Random Shopping System

Chapter 372 Want to fight! Then fight!

"Okay, the idea of ​​Minister Ross is very good, I am very satisfied, what do you think?"

President Ilip thinks this strategy is very good,

"Minister Ross's proposal is very good, and I agree with it!" Admiral Jess had a satisfied expression on his face. They didn't do such a thing once or twice. The forces they dealt with before may not be as large as the Suiji Group. But it worked before, and it works now.

"Minister Ross's proposal is very good, and I agree with it!" Ai Rui is the Minister of Commerce of the United States. He has long been dissatisfied with the New Year Group, which has caused business chaos in the United States. Apple's stock price has plummeted, and taxes have been reduced. Not to mention the big cut, the stock in his hands also plummeted, and the dividends in the future will probably be reduced by a large part. Can he not hate the Suiji Group?

"Agree!" "I agree too!" "..."

It is a pity that these senior officials in the United States are completely unaware that they are trying to die, that they are marching into the abyss of destruction.

Their opponent is not as weak as imagined, but a behemoth, just like a dragon facing an earthworm. Will the dragon care what the earthworm thinks? It's just a long worm that can stare to death.


"Friends from the audience, good evening, everyone. This is Imperial CCTV. It's 19:00 in the evening! The following is the Central News!"

"Elder Qi Wu of our country sent an ambassador to Africa, established friendly cooperation with Africa, and negotiated a partnership with Africa to build solar power plants!  …"

"An earthquake occurred in XX province, and senior officials in XX province went to express condolences to the affected people!  …"

"The aquaculture industry in XX City has closed down a large number of breeding farms due to the huge size of animals."

"Recently, a giant wild boar broke in on a high-speed highway, causing a car accident!  …"

"Recently, the Suiji Group has created a new level of glory and developed a super technology awareness connection. The virtual world is no longer a fantasy, but a reality. The virtual game "Bright Glory" has been opened, and virtual helmets and virtual warehouses are on sale. It is said that in You can go to school in the virtual world. Suiji Group has prepared a school in the virtual world. Maybe you don’t need to go to school in the future. You can study at home as long as you are at home. Let’s take a look at the virtual equipment sales site. !"

In the news, there are scenes of the physical stores of the Suiji Group in China. There are long queues at the door of each store. In some places, the queues have been lined up for several streets. This is also normal. There can’t be too many stores in the middle. Although the stores of the Suiji Group are not only selling virtual helmets and virtual warehouses, but there can only be one store in each district, which is fixed.

What's more, there is only one store in some small cities, so it's not too strange that there are many people in line.

Even if Zhu Yuanyuan has a lot of money, it can't be full of his shops, it may increase in the future, but definitely not now.

"Today, the U.S. Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched a protest to our country. They pointed out in the diplomatic talks that the Suiji Group was suspected of disrupting the US market. The US side pointed out that the Suiji Group had evacuated their stores at will.

Chinese diplomats strongly condemned the United States, which first banned the sale of goods by the Suiji Group.

The U.S. side said that they did not want to prohibit the Suiji Group from selling goods, but wanted the Suiji Group to rectify and cooperate with the Suiji Group, but the Suiji Group did not reply and immediately evacuated the store. "


After having dinner with Xiaoyuan.

Zhu Yuanyuan watched the evening news.

"Hehehe! This country is so shameless. Young master hasn't gone to trouble with them, but he has come to the door by himself. Can't he find death?"

This kind of disgusting behavior of the United States really makes him feel sick to his stomach. It's just not good at the front, so he came here for such a trick. Commercial problems, you put it at the national level, is this interesting?

"Origin, are you okay? How could the US do this? Are they too shameless?" Chen Ziyuan also accompanied Zhu Yuanyuan to see the news, she was a little speechless, this was the world's largest country before, How is it like a helpless hooligan!

"Xiaoyuan, don't worry, it's alright, these foreigners' virtues are like this, they can't suffer a loss, they will come out and squat if they suffer a little loss, the more they are like this, the happier I am, although it is disgusting, but also Hold on, let's see how long they can jump."

Zhu Yuanyuan thinks that the U.S. is doing a good job. If he doesn't do it, he will be disappointed. The Chinese Empire will definitely not agree to such unreasonable conditions. What open cooperation, what consciousness connection is the wealth of human beings, what is this monopoly, you guys My own technology can be hidden and not released at all. Is the technology of my Suiji Group shared with Mao?

He felt that these foreigners were just dreaming, just relying on one mouth to fool everyone? I still want the white wolf with empty gloves, but there is no way.

"Uh! Origin, your idea is very dangerous!" Chen Ziyuan rolled her eyes, as if you were a pervert, and said, she crossed her hands and covered her shoulders. The appearance of bullying a woman from a good family.

"Gaga, I'm in danger, here I come! Wow!" After Zhu Yuanyuan saw Xiaoyuan's appearance, he raised his hands, and then pretended to be a big bad wolf and rushed towards her.

"Oh, don't come here!"

"Hey! Xiaoyuan, let's go take a bath!"

But it was a night of spring breeze to meet, but the mandarin ducks flew together in a bath!


The next day, Zhu Yuanyuan arrived at the company.

"Boss, did you read yesterday's news? That American guy is so arrogant that he even spit out blood. It's the fault of our Suiji Group. It's disgusting."

Li Qingyan's pretty face was full of anger, and there were bloodshot eyes in her eyes. It seemed that she didn't sleep well last night.

"Okay, Qingyan, don't be like this, don't care what they say? Anyway, if we don't cooperate with them in the future, it is impossible for this American to threaten us. Now that our group cooperates with the military, the empire does not need it at all. Worry, they can't threaten us at all."

Zhu Yuanyuan comforted him, he didn't think anyone could threaten him.

"Boss, it's not just this, come and see, the news in the United States, they are too shameless to say that our Suiji Group is an arms manufacturer, specializing in making weapons for the imperial military after making money in the United States, isn't this nonsense? ?"

Li Qingyan opened the tablet in her hand and handed it to Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Ha, really, this is to quell the anger of the people!".

After Zhu Yuanyuan took it over and looked at it, he really found a video. It was Yilip's speech. The content was why the Suiji Group was banned from selling goods, because the Suiji Group was an arms manufacturer, and it was specially designed for the Huaxia Empire. Supplying weapons, the United States is to prevent it in the future. What if the money of its own country is earned by the Suiji Group to make weapons, and finally these weapons are used to attack the United States?

This is just nonsense. Maybe many Chinese dynasties in ancient times were really ambitious and aggressive. They wanted to occupy more territory and expand their territories, but what time is it now? Modern, Huaxia The empire has never invaded any country since modern times, so the idea of ​​attacking the United States is simply nonsense.

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