Random Shopping System

Chapter 347 Buy Servants!

"Zhu Gongzi, I have already packed my things and can leave at any time. It's just that the yard has not been sold, so I have been staying here. You can wait a moment. I can leave right now."

"Housekeeper, quickly pack up all the bedding rolls in the room, we're leaving."

While talking to Zhu Yuanyuan, Ma Yuanwai was directing to his housekeeper, and it seemed that he wanted to leave Fengyue City immediately.

Zhu Yuanyuan also wondered why he was in such a hurry. It was already around 4:00 pm, and it would be dark in 2-3 hours. Now it is winter in the Hanyang Empire, and the weather is very cold.

If you have to leave so late, if you say there is no problem, who will believe it!

But Zhu Yuanyuan and the two of them are not afraid, no matter what the problem is with him! Soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil. Some people come to ask for trouble. Just deal with them. It is not that Zhu Yuanyuan has never killed people. With modern technology here, it should not be too simple to destroy corpses and traces.

Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan just watched as the horsemen brought more than 20 servants in and out to move some things out, and 5-6 carriages also came out from the back door, and put all the things on the carriages. .

"Master Zhu, all my things are here, and some furniture in the house is given to you. I hope you don't dislike it."

After ordering some of his own things, the horsemen found that they were all moved. In fact, there were a lot of things. My son had already taken them to the capital, and the reason why I was so anxious to leave today was not because there was a problem with the house, but because there was a problem with the house. The big caravan was going to the capital, and he just happened to be able to follow along, so that there would be someone to take care of on the way. There are many bandits these days.

"Haha, don't dislike it, the horsemen are polite." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded with a smile on his face, and accepted it. I'm afraid that the things outside the horsemen can't be taken away, and he doesn't want to waste time dealing with these furniture. That's why I gave it to him, um, I can't see through it, I'm still a good friend.

"That's it, Master Zhu, I'm leaving now, I'm going to Beijing with a big caravan, if it wasn't for the big caravan to leave in a hurry, I would definitely invite Master Zhu to drink a glass of wine to express my gratitude. "The horseman bowed his hands, and then explained the reason why he was so anxious to leave.

"So that's the case. Well, Ma Yuanwai, then I wish you a smooth journey." Zhu Yuanyuan also knew the reason at this time. He originally thought Ma Yuanwai was running!

"Man, you really should have a prostitute servant in Zhenquan Tooth Shop, right? Let's take a look."

After Zhu Yuanyuan watched the vehicles outside the horse crew go away, he looked at the man at Maizumi and said.

"Yes, yes, sir, I just want to introduce a few people to you!" The man from Zhenquan Tooth Shop nodded quickly. Isn't he waiting here just to sell some servants? You must know that those people also need to eat and drink in the tooth bank, and you can save some food by selling them quickly.

"Okay, then let's go to the store and have a look." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded.

"Xiaoyuan, let's go over in the guy's carriage, and the horses will be tied to the yard first." Zhu Yuanyuan said to Chen Ziyuan who was on the side.

"Well, listen to you." Chen Ziyuan nodded, although she didn't know why Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to hire someone, after thinking about it, it was probably because he wanted to look at this house? No matter, anyway, there is no shortage of money, just a few people.

Zhu Yuanyuan tied the horse and locked the door of the house with a big iron lock, then pulled Chen Ziyuan to get on the carriage driven by the clerk from the tooth shop.

"Driving..." The Yahang guy saw that Zhu Yuanyuan and the two got into the carriage and sat down. After he took the bench as a footrest to the carriage, he drove the carriage towards Yahang.

True Spring Tooth Shop.

Zhu Yuanyuan has an unusual feeling when he sees Zhenquan Tooth Shop this time,

In the intermediary industry in ancient times, if you don’t have a background, you can’t do it. First of all, if you don’t have a background, if you are an intermediary, others will not buy it at all. If you don’t do it, there will be bad debts. For example, if you meet people from both buyers and sellers, Just throwing the people from the tooth line aside, I am afraid there will be no such thing.

"The shopkeeper, Zhu Gongzi bought the house outside the horsemen. This is the agency fee for the horsemen to go out. In addition, Zhu Gongzi wants to buy some servants, and I have brought them here."

The guy took out the agency fee for the horseman to go out, and then said that Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to buy a servant. This guy dare not embezzle the agency fee, otherwise he would definitely be interrupted and thrown out.

"Oh? Do you want to buy a servant? Well, I'll go and have a look." The shopkeeper's eyes lit up, he was busy in the shop, and even if it was just to settle the account, the other things were done by the staff, such as intermediaries. There is no need for him to do it at all, the people below will do it well, but this big client still needs to meet. He bought a house in Fengyue City, and he will definitely not stay for two days and not come.

"Master Zhu? Hello! Hello! You are welcome to visit our Zhenquan Tooth Shop. My surname is Chen, you can just call me shopkeeper Chen."

After shopkeeper Chen came out, he saw Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan sitting in the living room of the shop drinking tea at a glance!

"Shopkeeper Chen, hello!" Zhu Yuanyuan saw the shopkeeper coming out, he also stood up, hugged his hands as a courtesy, in ancient times there was no etiquette to shake hands, and strangers usually clasped fists, women put their hands Bend your knees slightly.

"Young Master Zhu, I heard that you sold the house outside the maiden, so you must be living in Fengyue City? How many servants are you going to buy this time?" Shopkeeper Chen didn't make any jokes either. After all, he wanted to recommend the servants in the shop. sold.

"It's not always the case. Fengyuecheng is pretty good. This time I'm here for a vacation. I'm going to buy a house here as a vacation home. Manager Chen, I need a seasoned housekeeper, 4 maids, 8 years old in 15-year-old male servant, and two old mothers who cook. See if you can arrange it."

Zhu Yuanyuan is not pretentious. He has watched a lot of ancient TV dramas, and he also knows some things. There are some things in this ancient house that need to be maintained. First, buy a few people and go back and then talk about other things. If it is not enough, just come and buy it. .

"Zhu Gongzi, there is no problem with this at all. In this way, this is the first time you have dealt with our Zhenquan Yaxing, and I will not fool you. It just so happened that we came here to have a housekeeper from the capital. The official's butler, the servants of this high-ranking official have all been sold, and we just picked up some servants, including this butler. It is said that the ability of this butler is very good, so I will recommend it to you."

After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's words, Manager Chen nodded, and also knew his needs. Although he felt that he seemed to want fewer people, he did not change his attitude.

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