Random Shopping System

Chapter 354 Back to Water Blue Star!

"Well, don't worry, I will inform Qingyan first and ask her to take the company's employees back first, and then let the lawyers of the company's legal department deal with it first. We will arrange the affairs of this planet before we go back."

It is impossible for Zhu Yuanyuan to go back immediately. Fengyuecheng just bought a house here, and he can only return to Shui Lanxing after he has arranged for Wang Jia and the others.

"Alright then, I'll listen to you." Chen Ziyuan had no choice but to nod, her little face was also gloomy, these foreigners just don't do serious things, when are they still in strife.

"Xingchen, send a message to Li Qingyan and ask her to take someone to deal with this matter, tell her, and I will go back later."

Zhu Yuanyuan asked Xingchen to send a message to Li Qingyan back.

"Yes, Master, I understand." Xingchen agreed, and then arranged for the robot to pass through the stargate to convey Zhu Yuanyuan's information.

Now the base is also being built at the Stargate. Although the base has just started, the molds are all out. After all, all the materials are transported from the Mars base, so there is no need to mine metal ore here.

"Xiaoyuan, have breakfast. Someone will take care of the company's affairs. Don't worry. After we finish breakfast, we will deal with the affairs in this house first, and then go back."

Although Zhu Yuanyuan felt very angry, facing Xiaoyuan, he still had a smile on his face, feeling the same as nothing.

"Well, okay." Chen Ziyuan didn't think her boyfriend was fine, he must have been very angry, just to be worried about himself, so he held back. She found out very early that her boyfriend was a macho If someone is looking for trouble, he has to pull it back, and his own things can't allow others to meddle, including her.

The meal was very happy at first, but became speechless and even a bit depressed after breakfast.

"Wang Jia, from now on you are the housekeeper in this house. When my wife and I are away, you have to control these servants, don't let them cheat and cheat, it is best to arrange for them to learn a little craft, at least Learn to read."

Zhu Yuanyuan called the housekeeper Wang Jia and talked to him.

"Yes, sir, the servant knows." Wang Jia did not dare to object to what Zhu Yuanyuan meant. In this day and age, the master's words are heaven, and he cannot ask the master what he wants to do.

What the master wants to do, there is no need for a servant to come to ask, this is taboo.

"Next, I have something important to go home to. I may not come to Fengyue City in a short time. I will leave this house to you, Wang Jia, don't let me down."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said.

"Master, the servant knows, you can go back with confidence, and the servant here will give you a good look." Wang Jia nodded and agreed. He didn't dare not agree, and there was no such joy as the master's absence from his right. Now it is controlled by Zhu Yuanyuan with the magic control technique, and he will not betray at all, so Zhu Yuanyuan will leave with such confidence.

The person controlled by the magic control technique, no matter how long the master leaves, the master's figure will be deeply imprinted in the soul of the subordinate, and he will always firmly remember that he is the master's slave, and it is necessary to never betray.

"Okay, Wang Jia, there are 10,000 gold coins in this box. I will use them to buy some shops and some villages. I hope that when I come next time, I can see a large number of properties. Can you do it?"

Although Zhu Yuanyuan can allow robots to come and occupy the entire planet, it is very difficult to not destroy the development of the entire planet and this ancient state. He still wants to keep this planet as it is, with a little trace of technology. He can't have it, so he can't destroy it. He also won't allow this planet to develop technology. He will eliminate the source of technology from the source. Just buy it,

The planet is still in its ancient state.

This planet is also in the universe. As for whether it is the Milky Way or other river systems, I don't know. After finding the location of this planet in the future, Zhu Yuanyuan can come to an interstellar tour, and it is still an ancient type of tourism. , the entire planet is all ancient countries, this chew is the only one.

"Master, I can do it." When Wang Jia heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words, he became excited. This is the trust of the master in him, and he will never let it down. Wang Jia has done such a thing not once or twice. Buying Zhuangzi, shops, and managing these things is a trivial matter. In the house of that high official, he also assisted the master in managing them, and he is very skilled.

"Okay, I believe you. Wang Jia, this is a potion that can increase your physical fitness. After drinking it, you will become a first-class master in the martial arts."

Zhu Yuanyuan took out a bottle of enhancer and handed it to Wang Jia.

"Thank you for your reward!" Wang Jia didn't say a word. He took it and opened the bottle. When he looked up, he filled the bottle of enhancer. After that, his body hurt a little, but he held back. He didn't believe that his master would Harm him, because the servants who have already bought, how to deal with it, don't have to be so bewildering, isn't it easier to just kill him with one knife? There's no need to be so troublesome.

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Wang Jia's movements with a hint of admiration. Although he knew there were several different ways of controlling the gods, what he liked most was subtle effects, which would not let the controlled person lose his character. , So now Wang Jia's actions are what he originally wanted to do, not affected by the magic of accusation.

Such people are completely trustworthy and reusable. In fact, in ancient times, such talents were the most numerous, but in modern times on Shuiblue Star, it is estimated that it is impossible to find a loyal person who is not afraid of death. If you are a person, you are afraid of death. Even if you know that there is no danger, you will probably hesitate.

Ten minutes later.

"Many thanks to the master for rewarding the slave with such a miraculous potion, the slave swears to follow the master to the death!"

After Wang Jia felt the increased strength of his body, he showed an excited look on his face, and then knelt down to kowtow to Zhu Yuanyuan, and all of a sudden he slammed on the floor tiles, and the floor tiles were cracked.

Wang Jia now feels that his own strength is more than ten times more than before, and he did not expect that he can also become a martial arts master.

Yes, there are also martial arts masters on this planet, but they just learned some moves and mastered some strength, which are much more powerful than ordinary people. The martial arts masters are much more powerful. .

"Okay, get up, my wife and I will leave first. You manage this house and remember my request."

After Zhu Yuanyuan ordered what Wang Jia had to do, he took Chen Ziyuan and went straight out of the house that had been changed to Zhu's residence, mounted his horse, and then headed out of the city all the way.

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