Random Shopping System

Chapter 326 Discover the ice!

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Xiaoyuan's projection and found that she was also manufacturing a minecart production line, but the speed was very slow. She used robots to slowly build the equipment, and Zhu Yuanyuan directly borrowed the whole set of equipment.

When Chen Ziyuan built the mining cart production line, Zhu Yuanyuan continued to produce robots and mining carts, and even the things borrowed by the battleship had been paid off.

Moreover, the base has been built around the buildings that have been built. The base is very large, and there must be enough space to build various buildings. At the same time, defensive weapons, especially anti-air weapons, must be arranged around.

Now Zhu Yuanyuan does not have these weapons, and even the warships do not have these weapons. The Mars base is now building weapons factories, especially the factories that make interstellar cannons, all of which are under construction.

On the Mars base, a large number of factories have been established. Robot factories, mecha factories, mining vehicle factories, reactor factories, flying saucer factories, battleship factories, and various factories have all been established.

The most is the refinery. The Mars base is directly built near the mine. There is no refinery built in the base. The main reason is that it takes too much time to travel back and forth.

The bases of Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan are different. The place they chose just happened to have several large metal rich mines nearby, and they could put the refinery in their base.

But now Zhu Yuanyuan has also started to build a refinery farther outside. Although he has a lot of mine carts now, it is still too far to be transported. He builds a refinery directly on the ore vein and ships it back directly when the time comes. Metal ingots will do.

At the same time, Zhu Yuanyuan also started to build a flying saucer production line. With the flying saucer, the transportation will be faster. The flying saucer is 200 meters in size, and there are more things to transport.

Before you know it, the time has come to 22:00 in the evening of Shui Lanxing Huaxia.

"Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan, huh?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the time, it was too late, he was going to bed, he called Xiaoyuan, found that there was no response, and walked over to take a look, although the projection was still there, Xiaoyuan already asleep.

"Haha, so I fell asleep." Zhu Yuanyuan shook his head with a smile. What happened that day was too exciting. Chen Ziyuan was also tired. He bent down and hugged Chen Ziyuan to a princess. , went directly to the bedroom door of the command room of the White Shark, and in an instant, the intelligent opened the door, and after walking in, the back door closed automatically.

This bedroom is very good, with a large window, you can see the galaxy outside, a beautiful view.

After putting Chen Ziyuan on the bed in the bedroom, Zhu Yuanyuan straightened her messy hair and kissed Xiaoyuan's forehead.

"Go to sleep, Xiaoyuan, don't worry, I'm here for everything." Zhu Yuanyuan knew that Xiaoyuan must be worried about those aliens, and he was also worried about him.

Originally, according to Zhu Yuanyuan's idea, he didn't plan to tell Xiaoyuan about these things, but thinking that it will eventually be exposed in the future, if she doesn't tell Xiaoyuan now, it will be so sad if she finds out later.

The system must not tell anyone. Zhu Yuanyuan is going to bring the secrets of the system into the coffin. Well, now it seems that death is impossible, so I will not tell anyone for the rest of my life. Others will ask how some things came from. , Just make it up, such as picking it up in a cave on a trip, or a fortuitous encounter, just make up random things.

Looking at the sleeping Xiaoyuan, Zhu Yuanyuan also got into bed, gently hugged Xiaoyuan in his arms, and then looked at the starry sky outside the window and fell into a haze.


The sleep time at night passed very quickly. When I closed my eyes, I fell asleep, and when I opened my eyes, I woke up, and it was dawn.

Well, that's wrong, the time on Mars can't be calculated like this, but he and Xiaoyuan still came according to the time of Shui Lanxing,

Sometimes it was dark on Mars, and he and Xiaoyuan still counted it as the morning. The time of Shui Lanxing was set here, and they couldn't follow the time on Mars, otherwise it would be a mess.

After Mars is transformed, then, if you immigrate, someone will naturally set the time that belongs to Mars.

"Little lazy pig, get up." After Zhu Yuanyuan got up to wash, he saw Xiaoyuan still lying on the bed, he lifted the quilt in the past, then hugged Xiaoyuan and walked towards the bathroom.

"Oh, Origin, don't let people sleep for a while during the holiday." Chen Ziyuan opened her blurred eyes and said in a sullen voice. In fact, she also woke up, but she just wanted to stay in bed for a while, but since she was carried out of bed , she didn't make a fuss, and honestly, Zhu Yuanyuan squeezed her toothpaste and a glass of water to brush her teeth.

After Chen Ziyuan washed up, Zhu Yuanyuan ate a warm breakfast with him, and then continued to look at the development progress of the Mars base.

"Xingchen, has there been any detection of water storage sites on Mars?" This water issue is Zhu Yuanyuan's greatest concern.

"Master, the area where the ice layer on Mars is located was detected last night. After testing, it can be determined that there are 2 seawater frozen layers and 8 freshwater frozen layers in the large-scale water resources. Please see the holographic projection."

As Xingchen said that, a map on Mars was displayed, showing all the places with ice layers.

"Okay, not bad, well done. So, the flying saucer is now idle, right? Send it over and blast through this ice layer with laser cannons to melt the nearest fresh water frozen ground."

Zhu Yuanyuan pointed to the nearest ice layer on the projection and said.

"Yes, master, the flying saucer has already set off for the ice area." After Zhu Yuanyuan's order was given, Xingchen immediately dispatched the flying saucer.

As for why Zhu Yuanyuan went to melt the fresh water so quickly, it was not that he lacked water, but that he wanted to transform Mars as soon as possible. Only with water could the transformation be completed faster.

And on the White Shark, there are many plant seeds, which can be planted by the water, such as those rice, and sand dates, and aquatic plants, such as water chestnut and lotus.

"Origin, is Mars going to be transformed now?" Chen Ziyuan looked hopeful.

"Well, yes, let's take it slow now, melt those underground ice layers first, and then evaporate into water vapor. When the water vapor reaches the atmosphere, and then it rains, it will become the water that nourishes the earth. At this time, the temperature on the entire Mars will also drop to a certain level, and it must be suitable for planting plants at that time."

Zhu Yuanyuan's idea is to first evaporate the water in an ice layer, let Mars rain everywhere, and then use electrolysis to distribute the oxygen in the water to the entire Mars. In this case, there must be some use. At least planting plants is not necessary. problem.

"Oh." Chen Ziyuan also doesn't understand this aspect a little. She studied in the financial management department at school, and she really doesn't understand what this is about transforming the planet.

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