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Chapter 416 The first peak of the water blue star!

In fact, not only the Holy Light Empire, but also the Conferred God Empire was forced to leave Water Blue Star in this way.

The birth of the Fengshen Empire was before the Holy Light Empire.

Before Fengshen Empire stepped into the starry sky, at that time, Goddess Chang Xi had just descended on Shui Lan Xing, and she often lived on the moon.

The first-level civilization of the Fengshen Empire at that time was not, and Goddess Changxi could be said to have watched them develop.

And if it weren't for her escort, it is estimated that the human beings in the Fengshen Empire would have died enough.

After Goddess Chang Xi came to Shui Lanxing through the passage of time and space, she discovered that the time and space here are not stable, so people or things from different time and space will pass through from time to time.

It sounds like a good thing, but it's actually not a good thing.

As the saying goes, misfortune and fortune depend on each other, misfortune and fortune depend on it, and fortune and misfortune lie in it.

Well, the saying of the sage Lao Tzu.

Although it is said that the passage of time and space will sometimes pass through some things that are beneficial to the Emperor Fengshen Empire, but it will also pass through one by one strange creatures, especially those that are very dark and bloodthirsty. stuff. r\u003e

Why are the most dark bloodthirsty creatures passing through?

This is about the issue of space exile. In some worlds, these dark and bloodthirsty creatures cannot be killed by themselves, so they have to invent some spells like seals or space exile, but in fact, all of them are Under the guise, throw these dark and bloodthirsty creatures into the space-time channel and let them fend for themselves. Anyway, don't do anything in your own world. As for where they will go, the exile can't care. , As the saying goes, dead Daoist friends do not die poor Daoists, other worlds will suffer if they suffer. ://

After these disgusting monsters traveled through the space-time channel to Shui Lanxing, if it wasn't for the protection of Goddess Changxi, the Emperor Fengshen Empire would have been finished long ago.

Since then, the Fengshen Empire has also obtained a lot of resources, so that the technology has further developed, and it has also used various monsters, as well as the technology of various other worlds, to develop a new mecha civilization.

The mecha of the Fengshen Empire is the top in the world. There are all kinds of mechas, such as three-eyed mecha, dog god mecha, canopy mecha, fighting mecha, and a series of Fengshen mecha, ahem. In fact, these mechas are all given by the goddess Chang Xi. In order to cherish the memory of the Taoist friends in the prehistoric world, she made the Fengshen Empire create a large number of mechas based on the gods of the prehistoric world.

It can be said that it is very strange. The Fengshen Empire has actually been created, and it is very powerful. It has mastered all kinds of magical powers, but it is also because of the help of Goddess Changxi. A powerful mecha, so it is called a god-level mecha.

After the Goddess Chang Xi left, the Emperor Fengshen Empire would not be able to produce this kind of Fengshen mecha. After all, it contains knowledge that does not exist in this universe, that is, the knowledge of various formation runes, which the scientists of the Fengshen Empire could not understand. This thing can't be manufactured.

And when Goddess Changxi left Shui Lanxing and returned to the prehistoric world, she originally left a seal, which sealed the passage of time and space for a period of time, but what she did not expect was that she did something bad with good intentions, and she did not pass through the passage of time and space for a long time. After the monster, the Fengshen Empire relaxed the vigilance of the mother star. Computer:/

There is no need to say anything later, just like the Holy Light Empire, it was kicked out of its home planet, and more than half of the humans on the home planet of the Fengshen Empire were killed.

They were very remorseful, but to no avail. They did not dare to stay at Shui Lanxing, so they occupied a river system far away from their hometown, and monitored the place from a distance, and did not dare to send people there, lest the monsters who crossed over would kill them.

It can be said that although the examples of the Fengshen Empire and the Holy Light Empire are miserable, they are not the worst. They were lucky and developed, and they still exist today.

But the water blue star not only gave birth to their two human civilizations, in front of or behind them, there are still countless human civilizations that have been destroyed by various or bloodthirsty or disgusting monsters, and the entire civilization has been destroyed. of unknown numbers.

Therefore, the Fengshen Empire and the Holy Light Empire are lucky. Although they lost their mother planet, they still became the top forces in the universe!


"It's really empty!"

Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan walked into the Stargate base in Lop Nur. After walking around, he sighed a little. It really was because he thought too much. It would be great if others could leave the Stargate system. What are you thinking about?

"Hee hee! It's good that we can get the Mars Star Fortress of Atlantis, husband, you are not greedy enough!"

Chen Ziyuan had a teasing expression on her face. She knew what her husband was pity for, didn't it mean that the equipment at the base had been dismantled?

She thinks that others are still good, and they are lucky if they didn't take down the stargate.

In fact, it is true, the Holy Light Empire is a legacy civilization of the Atlantis civilization.

In fact, at that time, the Holy Light Empire originally knew the existence of the Stargate, but due to the pure existence of the space-time channel, the Holy Light Empire was almost wiped out at one time, and all those who knew the existence of the Stargate died in a disaster.

That's why the Stargate was left on Shuiblue Star. That is to say, except for Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan, no one in the universe knows what the Stargate is.

"Okay, I'm just talking casually." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Xiaoyuan and smiled bitterly, yes, he is not greedy enough, it's good to get something, it's better than nothing.

"Okay, then let's continue to set off and go to the Himalayas. The next place we are looking for is in Mount Everest. Unexpectedly, Stargate is among the highest peaks in the world, and we will also go to the highest peak of Water Blue Star. Bar!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the Stargate map, the remaining Stargate in China was in Mount Everest, so he really knew how to find a place.

Different from the earth, all the Mount Everest on the water blue star belongs to the Chinese Empire. Well, it should be said that the entire Himalayas are the territory of the Chinese Empire. It is completely a natural national border, and it is also a natural barrier, blocking all foreign countries. Outside, after occupying this place in ancient times, it can be said to be a great geographical advantage.

"Okay, let's go see the first peak of Water Blue Star."

Chen Ziyuan has never climbed Mount Everest. As the saying goes, the son of a daughter can't sit in the hall. The Chen family will not allow their direct descendants to do such a dangerous thing.

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhu Yuanyuan asked Xingchen to send a flying saucer to transport the equipment in the energy room here in Lop Nur, and then he and Xiaoyuan left in the Xinglan fighter plane and set off quickly towards the Himalayas.

The Xinglan fighter was very fast, and it arrived at the place in a minute. Well, what Zhu Yuanyuan said, that is, the butt was not hot, and he was going out again.


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