Random Shopping System

Chapter 322 Mars (2)

"Pressure? That must be stressful, Xiaoyuan, don't look at the universe, it seems very calm, but it is also very dangerous. Look at the meteorites around the battleship, they are all dangerous. If they hit the battleship, they will If it is not good, it will damage the outer shell of the battleship, as well as certain environments in the universe, which is very dangerous."

"For example, those black holes, some energy storms, and even more dangerous space cracks, dark matter explosions, and other various emergencies are fatal threats, which make life tense all the time. pressure."

These words of Zhu Yuanyuan are not made up randomly. Among the flying saucers left by Xu Fu, there are certain dangerous places in the universe, as well as various dangers in the universe. When encountering one of them, it is ten deaths and no life. situation.

Not only the records in the flying saucer, but also Zhu Yuanyuan heard some dangerous situations in the universe in the projection left by the Goddess Chang Xi in the Heavenly Palace of Romance. There are not only natural disasters in the universe, but also man-made disasters.

If those high-level civilizations are at war with each other, the stray bullets will fly into the space cracks, and then randomly appear somewhere in the universe through the space cracks. It slowly fades away, but that takes time.

Chang Xi left a message in the video. She had seen a certain planet suffered a blow from an unknown civilization for no reason.

And there are more than one or two such examples, so there is no strength, whether it is sailing in the starry sky or staying in one's own home planet, there are risks, although the probability is very small, even if it is more than buying a lottery ticket. Still difficult, but what if?

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what happens!

"Origin, don't scare me, it's still very safe in the solar system, just these meteorites, the weapons on the battleship just exploded, those energy storms, shouldn't they exist? Our water blue star is still fine. , I've never seen anything like this."

Chen Ziyuan's face was full of surprise, thinking that what Zhu Yuanyuan said was too serious, how could there be such a coincidence!

What's more, only meteorites should be dangerous in the solar system. Well, maybe the sun should be added. If the sun flares up, it is estimated that the water blue star is dangerous.

"Xiaoyuan, I didn't say the solar system. Although the solar system is on the periphery of the Milky Way, it is very remote, and it is far away from the central bustling area, but it is stable enough here, and there are basically no natural disasters, except for some meteorites, there is nothing else. It is dangerous, but human beings always have to get out of the solar system in the end. It is impossible to stay in place all the time. As the saying goes, people move to live, and trees move to death. After all, people are not trees, and it is impossible to stay in the water blue star or the solar system all their lives. on."

Zhu Yuanyuan said earnestly. He also felt that it was very dangerous outside. The humans of Shui Lanxing had to go out of the planet and out of the solar system, and there was still a long way to go. Now saying this is just to let Xiaoyuan know that the starry sky is not so calm on the surface.

"Yes, the solar system is still very safe, I didn't plan to leave Shui Lanxing so soon." Chen Ziyuan breathed a sigh of relief, nodding her head again and again, it's okay to go out for a tour from time to time. If it's a star, she can't bear it.

"Don't worry, there is only one battleship now, how do you leave? And this battleship is not so technologically advanced. If you really go out with this great white shark, you probably don't know how to die."

Zhu Yuanyuan did not plan to leave the solar system so soon. First of all, the battleship is not very good. It is only a tier 2 battleship, and it does not even have the combat effectiveness of the Qinglong mecha.

Isn't going out looking for abuse?


Two hours later, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan had just enjoyed their first lunch in the interstellar battleship, when Xingchen's voice rang.

"Master, have reached the destination Mars, have you descended to the surface of Mars?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan heard the words, they quickly walked out of the restaurant in the command room and looked outside. Mars, as expected of Mars, a red sphere, and some black clouds, those black places may be producing sandstorms.

There are also some craters on the surface of Mars that were hit by meteorites. Those craters, even if you look at them from the starry sky, appear to be very large. It seems that the impacted meteorites are not small.

"Don't land first." Zhu Yuanyuan did not let Xingchen land, but turned his head and said to Chen Ziyuan: "Xiaoyuan, look, this is Mars, it looks beautiful, but unfortunately humans cannot survive in Above, it needs to be transformed, and Mars may be transformed for the first time in the future."

The reason why Zhu Yuanyuan came to Mars is to transform Mars, but he still needs to build a base first. All kinds of substances on Mars are now what he needs.

The materials needed for the production of warships are too large, and there is not much available on the moon, and no big moves can be made on the water blue star. Zhu Yuanyuan can only go to Mars to establish a base, and then rely on the huge Mars to provide resources to produce warships. It can further enhance the strength, and it will become very convenient to transform the planet.

"It's pretty, Origin, do you want to transform Mars?" Chen Ziyuan said with a complicated look.

She used to think that the Huaxia Empire might not be the first to step into the starry sky. The United States' aviation technology is the world's top, and the United States may be the first country to step into the starry sky.

But I didn't expect that my boyfriend has everything, flying saucers, interstellar battleships, mechas, and now we have to transform Mars, China is about to take off.

"Yes, Xiaoyuan, since I have this ability, of course I have to transform Mars. We Huaxia must be the first to occupy everything in the solar system. Well, the countries on the water blue star must also be unified. In this way, we Huaxia can become this country. The only ruler of the starry sky of the solar system."

Zhu Yuanyuan has a serious expression on his face. He hopes that everyone in China will be a dragon and stand on the top of the whole world, not like now, the rich get richer, the poor are still poor, and there is no direction at all.

Education in China is one set in the city, and another set in the countryside. The education level in the countryside and small towns is very low. At the same time, due to the lack of knowledge, the parents of the children also focus on educating their children, and the children's education cannot keep up with the urban ones. , innately one step behind others.

Education is very important. Although Zhu Yuanyuan has money and technology now, he is still very worried about the education of the entire Huaxia. Therefore, he bought a virtual game technology. When the game appears, the education of the entire Huaxia will be faster. way of dissemination, and will teach in the most correct way.

Those schools built in the virtual game are to teach people who are willing to learn in China, and to raise their knowledge level to the top of the water blue star. This is what Zhu Yuanyuan is willing to see. The knowledge level of the whole China has improved, then It's time to officially step out of the planet.

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