dried fruit, canned food, jam, fruit wine, and stored. The things on Feiyu Island are all good things, all with aura, Zhu Yuanyuan I wouldn't take it out and sell it. After eating these things, all diseases will be eliminated, and life expectancy will be prolonged. They are completely like elixir and elixir.

"Oh, the fruit on Flying Fish Island? That is to be well preserved." Chen Ziyuan said while stuffing a blueberry into her mouth, um, delicious, sweet and sour taste, unique fruit fragrance, let She narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Hey, Xiaoyuan, you eat this fruit first." Zhu Yuanyuan picked some more fruit in the fruit forest, and while eating, he took out a small oval red fruit from the basket by his hand and handed it to Chen Ziyuan's mouth.

"Huh? What kind of fruit is this? It looks like a virgin fruit, but it's too small and a little different." Chen Ziyuan looked at the fruit that Zhu Yuanyuan handed over, and asked a little puzzled.

"Don't you know if you eat it?" Zhu Yuanyuan pretended to be mysterious.

"Hmm." Chen Ziyuan glanced at Zhu Yuanyuan, and after making sure that he would not play a prank, opened his mouth and bit the fruit Zhu Yuanyuan fed into his mouth and chewed it.

"Well, sour." Chen Ziyuan frowned, this fruit is too unpalatable.

"Origin, this fruit is too unpalatable, you hurt me." Chen Ziyuan snorted.

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, I didn't harm you, you will find out after a while." Zhu Yuanyuan laughed happily.

"Hey, it's not sour anymore, the taste in your mouth has changed to a hint of sweetness, is this sweet?" Chen Ziyuan was a little surprised, this kind of changeable taste is very strange, but it is not that there is no such fruit, such as Lime is sweet and sour.

"Oh? Xiaoyuan, has your mouth turned sweet?" Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes flashed and he asked.

"Well, yes, there is a hint of sweetness in my mouth. Origin, I want to eat one." Chen Ziyuan's eyes wandered, and then she asked Zhu Yuanyuan again.

"You can't eat this fruit, you can only eat one." Zhu Yuanyuan shook his head and rejected Chen Ziyuan's request, then took out a yellow lemon from the basket, and the peel of the lemon was peeled off between turns, revealing meat inside.

"Come on, try a lemon." Zhu Yuanyuan said with a smile.

"Ah? The lemon is so sour, it smells sour, so I don't want to eat it!" Chen Ziyuan smelled the lemon flesh that Zhu Yuanyuan handed over with a bitter face.

"Haha, you try it first and eat less." Zhu Yuanyuan seduced Chen Ziyuan and said.

Chen Ziyuan hesitated for a while, but she took the lemon flesh from Zhu Yuanyuan's hand, then took it to her mouth, first licked the lemon flesh with her pink tongue, and after licking it, she was stunned and looked at her hand. of lemon flesh, is this really a lemon? starter

Zhu Yuanyuan saw Chen Ziyuan's actions,

He smiled first, then watched Chen Ziyuan lick the lemon flesh with dark eyes, uh, what, his heart was hot.

"Origin, this... Is this a lemon? Why isn't it sour, it's sweet, so sweet." Chen Ziyuan thought she had made a mistake, then took a bite of the lemon flesh, her mouth filled with sweetness, God, How can yellow lemons be sweet, aren't they all sour?

"Haha, this is lemon, Xiaoyuan, you can try this sour angle." Zhu Yuanyuan smiled mysteriously, and then continued to hand Chen Ziyuan a sour angle to let her try the taste.

"Yeah! I've eaten this sour horn before. It's sour, how come it's sweet now? It's a sweet horn, right?" Are you having trouble with your taste?

"You try this bayberry, and this grape, plum." Zhu Yuanyuan asked Chen Ziyuan to try all kinds of sour fruits.

"Huh? Origin, why do these fruits have no sour taste at all?" Chen Ziyuan finally felt strange, why when she ate these sour fruits, her mouth was full of sweetness, and there was no sour taste at all, so strange.

"Haha, the little red fruit I gave you just now is a mysterious fruit. After eating the mysterious fruit, if you continue to eat sour things, everything will become sweet." Zhu Yuanyuan looked confused, so cute Chen Ziyuan, he laughed happily, and then revealed the mystery.

"Ah? Mysterious fruit? Is there such a magical fruit? After eating, continue to eat sour, all of which will become sweet. Oh my god, it's too mysterious."

Chen Ziyuan had a look of surprise on her face. This fruit is too miraculous. It is not an exaggeration to say that it turns corruption into miraculous.

Indeed, the miracle fruit has this kind of surprising feeling, but this is not a magical thing. The miracle fruit contains the flavored protein miraculin, which can make people eat sour and become sweet, so people feel that It is very mysterious, so it is called a mystery fruit.

"Hehe, interesting, right? You won't feel sour if you eat sour all day long, but will only feel sweet. After the fruit is nourished by spiritual energy, its efficacy is also enhanced."

Zhu Yuanyuan smiled and watched Chen Ziyuan eating those sour fruits with surprise on his face. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/


"Xingchen, is everything ready?"

Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan spent a whole day and night in the Heavenly Palace. Today is a new day. He is not prepared to stay on the moon all the time. The Heavenly Palace of Romance is very good, but it will be boring after a long time, so he Today, I took Chen Ziyuan to the moon base.

Now Zhu Yuanyuan is asking if Stardust is ready to build a Mars base, robots, mining vehicles, large construction mechs, and armed satellites.

Of course, it is necessary to prepare some materials for building a base, so that after arriving at Mars, you can start building a base directly, avoiding some unnecessary troubles.

"Go back to the master, everything is ready and put into the Great White Shark battleship, ready to go at any time."

The mechanical sound of Xingchen came out from the projection. It was still in the shape of a ball of light. Zhu Yuanyuan did not let it change its appearance, it has always been like this.


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