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Chapter 329 Is there really civilization on Mars?

After watching the base, Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the map on Mars in the holographic projection, and directly controlled the flying saucer to fly towards the place where the ice was melting.

After Zhu Yuanyuan flew for ten minutes, he heard a roar. After approaching, he found that the flying saucer was bombarding the ground with an energy cannon. A burst of dust flew on the ground, and then a large ice layer was exposed.

Now the flying saucer has melted and evaporated all the exposed ice layers, leaving only a small amount of water, and this part of the water still has to stay here, either for electrolysis or for experimental aquatic plants and organisms.

"It's not bad. It melted and evaporated such a large layer of ice in one night." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the steaming water surface below, which was at least 10,000 meters in size, but the color of the water was not very good-looking. It's red. It's probably because the blasted sand is mixed in. Otherwise, it will look steamy. Well, if you add some cold water, you can enjoy a hot spring.

"Chi-chi!" The flying saucer blasted open a piece of land, and after exposing the ice layer, it began to melt the ice layer with laser cannons. A large amount of ice was evaporated into water vapor and rose to the cloud layer, adding to the atmosphere of Mars, but also became a piece of ice. rain cloud.

"Yes, the efficiency is okay, anyway, don't worry, you can take it slowly." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, although it was a little slower, but this transformation of the planet can not be completed in a day or two, and now the most important thing is to use Mars The ice layer is used to produce oxygen, and the rain can also wash away the harsh environment on the entire Mars, such as those volcanoes and dust storms. With the erosion of rain, the volcanoes can be slightly suppressed first.

Having said that, Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it, but still felt that he would use some unconventional weapons to try.

"Stardust, call an armed satellite over Mars, and use a space-based kinetic energy weapon to target this piece of ice that has not yet melted and bombard it once."

After Zhu Yuanyuan contacted Xingchen, he asked him to mobilize an armed satellite to use a space-based weapon. After the space-based weapon was manufactured, he had never used it, but he had only seen that kind of weapon in the movie. power.

"Yes, Master, there will be an armed satellite passing by in five minutes." Xingchen replied immediately. Although there are some satellites above Mars, there are only a dozen or so, and now there are less than five minutes. A satellite passing through the sky is not bad.

After five minutes.

"Master, the armed satellite has arrived over the destination, do you want to launch a kinetic energy weapon?" Xingchen reminded.

"Okay, let's launch." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed. He stepped back hundreds of miles and stopped five kilometers above the sky. He wanted to see if this space-based kinetic energy weapon was in the movie. Such exaggerated power, if there is that kind of power, it can be used to deal with aliens at that time.

"Yes, Master, the kinetic energy weapon is launched, and it is expected to bomb the destination in ten seconds." Stardust also estimated the exact time through the weight of the metal rod, the speed in the vacuum, and the acceleration of gravity after entering the Martian atmosphere.

Then Zhu Yuanyuan saw a fiery red light above the sky hitting the ice layer hundreds of miles away at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and then Zhu Yuanyuan saw that the ground there had undergone earth-shaking changes, just like the waves in the sea, fluctuating and tumbling layer by layer, looking extremely terrifying .

There was no explosion at all, but the changes on the ground were as if an earthquake of magnitude 18 had occurred, and it was expected to be turned over several hundred meters deep.

Those ice layers were also scattered, and were flipped to the ground on the spot, and some of them were completely evaporated. Isn't the ice layer around the metal rods all evaporated!

"Fuck! This power is too great! It's really terrifying." Zhu Yuanyuan showed a shocked expression on his face. He looked at the ground below. The range was too wide. He was hundreds of miles away. The ground was turned upside down, and the power was even greater than that of a nuclear bomb.

Kinetic energy weapons, in fact, the armed satellites used by Zhu Yuanyuan are far more than the so-called "Rod of God" in the movie, because Zhu Yuanyuan made all the satellites made by Xingchen use nuclear fusion reactors, engines The energy used is different, and the horsepower is of course different. The power of the ejected metal rod is also greatly different, and the weight of the metal rod is also different. The weight of the metal rod made by Zhu Yuanyuan reached 10 tons. , the power of such a heavy metal rod launched from the universe and then entering Mars can be said to be amazing. Destroying a city is simply effortless.

"Hey, no, what's that thing over there?" Zhu Yuanyuan suddenly felt something was wrong.

He found that the place where the kinetic energy weapon hit it seemed a little wrong, and it seemed that it was glowing.

"Drip! Alert! Alert! Master, the armed satellite that launched the kinetic energy weapon is locked by the unknown energy weapon, is it evasive, or is it counterattacking?" Xingchen's warning also came, and it turned out that something went wrong.

"Fuck, it's not such a coincidence, right? Is there really an alien base on Mars? And such a coincidental kinetic weapon hit the alien base?" Zhu Yuanyuan glared, he felt that this was a pit, I seriously suspect that Xingchen has already discovered the alien base, and deliberately attacked the base!

But this is just Zhu Yuanyuan's wild thoughts. If Xingchen had discovered it earlier, he would have reported it to him. However, Xingchen was forced by the system to recognize the master. If he wants to betray, it is impossible.

"Xingchen, first put the satellite into stealth mode and see if the energy weapon is still locked? If it doesn't work, just avoid it." Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while, but held back, it was unclear whether this was an alien base. , or not to be enemies of each other, he said, he thinks, it is estimated that this is a place as abandoned as the Romance Temple on the moon, otherwise it will be bombed day and night. If there are really aliens in this base, I am afraid it will be early. They all came out, and there was no response at such a close distance. It can only explain one thing. Even if it is a base, it is also a relic.

"Yes, Master."

After Stardust answered, the armed satellite entered a state of invisibility.

"Master, it doesn't work. The energy weapon is still locked. Maybe the unknown base below is unmanned, so it takes time to activate the weapon now. It is estimated that it will take five to 10 minutes to launch the energy weapon."

"That's it, Xingchen, fly this satellite to the other side of Mars and see if it's locked." Zhu Yuanyuan raised his brows, this thing on Mars doesn't look simple, at least 3 Level civilization or above, otherwise, how could it be possible to lock the satellite after stealth!

You must know that the stealth systems on these armed satellites are loaded with the technology on flying saucers, and flying saucers are things of a level 3 civilization.

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