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Chapter 336 Stargate Adventure (4)

After the speech, Zhu Yuanyuan saw the projection in front of him. There were introductions and various functions. The most practical one was the spiritual connection. This star blue fighter cannot jump in space, but it can detect space fluctuations.

"Origin, this star blue fighter is very advanced and can be connected spiritually! But that's right, both of our mechas can be controlled by mind. It makes no sense that a fighter with a ninth-level civilization cannot use spiritual power to drive it!"

Chen Ziyuan's words are not unreasonable. Although Zhu Yuanyuan knows that the mecha is the product of another world that doesn't know how far, but since they are both technological civilizations, it makes no sense that a level 4 civilization can have spiritual power to connect the mecha, and A level 9 civilization cannot.

Of course, perhaps in different worlds, the development of science and technology is not the same, even if it is a technological civilization, there are some biased.

But obviously, if Atlantis can be promoted from a ninth-level civilization to a god-level civilization, then it is not easy for them, and it is impossible to study even a small spiritual connection.

"That's right, you can use your mental power to control it. Wouldn't it be more convenient? Xiaoyuan, wait until we set off. I'll ask Xingchen to send some daily necessities, water, and food from the battleship to explore the alien world. , who knows if there is anything to eat there."

Zhu Yuanyuan nodded and watched Chen Ziyuan sitting in the co-pilot eagerly, as if he wanted to set off immediately, but after thinking about it, he reminded him that he still had to bring food and drink, otherwise, wouldn't he? If something happens, you can't come back? Is that still an adventure?

"Okay, Yuanyuan, hurry up and let Xingchen bring the things over." Chen Ziyuan nodded, thinking that Zhu Yuanyuan was right, if you want to explore, you can't go empty-handed, and if you encounter alien civilization, They are definitely going to find out, or bring something to eat, just in case.

"Xingchen, get enough food and water for a week on the battleship, and send ten mechas to join me."

After Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it, he felt that he and Xiaoyuan could not just go alone, or bring a few small mechas with auxiliary intelligence. For such ordinary things, they did not need to do it themselves.

"Yes, master, it has been arranged, and it is expected to arrive in the city in 10 minutes."

Xingchen will not arrange ten mechas to fly over, but let the flying saucer pick it up, which is faster.

"Xiaoyuan, come, let's find out if there is anything useful on the fighter." After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Xingchen's words, he stood up and strolled on the fighter. This fighter was also more than 20 meters long. Meters wide, inside is still very large.

Moreover, the fighter plane also has some closed cabinets. In the projection, there are some equipment on the fighter plane, which are specially used for alien exploration. There are weapons, combat uniforms, and some equipment that can detect the air and water sources on the star ball. .

"Okay, the origin." Chen Ziyuan smiled and nodded. She also got the second-level authority in the command room just now, and she understood and understood the words and languages ​​of Atlantis.

"Di! Chi!" After Zhu Yuanyuan walked out of the cockpit of the fighter plane, he entered the passenger compartment at the back, looked around, and found that in addition to the seats, there were grooves on the walls on both sides, which seemed to verify fingerprints or DNA. He randomly picked the nearest place, pressed it with his hand, and the metal plate on the wall next to it fell down. This is a closed cabinet with a firearm full of science fiction. There is a bracer, and a wrap.

"Hey, Yuanyuan, there is really something!" Chen Ziyuan has been watching Zhu Yuanyuan's movements, and now she is surprised when she sees that there is really something.

"Well, there are things, you also go to pick a cabinet to open, take out all these things and have a look,

are all useful. "

Zhu Yuanyuan happily took out the wrist guards and firearms, and then took out the backpack inside.

This firearm looks very hairy. It is not a gun with bullets. Zhu Yuanyuan looked at it and unloaded a piece of blue energy from the ammunition port of the gun. This is the energy block. Generally, civilizations above level 4 use it. This stuff.

And the other bracer, he didn't know what it was, put it aside.

After opening the backpack, there are ten energy blocks and a few boxes, which seem to be eaten. Zhu Yuanyuan pouted, is this not expired?

"Xingchen, what are these firearms and bracers?" Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know something, so he asked Xingchen, although he has the highest authority, but he really didn't know everything about the city, and he didn't need to worry about it himself. There is stardust, just ask if you don’t understand!

"Master, this firearm is an Atlantis personal weapon dark blue anti-material rifle. The effective attack distance is more than 10 kilometers. In theory, as long as it is on a planet, as long as you can aim, you can hit the target." New 81 Chinese Internet update fastest computer terminal:

"This bracer is a combat uniform, called the dark blue bracer. It has the function of detecting the composition of the planet's air, water source, and soil. It can also activate the energy shield to protect the master's safety. You can activate and use the above functions, which are controlled by mental power."

Xingchen's words make Zhu Yuanyuan very happy. These things are all things of the ninth-level civilization. Although he knows that these ordinary soldiers are definitely not high-end goods, they are stronger than the eighth-level civilization. ?

"Origin, don't worry about safety now. With this weapon and this bracer, we are already invincible."

Chen Ziyuan also heard Xingchen's words next to her, and she was also very happy. She was a little worried that entering the stargate so rashly would be dangerous, but now that she has the weapons and equipment of Atlantis, she is not afraid at all. .

"Well, yes, although there are fighter planes, as long as we don't have the fighter planes, there is definitely no danger, but exploring, how can anyone stay in the fighter planes all the time. Now that I have this dark blue bracer, I can be relieved."

Zhu Yuanyuan originally wanted to hide from Chen Ziyuan about Stargate. After all, he didn't know whether it was safe or not, but he was afraid that Xiaoyuan would blame him for not telling her about Stargate. In the end, he told her. .

Now that safety is guaranteed to the greatest extent, Zhu Yuanyuan is relieved.

Ten minutes later, a row of mechas also came over, each carrying a box in their hands, which contained water, food, and daily necessities for the two of them, although Zhu Yuanyuan and the two of them He is a cultivator, but he has not established a foundation, so he still needs to eat and drink. Well, even if it is the foundation-building period, there is no spiritual energy outside, so he still can't eat and drink.

"Okay, Xiaoyuan, let's set off when we're ready, but we'll come back early for this expedition. We only have 3 days at most, and we must return to Deep Sea City before the 7th." New 81 Chinese website update fastest mobile terminal : https:/

Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it, today is the 3rd, and it's almost the same after playing for 3 days. After the 7th, the company still has big moves. Now he is not afraid of the threat of aliens, but the necessary things must continue. His The hole cards are all on the system, and the prestige value must be earned.


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