Random Shopping System

Chapter 338 Stargate Adventure (6)

This method is also very simple. It is the primary genetic enhancement liquid in Zhu Yuanyuan's hands. The limits of human beings are placed here. With the primary enhancement liquid in hand, there is no need to worry about being affected by the planet.

Of course, the genetic enhancement liquid Zhu Yuanyuan did not intend to popularize it abroad. He will only popularize it in the Huaxia Empire. Unless everyone on the Water Blue Star becomes a citizen of the Huaxia Empire, otherwise, Zhu Yuanyuan is not Will be sold to anyone of foreign nationality.

Although the baptism of the three-headed demon crow has been managed on Shuibluexing, it is possible that the physical quality of all human beings will skyrocket within the past year, and future generations will benefit endlessly. After all, there is a star ring around Shuibluexing. It is composed of the corpses of the three-headed mob. If you get back the water blue star, it will be enough for human beings to use for several generations. starter

Well, the only drawback is that after eating the flesh and blood of the three-headed devil, the water blue star said that there will be no people who will die of old age in the last 100 years. will not appear.

Of course, if those beasts mutate, humans may face beast attacks after evolution and mutation, and people will definitely die, no doubt.


"Well, it doesn't matter what the physical quality is declining. There is a strengthening liquid, so don't be afraid. Xingchen, you arrange to collect these plants and animals around you, and test them all. You can record what is edible and what is poisonous. ."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Xingchen's words, he felt that there was no problem.

"Xiaoyuan, let's go down." Zhu Yuanyuan called Xiaoyuan after arranging for Xingchen to record the information of the environment after seeing that there was no problem.

"Good origin." Chen Ziyuan was already excited and wanted to go out for a walk. This was not a water blue star, but an alien planet.

"Hey, hey, Xiaoyuan, don't worry, get your weapon and backpack." Zhu Yuanyuan saw that Xiaoyuan was like a rabbit, jumped up, and ran towards the outside of the fighter. He looked at the co-pilot next to him. Backpack and anti-material rifle, I couldn't help but feel a little speechless. I didn't take anything and ran away with bare hands.

"Oops, Origin, I have a bracelet, you can bring it for me." Chen Ziyuan giggled, showing a cute smile on her head at the exit of the fighter plane, and raised the dark blue wristband on her hand and shook it. .

"Okay, okay, be careful." Zhu Yuanyuan gave a wry smile, put on his backpack, put his gun on his back, took Xiaoyuan's backpack and gun, and walked out quickly.

"Origin, the air here is so good, and these flowers are so beautiful, I have never seen them before!"

After Chen Ziyuan came out, she took a deep breath and felt much better than the air on Shuiblue Star. It had a fresh feeling of nature. Although it was not as good as Flying Fish Island, it was better than other places on Shuiblue Star.

"Of course, this is an alien planet. Maybe it's still a primitive life planet. If there is no civilization, even if there is civilization, it may just be a civilization like ancient China. So now this valley has never been discovered, otherwise, It is estimated that someone has already discovered the stargate. Without a civilization with advanced technology, the air is of course better."

Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, thinking that Chen Ziyuan was right, the air is really good, this planet seems to be preserved, even if it is to be developed, it cannot be developed indiscriminately, and the natural environment must be protected.

"And, Xiaoyuan, haven't you noticed? Your body is much more relaxed now. It is estimated that ordinary people who have not been strengthened can jump more than one meter high on Shui Lanxing, and at least 3-4 meters high when they come to this planet. It's the effect of gravity."

Feeling the body, Zhu Yuanyuan reminded Chen Ziyuan who was still excited,

Both of them are self-cultivation practitioners, and their combat power is strong. They can't feel that such a small change in gravity is only an impact on the body, and the impact on combat power is not too great.

"Huh? Yes, it feels a little more relaxed, but it's nothing to us." New 81 Chinese website is the fastest update mobile terminal: https:/

Chen Ziyuan felt it for a moment and found the change.

"Okay, take your gun and backpack, and let's explore this planet together." Zhu Yuanyuan handed Xiaoyuan's backpack and gun over. This is a guarantee of safety, and it can't be thrown around casually.

In fact, this anti-material rifle, Zhu Yuanyuan thinks that it is not necessary, as long as it does not encounter high-level civilization, basically this thing is useless, and it is just in case.

"Okay, let's go on an adventure together." After Chen Ziyuan took the things and carried them with a smile, she followed Zhu Yuanyuan to the outside of the valley.

"Xingchen, while you control the fighter to fly over us stealthily, let the small mecha collect the plant data and animal data of this planet."

Zhu Yuanyuan took Xiaoyuan's hand and walked outside while talking through the dark blue wrist guard.

"Yes, Master." Xingchen replied, and after the fighter in the valley was invisible, it hovered several hundred meters above and followed the figures of Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan.

Now Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan don't use their own personal terminals. They are only made by Stardust. In fact, the technology content is not high. With the dark blue wrist guard, of course, the previous personal terminal has been abandoned. After all, with the black technology wrist guard, why do you want the thing that will be eliminated immediately.

"Yeah! Origin, look over there, such a beautiful fruit, it looks like the strawberry on the water blue star, but it grows on the tree, can this fruit be eaten?"

Just after leaving the valley, Chen Ziyuan's eyes were very poisonous, and she found a fruit that was very similar to strawberries, but this kind of fruit on this planet grows on trees, and it is much bigger than strawberries. , it is about the size of a grapefruit, and it looks red and beautiful.

"Ah? This fruit looks very beautiful, and the tree is very big. I don't know if it can be eaten or not. Let's go and test it."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know if he could eat it or not, and he was not omnipotent. Even if his mental power was strong, he could scan the fruit, but he didn't know how to see whether it was poisonous or not.

And he's not that stupid if he doesn't need technology.

Zhu Yuanyuan walked over directly, clicked on the dark blue wristband, and a projection popped up. He operated on it, pulled out the detection system, and scanned the fruit tree.

After a while, the test results came out, but there was a lot of information on it, and he was a little dizzy when he saw it, MMP, just tell the young man if he can eat it or not? The whole thing is so many that some didn't come out, and the young master is not a plant scientist, so he doesn't study this stuff.

But Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to rely on Xingchen for everything, so he read it hard, until he saw that it was non-toxic and edible. After these words, he breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise he really wanted to throw away this dark blue wristband, what's the matter? They're all going out!

"Xiaoyuan, look at the test data, it's not poisonous, you can eat it."


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