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Chapter 388 Proposal!

This is the data added on his own system panel, but since this ice crystal rose only provides the ability to awaken ice, there is no systematic ice technique passed down, and this ice technique can only be created by Zhu Yuanyuan himself. .

However, after awakening the Ice Element, there are still benefits. First of all, it is immune to ice elemental attacks below S rank, and secondly, it also adds 10,000 points of mental combat power, which is very good.

The rest is nothing, this ice-type ability, Zhu Yuanyuan feels the ice element in the following body, it seems that there are very few, if you really want to use a special technique, I am afraid that a large-scale abnormal technique will be exhausted if you cast one. , but you can use your own spiritual power to convert it into an ice element. In this case, you can greatly increase the consumption during battle, but Zhu Yuanyuan's own combat power is also very powerful. In fact, you don't need this ice power as a means. , I am afraid that his casual punch is much stronger than the attack of the ice-type ability.

This is also very normal. The power of the ice-type abnormal technique itself is only on the ice element. This is only 10,000 attack power, which is really inferior to Zhu Yuanyuan's other abilities.

Even if it is a spiritual ability, it is not as good as it is, because spiritual ability can be said to be a panacea ability, Qiankun Art, Soul Eater Dafa, including the ice-type ability, all increase the spiritual power. This spiritual ability can be said to be a big deal, and it can mobilize all spiritual power to fight, which is stronger than other abilities.


After Zhu Yuanyuan condensed the ice element in his hand, as soon as his mental power moved, he saw the ice fog in his hand changing into various forms, sometimes a bird, a swimming fish, a running horse, and even a It has transformed into a plane, a car, and it is very mysterious.

"This, the origin, how did you do this?" Chen Ziyuan stared at the boss. Although she has now practiced the Qiankun Art and has reached the third level of Qi practice, she can only use some small spells, such as fireball art, water polo art, Such a spell can't change its form like Zhu Yuanyuan. Fireball is a ball, and water ball is the same, so she was a little surprised to see Zhu Yuanyuan like this. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer:

Chen Ziyuan has practiced Qiankun Art, and she also has mental power. Although not much, she still has more than 3,000 mental combat power. In theory, she can also use ice-type powers like Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, you have to concentrate, use your mental power to sense the cool aura in your body, mobilize them, and you can use them. As for this changing form, you have to work harder and still use your spirit. Force shaping."

Zhu Yuanyuan smiled and condensed the ice element in his hand into a substantial rose and handed it to Chen Ziyuan. This ice rose is really cold, but it is not a real flower like the ice crystal rose. It is formed by the condensation of ice elements.

"Then I'll give it a try." Chen Ziyuan took the ice rose that Zhu Yuanyuan handed over, and it was indeed ice, but now it really doesn't feel uncomfortable in her hands, she just felt a cold breath being swept away by herself. absorbed into the body.

But maybe Chen Ziyuan is really talented. Zhu Yuanyuan was playing with the ice element condensed in his hand. After waiting for a while, the same ice element appeared in Chen Ziyuan's hand, and he was still rolling in his hand. He got up, as if he was about to change into something.

"Hee hee! Yuan Yuan, look, I succeeded too." Chen Ziyuan looked at the ice element that had gradually stabilized in her hand, and was happy, and quickly showed off to Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Well, Xiaoyuan is really powerful, very talented, not bad." Zhu Yuanyuan praised him without hesitation. He was not afraid that Xiaoyuan would be proud.

He didn't expect Xiaoyuan to go out and fight like him. He only needed to protect her. Whoever wanted to move Xiaoyuan would kill him.


The next day, Zhu Yuanyuan took Chen Ziyuan on the Xinglan fighter plane he brought back to the water blue star and soon arrived in the capital. Now he rarely takes his own private plane, and those planes were arranged by him to the group. It has been used in the middle of the sky, and the aircraft has also undergone some transformation. After all, after the animal mutation of the entire water blue star, it is not safe even in the sky. Those sparrows have become as big as eagles, which is too dangerous. , From time to time sparrows fly around in groups, that is a scene that covers the sky and the sun, terrifying.

This time in the capital, Zhu Yuanyuan is going to propose to the Chen family. Since he is going to set off to explore the interstellar space, or he wants to complete the conquest of the system, and he can also get a lot of prestige points along the way, he can't now. Nested in Shui Lanxing as a salted fish.

Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan still wanted to lead Shui Lanxing into the starry sky together, but it was because he thought it was too good. Just like this time, the development of the Suiji Group was going well, but suddenly a Xu Fu suddenly appeared. If there is a big black empire, will there be a more advanced civilization discovering Shui Lanxing in the future, and at that time, it will be inevitable to fight again.

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that he could not be passively defended. Passive beatings were completely unwise behavior. No matter what, he had to start first. After he was ready to get married, he asked Xingchen to build a large number of interstellar probes and launch them. All directions of the solar system were launched to find the surroundings. civilization.

Of course, the Milky Way is a circling galaxy, and the detectors have not been sent to fly out of the river system, so detectors can be launched in all directions. In this case, when all the surrounding civilizations are found out, Zhu Yuanyuan can conquer it. These civilizations have allowed Shui Lanxing to develop slowly in a safe position. At this time, he also figured out that he can't help the growth. After giving those steel armors, to be honest, Zhu Yuanyuan regrets it a little. With him here, There is no need to be afraid that the Huaxia Empire will be replaced by other countries, but he still does it, just hoping that the entire empire can stand on the top of the water blue star.

However, the result of removing the seedlings and encouraging them is definitely not very good. If he is to provide technology to the empire, then what are the scientists of the empire doing? Are they all waiting for him to provide technology, so they don't need to research it?

In that case, what kind of research institute, what kind of Imperial Academy of Sciences do you need? As a decoration?

Moreover, scientists have different ideas. Every flash of inspiration and every thing they research is a path. It cannot be completely rejected. Since there is a way to go, if it fails, it can only be said that the method is wrong, and Not wrong.


When he came to the capital, Zhu Yuanyuan also explained the affairs of the group. After he did not want to develop on Waterblue Star, he did not provide any technology that was very dark to Waterblue Star to the group. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Everything in the group was also handed over to Li Qingyan. Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't care much now. After all, he will leave Shui Lanxing sooner or later. Of course, he will also come back. Don't go with him!

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan prefers Xiaoyuan to stay in Shui Lanxing, rather than go with him to adventure in the interstellar space. The danger in the interstellar space is unpredictable, so in principle, he does not want Xiaoyuan to follow.


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