Random Shopping System

Chapter 444 It takes no effort to get it!

"Haha! What are you thinking about? I didn't expect the Seventh Prince of the Hanyang Empire to bump into my hands. What a coincidence."

Zhu Yuanyuan is not sleeping now. He is just laying on the bed with the sleeping Xiaoyuan to observe Zhao Qian and the others. Now that he has discovered Zhao Qian's identity, he is very happy. As for why?

He wants to control the entire Linli Star, so that everyone above believes in him, worships him, and earns prestige points. Zhu Yuanyuan cannot directly conquer by force. In that case, how to manage it will be difficult. After all, he is not a one-shot deal. Moreover, if the conquest of force is to make everyone worship him, it will take a long time. I am afraid it will be as short as 10 years, and it will be as long as several decades. Zhu Yuanyuan can't wait for this time.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

So Zhu Yuanyuan planned to find a person in Linli Star to control it with magic control, and then let this person unify the entire Linli Star, which also means that he rules the entire Linli Star, and then he can control the entire Linli Star. Stars have earned reputation points. As for how to earn them, it is very simple. Either perform some "miracles", or open a charity organization to give food and clothing to the poor in Linli Xing, or open a lot of money in Linli Xing. The family medical clinic treats people for free, but are you afraid that you will not get the reputation value?

And Zhao Qian just bumped into it. I have to say that it was a coincidence. Zhu Yuanyuan felt that his luck was so good.

He now has a choice. This Zhao Qian is very good. After controlling Zhao Qian, Zhu Yuanyuan supported him to ascend to the throne of the Hanyang Empire, and then further won all the land of Linlixing. Although this is very troublesome, due to other The country had been split from the Hanyang Empire before, so the civilians below would not have any sense of resistance.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanyuan showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and then fell into sleep with Xiaoyuan in his arms. There are so many good things today.


Early the next morning, the birds were already flying out to feed, and the sun's rays appeared dimly. The morning sun was golden yellow, and people felt that it was a new day when they were slightly basking in the sun. A fresh start can be a whole day in spirit.

"Xiaoyuan, the sun is drying your ass, hurry up and get ready for breakfast." Zhu Yuanyuan got up from the bed in the carriage and woke Chen Ziyuan.

"Well, husband, let me sleep a little longer. I don't know there is a saying that a woman's appearance comes out of sleep?" Chen Ziyuan twisted her body, then lay in the quilt and refused to move.

To say that this carriage is well made, this bedroom is at the back of the carriage, and then a wooden door blocks it. In the middle is a wooden couch, a coffee table and a few cushions. A little bit forward is a bathroom with a bathroom. The carriage is ten meters long and 4-5 meters wide, and the area is still very large, at least larger than the average city apartment. Fortunately, the horse pulling the carriage has been mutated. Although it is a pony that has not yet grown up, It has also been mutated, and its strength is ten times that of an ordinary horse, which can pull such a large carriage.

"Okay, okay, it's up to you, so let's go, anyway, you'll be leaving in a while, so don't get off the carriage. I saved a few people yesterday, I'll go see you, and then we'll set off."

Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the person in the quilt dotingly, and he simply stopped calling her forcibly. She was about to set off later, so she might as well sleep a little longer in the carriage.

"Well, um...." Xiaoyuan, who was confused, agreed.

Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at Xiaoyuan, then got up and opened the wooden door, got out of bed, put on his shoes, washed and got out of the carriage.

"Master, good morning! The people you asked your subordinates to save,

They've been rescued, and they're there. "

After seeing his master getting out of the carriage, Zhu Da hurriedly stood up from the temporary wooden stool to say hello, still holding the unfinished biscuits in his hand.

"Oh? Okay, I see, you guys have breakfast, I'm going to meet this son."

Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at Zhao Qian who was tens of meters away from the opposite side. Zhao Qian also saw him, and then nodded to each other. Zhao Qian walked over here. After Zhu Yuanyuan saw it, he let Zhu Da and the others continue to eat breakfast. Then he also walked towards Zhao Qian and the others.

"Presumably this is the master Zhu Yuanyuan that the young heroes of Zhu Da said? Hello, Mr. Zhu, thank you for your life-saving grace last night. I am very grateful, and it will be rewarded in the future."

After Zhao Qian brought someone to Zhu Yuanyuan, he bowed with both hands in his arms, and said with gratitude on his face.

"Young Master Zhao doesn't need to be more polite, Lu Jian is just drawing his sword to help, as for the return, there is no need for it, but Zhu has a word and I don't know if I should ask."

Zhu Yuanyuan took a step back to the side. He didn't receive Zhao Qian's gift. These ancient people seemed to talk about etiquette, but who knows what they thought. Well, maybe they can know it with mind reading, but now Zhu Origin also doesn't want to use mind-reading techniques, just mortals who have no threat, use mind-reading techniques?

It's a bit superfluous, any conspiracy and tricks are not as big as his fists, strength is everything, if the conspiracy comes, you can just kill it.

"Young Master Zhu, even if you ask, I know everything." Zhao Qian knew in an instant what Zhu Yuanyuan was going to ask, but now they are both in the same boat, and Prince An dares to send someone to kill him. The seventh prince, not to mention Zhu Yuanyuan who killed Prince An's mansion.

"Master Zhao should be a member of the royal family, right? I wonder why the people from Prince An's mansion sent people to hunt down people of the same clan?"

Zhu Yuanyuan pretended not to know Zhao Qian's identity and asked.


Zhao Qian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Zhu Yuanyuan to be so direct, but he sighed after thinking a little.

"Zhu Gongzi, then I won't hide it from you. In fact, I am Zhao Qian, the seventh prince of the empire. This time, the father sent me to secretly investigate the private salt, but I didn't expect the whereabouts to be exposed. I don't know what happened. The people from the Prince An's mansion have their eyes on me, and they even sent people to kill me." New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal:

Zhao Qian was very angry, why did Uncle An send someone to kill him, isn't it just a matter of private salt? This matter is not enough to kill him, the seventh prince, then things will be out of control.

Unless Uncle An really wants to rebel. Thinking of this, Zhao Qian remembered one thing. When he investigated the private salt, he found that the private salt was not only related to Prince An's mansion, but also to the Jianghu. The blood wolf pavilion is inextricably linked, isn't it?

However, Zhao Qian's guess did not come out. After all, Zhu Yuanyuan was just someone he just met. It's not very good to tell such a thing to a stranger.

"It turned out that the seventh prince was in front of him. Please forgive the seventh prince for not taking care of him well." Zhu Yuanyuan quickly made a surprised expression after hearing it.

But Zhao Qian twitched the corners of his mouth after seeing Zhu Yuanyuan's pretence, MMP, why are you playing so much? Can you be a little more fake?

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