Random Shopping System

Chapter 334 Stargate Adventure (2)

"Yeah? Origin, are you teleporting?"

As soon as Chen Ziyuan got out of the flying saucer, a white light flashed suddenly in front of her, and Zhu Yuanyuan appeared in front of her, which shocked her and surprised her at the same time.

"Also, what's going on with this city? Is it a relic on Mars? Is it an alien base?"

Chen Ziyuan had a lot of questions. When she was on the flying saucer just now, she was stunned to see this city under the ice. She didn't expect that there is such a huge city hundreds of meters below the ice.

The city of Atlantis is very huge, with a radius of more than 100,000 meters. It is very huge. It can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, but this is not a city for living, it is a city that can live. A fort that roams in the interstellar space, so there are not many rooms that can live in it, and most of them are weapons with various functions.

There is also a dark matter engine that provides energy for the entire city. The top weapon in the city is the tip of the building where the command room is located. It can launch a destruction ray that destroys the black hole. This is a taboo weapon. Come on, the entire solar system is gone.

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, this is the function of this city, it can be teleported. I will give you a permission later, and then you can teleport in this city. You can't do it outside, only here. Teleportation can only take place within a city."

Zhu Yuanyuan smiled and looked at the little kite like a hundred thousand whys, and said it carefully.

"Also, this is a Martian ruin, but it's not a base left by aliens. The civilization that created this city is very famous. Do you want to guess?"

When Zhu Yuanyuan said this, he also played a riddle.

"Oops! Yuanyuan, you're still selling off, then I'll take a guess!" Chen Ziyuan snarled, rolled her eyes at Zhu Yuanyuan, and then took a closer look at the city.

After looking around, her eyes were a little shocked. It was too exaggerated. The city was full of sci-fi, and it seemed that it was not conventional technology, and it was completely different from the technology on Aquamarine.

And Chen Ziyuan had a bit of a clue.

"Origin, since you said that this is not the base of aliens, it must be the civilization that appeared in the legend on the water blue star. I guess it may be Atlantis, and there is only the legend of this civilization, which means that they originally It is a civilization with advanced technology, but suddenly disappeared, it seems that they entered the interstellar space, not destroyed."

Chen Ziyuan is a figure of academic dominance.

She passed Zhu Yuanyuan's words, and then some information in the legend of Shui Lanxing was quickly locked on Atlantis.

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, you are smart, you guessed it at once, yes, this is a city fortress left by Atlantis, and this city can still fly, it is completely an interstellar fortress."

Zhu Yuanyuan smiled happily, Xiaoyuan is indeed a scholar, but she is smart, and she guessed it at once.

"Yeah! Is it really the city left by Atlantis? And it's a star fortress? I just guessed randomly."

Chen Ziyuan's face was shocked, her eyes suddenly enlarged and her eyes were rounded, her expression was so cute that it exploded.

"Well, you guessed right, let's go, I'll take you to the command room, and you'll know what's going on."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't say much. He pulled Chen Ziyuan without moving his feet, but the two of them automatically went over to the command room. This is a function of the city itself. It is not the floor that is moving, but a This way of energy use, even if Zhu Yuanyuan is willing, he can fly with Chen Ziyuan, but there is not too much energy in the city now, and Zhu Yuanyuan is still exploring various functions of the city, the first to discover , is this kind of function that can travel.

"Hey! Origin, what is this? How can it move automatically? Could it be that the floor below is moving?" Chen Ziyuan really thought that this floor might be the same as the conveyor belts in those airport train stations?

"No, this floor has not moved, this is a way of energy operation, in fact, there is a kind of gentle energy everywhere in the city where we stand, as long as you stand in it, if you have permission, you can communicate with those legendary gods. It doesn't make any difference, you can do whatever you want."

When Zhu Yuanyuan said this, he had to sigh with emotion. It really is an interstellar fortress produced by the Atlantis civilization. Even ordinary people, as long as they have the authority of the commander, as long as they are in the city, they don't have to be afraid of someone rebelling. After wearing the authority bracelet, it is spiritually connected to control authority. Anyone who wants to kill, a thought, as long as it is in the city, can be killed instantly.

"Ah? Is there such an operation? Isn't this invincible?" Chen Ziyuan's eyes were a little suspicious, is this really a technological civilization? Why is it becoming more and more like a cultivating civilization?

Chen Ziyuan is cultivating the Heaven and Earth Art, and she can control the aura herself, so she feels that this way of manipulating energy is too similar to cultivating civilization. Could it be that after technology reaches a certain height, it will really be similar to mythology ?

"Origin, shouldn't Atlantis be a scientific and technological civilization? How can I hear you say that it is more and more related to cultivation civilization?" Chen Ziyuan still asked.

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, there will be similarities between this civilization and civilization. There are many similarities between scientific and technological civilization and cultivation civilization, such as artifact refiners, alchemists, and modern mechanical masters, medicine masters, etc. Master, is it similar in comparison? There are puppet masters in the civilization of self-cultivation, and there are robots in the civilization of science and technology. There are still some similarities between the two, but the principles are very different."

"So, it looks the same, but in fact the truth is very different."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't think that in the end, scientific and technological civilization and cultivation civilization would go on the same path. These are completely two civilizations that are not close to each other, and it is impossible to come together.

Just like Zhu Yuanyuan and the two of them, although they can cultivate now, they can only absorb the spiritual energy emitted by the spiritual source stone to cultivate, and the spiritual source stone can only affect one planet at most.

As for Wu Dajun and the others, there is no big problem with what they cultivate. They absorb the power of the stars to train the body, which is not a big problem.

"I see, I see." Chen Ziyuan nodded, she also understood that the differences between these civilizations are too big, maybe they can be integrated, but it is definitely not their world, they have no spiritual energy in this world, what to talk about What about fusion?

In Chen Ziyuan's wild thoughts, Zhu Yuanyuan took her to the door of the command room.

"Let's go, Xiaoyuan, don't think about it, we can't study this kind of thing now." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Chen Ziyuan, who was still thinking about something, and interrupted her random thoughts.

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