Random Shopping System

Chapter 324 Real StarCraft!

"Come on, Xiaoyuan, let's sit down and play together."

Zhu Yuanyuan pointed to the sofa in the command room, and then took out two flat-screen projection computers from the space ring. This kind of computer was made by Zhu Yuanyuan and made by Xingchen. It was very advanced and very black technology. Zhu Yuanyuan has not yet entered the market, and Zhu Yuanyuan does not want to mess around. If he directly enters the market in this way, the impact on technology products will be too great, and the entire market will collapse.

"Xingchen, come out in two teams of robots and construction machinery. Well, a team of ten robots, a mining truck, and a construction vehicle will do. After they are separated, connect the permissions to these two computers, and the technology is fully enabled. ."

Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it, the allocation should be reasonable, and the construction of the Mars base should not be delayed. Although he and Xiaoyuan are playing games, they are also building a base in theory, but human control is still not as good as artificial intelligence. of.

"Yes, master, two teams of construction machines have been divided, auxiliary intelligence has been loaded, and technology permissions have been opened." Xingchen quickly completed Zhu Yuanyuan's instructions, and now he can control it freely.

"This is a holographic projection tablet made by Stardust. You click on this icon, and the projection will appear. We just need to control these robots to work just like playing games, and do whatever we want them to do."

Zhu Yuanyuan instructed Chen Ziyuan to open the holographic projection tablet, and a projection appeared on the top of the tablet. This projection can be controlled, and the projection in the air can be controlled by clicking it with the hand, which is very convenient.

And this projection, as long as you don't leave the room, you can take this projection with you whether you are sitting or lying down, and you can operate it anytime, anywhere, without holding a tablet.

"Well, okay, the origin, I know, this manufacturing is to make all kinds of buildings? It's amazing, there are all kinds of smart factories, and robot production lines, and God, there are UFO production lines and Starship production lines. "

Chen Ziyuan looked at the robots and factory machinery on the projection, and immediately became happy. This was her own participation in the construction of the base, and it was a very interesting feeling.

"Yes, Xiaoyuan, you can explore for yourself, I'll come to play, if you don't understand, you can ask me, or see what I build, and you can build it too, play slowly, do whatever you want, anyway, Mars is so Big, just toss."

Zhu Yuanyuan smiled and watched Xiaoyuan control the robots and tinker with something.

He also didn't ask Xiaoyuan to develop the base to be good and great, as long as Xiaoyuan is happy, hey, Mars is still too bad, it has to be transformed, transformed, and it's no fun if you don't go and play freely. .

"Okay, Origin, I'll play first by myself." Chen Ziyuan nodded with a smile on her face, but she kept her eyes fixed on the robot on the projection, and she opened an option from time to time to see that she was I really don't understand, this construction base, what should be built first?

"Xiaoyuan, just starting to build a base, you can let the robot start building a power station. There are many nuclear fusion reactors on the warship, and you can assemble them directly. But we are playing a game. If you want to pay it back, there is no interest, but after you build your own base, you can produce things and pay them back, that’s the game.”

Zhu Yuanyuan saw that Chen Ziyuan really didn't know what to build, so he mentioned Xiaoyuan.

"Ah? Is this still possible? Then I'll try it." Chen Ziyuan's face was blank. When playing games, didn't she build it herself? Can I get things on credit?

Zhu Yuanyuan is not sick, he doesn't need ready-made things, and he wastes time producing, so he's still playing with wool!

It's just that after taking something from the battleship, it will be recorded on Xingdust's side. After the factory is built in the later stage, it will be returned. If it is not returned, it will be forcibly dismantled and returned to the battleship.

In other words, if you have to borrow and return it, it is not difficult to borrow it. If you have the ability to pay it back, but you don't pay it back, the auxiliary intelligence on Xingchen's side will forcefully return the thing.

This is also the rule that Zhu Yuanyuan has just set. Although this is also building a base, Chen Ziyuan and him are now playing games. If they are games, they can't take things in vain and have to pay them back.

"Xiaoyuan, then I'll start playing, um, build a nuclear power station first." After Zhu Yuanyuan said, he also began to control his team of robots and construction machinery.

Soon a large nuclear fusion reactor was lent from the warship. This kind of reactor was not used on the mecha, but was specially used for power generation.

As for why it uses electricity, it is also because the technology that Zhu Yuanyuan obtained uses electricity, and Stardust is obtained from Iron Man, which is also the earth, and the technology on the water blue star here also uses electricity.

On the contrary, the Great White Shark battleship does not use electricity, but nuclear energy. It seems that the world where the White Shark is located is also developing electric energy, or it is directly nuclear energy.

One after another, the Exploration Mecha controlled by Stardust also sent back a lot of information, information about various mineral veins, and the main base of Mars has already set off for mining.

Among the bases of Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan, the construction of the power station has just begun. Their bases are far apart and in different directions, about 100 kilometers away from the White Shark.

When transporting large-scale nuclear fusion reactors, the flying saucers on the warships were all transported there. Otherwise, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan would not have to play. It took several hours to transport everything. Fortunately, there were flying saucers, and they were transported in a few minutes.

"Xiaoyuan, eat first, and continue after eating. Anyway, it is currently under construction, and there is nothing else to worry about."

Zhu Yuanyuan saw that it was evening, and the robot also put a variety of food on the table. These were arranged by Stardust. The robot could cook, and the dishes were exactly the same as the recipes, and the ingredients were exactly the same. The dishes tasted good too.

"Yeah. I'm here." Chen Ziyuan agreed, then walked over and sat down to eat two bites of dishes.

"Origin, I thought of one thing, since we can remotely control these robots and construction machinery, can we make a game and let others participate? In that case, is it possible?"

Chen Ziyuan said suddenly.

"Xiaoyuan, I have also considered the matter you mentioned, but this is reality, not a game. It takes a long time to build something. Can anyone survive the loneliness? Is it always staring at robots building here? A base factory?"

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan also considered this issue. Humans can be involved in it, but people's work efficiency really makes him not complimented, so he still dismissed the idea. .

"Indeed, this can only let the two of us play, otherwise everyone will participate, and it may be a mess."

Chen Ziyuan said that sentence subconsciously just now, but she regretted it a little later. How could someone just let others interfere in such an important matter?

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