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Chapter 382 Surrender!

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mmp, didn't this young master just want to come out to see and see, and get some benefits by the way? It is best to get some beautiful women, how did it develop to such a point.

Xu Qing is also stunned now. As the son of the head of the family, he is the third young master of the family. In the family, it is delicious, delicious, and fun. What do you want? This time, I haven't seen a primitive planet, so I want to follow Come out and get some family fame, and you can also get some good things, such as beautiful women, such as some unique products on the original planet.

"Third uncle.... Third uncle, what should I do? What should I do? I don't want to die, I want to go back to the family."

Xu Qing collapsed at once, and ran to Xu Ze with a sad face and shouted.

"What are you arguing about? Shut up for me. It's not the time to despair." After Xu Ze heard his nephew's voice, his whole face collapsed, and he slapped Xu Qing on the head and slapped Xu Qing's head. Qingpai's body staggered, mmp, what time is it now, and he is still shouting here. Fortunately, this is the flagship command room. Otherwise, after being heard by others, wouldn't this affect morale in his eyes?

"Third uncle, we can't escape now, these Shui Lanxing warships can wipe out our entire army with just a few rounds of main guns, and there are still so many mecha units, we can't fight them, if we don't enter In dark space, what are we running away from?"

"Third uncle, you saw the power of those mechas self-destructing just now. If their small mechas swarmed into our battleship and exploded, wouldn't we be dead?"

Xu Qing did not stop his mouth at all. Instead, he looked at the White Shark Fleet chasing them with fear in his eyes and said desperately. It was the first time he had seen such a terrifying fleet. Huge energy shield, isn't this open!

And what the hell are those mecha units, the power of self-destruction is too terrifying, if 40,000-500,000 people rush into their own fleet to self-destruct, will they still be alive?

After hearing his nephew's words, Xu Ze was silent, with a sense of despair and fear on his body. He didn't know what to do at all. If he continued to run away, as his nephew said, it would definitely be a dead end. Did they fight? It is estimated that it will die faster, those small mechas are not vegetarian.

The reason why there are mechas in Star Wars is to break through the protective cover of the battleship. Even small mechas can break the protective cover of the battleship. This belongs to the point of attack. The defense will be broken one day.


According to what you said, our counterattack is a dead end, and we can't escape, either horizontally or vertically is a dead word, so what do you think we should do now? "

When Xu Ze thought of death, he was a little hairy. People can live, but who wants to die? In life there is hope, in death there is nothing.

"Third uncle, now it seems that we have no choice but to surrender. The dark space cannot be opened. It must be the ghost of the people of Shui Lanxing, and I am afraid that our communication equipment has already failed. , you can try it and see if you can still contact the family."

Although Xu Qing is a dummy, he was really scared at first, but when people are afraid to the extreme, they often have two extremes. First, they are either afraid, and then the whole person collapses completely, or they may become neurotic.

Second, after reaching the extreme point of fear and fear, he became calmer instead, his whole person has changed, and there will be a new life in the future. All previous cowardices will disappear completely, and the things he fears are not what he fears. .

Now Xu Qing has changed from extreme fear to extreme calm. The education of the young master of the Xu family is very good. After the extreme fear, he became extremely calm. I am afraid that the Xu family will have his position in the future, and it is possible to fight for the position of the head of the family. Of course, the premise is that Xu Qing has to escape from Zhu Yuanyuan. Just take a break.

After Xu Ze listened to Xu Qing's words, he was first surprised, and then he opened his emergency communicator to contact the family, and found that he really couldn't get in touch. You must know that this communicator is something produced by a level 4 civilization. It is connected across galaxies. After all, the distance between the solar system and the Great Black Empire is not far. From this point of view, this water blue star is not simple, and it can actually block the communicator of a level 4 civilization.

"Qing'er, you're right. You really can't get in touch with the family, so it's really possible that people from Shui Lanxing can't enter the dark space."

Xu Ze took a deep look at Xu Qing. It seemed that his nephew had changed. In such a big crisis, did he help his nephew to be reborn instead?

Although he knew that Xu Qing might have changed for the better, Xu Ze didn't say it. In this situation, there is no other way than surrender. After surrendering, the people of Shui Lanxing still don't know what will happen. deal with them!

Who knows that those who can’t go back to the Great Black Empire and the Xu Family who can’t go back will be completely useless even if they have the potential to seize the position of the head of the family.

"Hey! Let's do it according to the method you said, Qing'er. We have to surrender now, otherwise we will annoy the people of Shui Lanxing, and maybe we will send mechas to self-destruct."

After hesitating for a while, Xu Ze finally decided to surrender. Nothing can be done. If he really wants to return to fight with the people of Shui Lanxing, it is estimated that some battleships can be destroyed, but what's the use of that? It's just death for no reason, it's completely useless for birds.

Even if some battleships are left behind, others are not fools. Originally, there were twice as many battleships on Shuibluexing's side as theirs. Xu Ze didn't want to do this superfluous thing, if one of Shuibluexing's battleships lost one , it is estimated that even if his side surrendered, it would not be easy.

"Third uncle, didn't you ask the family for help before? I believe the family will know about our situation. We can only wait for the family's rescue now. I hope this Shui Lanxing only has two thousand battleships, otherwise , our Xu family is in danger, so we can only inform the empire in the end, in that case, even if we finally win, our Xu family not only lost a lot of battleships, but the interests of the solar system have nothing to do with us."

Xu Qing can see clearly now that the current situation of the Xu family is completely different from that of a thousand years ago. They have now left the core circle of the empire. After reporting the empire, it would be good to have some soup, even if they don't even have to drink soup.

"That's all it can do now."

Xu Ze nodded. He also agreed with Xu Qing, but the strength of the Xu family is here. If they really can't win the Blue Star, they can only rely on the empire in the end. They don't want to lose their strength in vain. 166 novel reading network

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