Random Three-Year Talent, I Am Invincible At Level 1

Chapter 14 The Lost Female Anchor Xiaodaidai

[System prompt: Enhancing the "Master's Gauntlet" requires X1 "Epic Enhancement Stone", and there is not enough material to strengthen it! 】

[System prompt: Enchanting "Master Gauntlet" requires "Epic Enchanting Stone" X1, and the current materials are insufficient to enchant. 】

These two hints let Ye Quan understand that there is no way to strengthen without materials.

Fortunately, he knew this a long time ago, and he just wanted to see what materials were needed.

After all, no one has ever obtained epic quality equipment before, and it was never taught in school.

"Epic enhancement stones, epic enchantment stones...go to the auction house to have a look."

The leaderboard in "Sky" is an independent functional template. Players can trade very conveniently. You can open the auction house anytime, anywhere, search for item information, and trade.

Ye Quan enters the information of the two materials and clicks Search. ,

Soon, the results will come out.

["Epic Enhancement Stone" X3, the unit price is 500 gold coins! 】

["Epic Enhancement Stone" X1, the unit price is 510 gold coins! 】

["Epic Enchanting Stone" X2, unit price 490 gold coins! 】


In the displayed information, not only the quantity of materials is small, but also the price is extremely high.

The unit price of 500 gold coins can be exchanged for 5 million Dragon Country coins according to the current exchange ratio between game coins and reality.

"Sure enough, only wealthy players can afford to craft equipment."

Ye Quan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Five hundred gold coins to strengthen once, other players may not be able to succeed, there is a chance of failure, and the cost of strengthening equipment will be even higher.

Fortunately, he has the [Three Thousand Ways] god-level talent, and the success rate of sub-professional skills is 100%, so there is no need to consider the loss of failure. ,

However, at this moment, he can't afford to strengthen it once.

"Yesterday I had a nightmare dungeon, and now I only have thirteen gold coins in my backpack. It's still far from buying one set of materials!"

"Sell the things you don't need? Except for the two potion manufacturing maps, the prices of the rest of the things are estimated to be average, unless I am willing to sell some of my legendary and epic equipment."

Thinking of this, Ye Quan couldn't help shaking his head.

Items that are not needed can be sold, but selling what is needed is a bad act.

Although the quality of equipment that is not needed at present is good, the level is too low, and the price may not be sold much.

I can only sell two potion blueprints.

"What price should I set?"

Ye Quan is in trouble again.

Potion blueprints are valuable. Although there are some in the auction house, they are all below silver quality. The two potions in his hand, one is legendary level and the other is epic level. Obviously, they cannot be referred to the auction OK,

In the past three years, no one has publicly sold production drawings of this quality.

"Forget it, I've been waiting for three years, and it's only a day or two away, let's put it on the shelves in auction mode!" Ye Quan made a decision, and then started to operate.

[System prompt: You have listed the legendary quality item "Lv6 Agility Elixir (Crafting Blueprint)", the base price is 100 gold coins, each price increase must not be less than 1 gold coin, and the transaction will be completed by the highest bidder after 12 hours! 】

[System prompt: You have listed an epic-quality item "Lv10 Almighty Potion (Crafting Blueprint)", the base price is 500 gold coins, and each price increase must not be less than 1 gold coin, and the transaction will be completed by the highest bidder after 12 hours! 】

Two production blueprints are on display.

Ye Quan didn't bother to think about it anymore.

Next, he went to the pharmacist NPC and spent four silver coins to learn the sub-professional skill [Pharmaceutical Production (Entry Level)].

There are currently no less than ten known sub-jobs in "Sky".

It's just like a side job like a miner. Ye Quan has no interest in practicing, and he doesn't have the energy to practice, so he only learns two.

The previous two blueprints required a high-level pharmacist to learn. If you can't learn it, you won't be able to gain sub-professional experience.

Ye Quan wanted to search the auction house for some blueprints and materials for making common potions—it was helpless to say that, he kept playing Nightmare difficulty dungeons, and the lowest shipments were bronze tiers. Items of this normal quality could only be bought.

Fortunately, these things are cheap enough.

After spending five gold coins to purchase a blueprint and enough materials, Ye Quan turned his head and walked towards the instance plaza.

Today, he still has to win the first pass of ten dungeons!


[Xiao Daidai] is the first-class goddess anchor of "Sky" Seablue Star.

Yesterday [Chaoge Evening Wine] Seventy-two full-server announcements made a big splash in the whole server, and she naturally wouldn't let go of this wave of enthusiasm.

No, today I hurried to Novice Village No. 888, Seablue Star, and opened the live broadcast room as usual.

One night passed, and she led millions of viewers in the live broadcast room to investigate dozens of six-year-old children, but none of them were [Chaoge Evening Wine].

Now that it's time for the next broadcast, Xiao Dada is very disappointed.

"Sorry, parents of the audience, it's really hard to find the boss of [Chaoge Dinner], I've been searching all night and I can't find it, which disappoints everyone."

"However, I have a few good friends from the Great Guild. They have been looking for it. If they find it, they will send me a message. I will broadcast the live broadcast no matter what time it is. Parents of the audience, please look forward to it!"

"Now I've been live broadcasting all night, and I'm too sleepy. I'll wait until I go to Dungeon Square to watch it and then download it!"

"I hope to gain something somewhere!"

Little Dada was talking to himself.

A qualified anchor must learn to interact with the audience, and she has already mastered the basics.

No, although one night has passed and she hasn't found the target, but with continuous efforts (long-winded), the popularity of the live broadcast room has not diminished a bit.

The emotions of the audience were aroused by her few words, and they also joked.

Soon, she arrived at the dungeon square.

"This is the only place where all the dungeons of Xinshou Village No. 888 enter and exit. If [Chaoge Wanjiu] continues to get the first pass of the nightmare dungeon, it will definitely come here."

"A six-year-old kid, you can't hide your appearance, as long as he appears, you can see it at a glance!"

Little Dada was rambling.

To her disappointment, there are no six-year-old children in the dungeon plaza, all of them are spies from major guilds, or curious players, all of them are adults.

As we all know, [Chaoge Evening Wine] is a newcomer who just entered the game yesterday, definitely a kid who just turned six years old.

This is the consensus of everyone in the server.

There is no one in this square right now, which means [Chaoge Evening Wine] is not here.

Xiao Dada realized this and was disappointed again.

"Parents of the audience, this is the end of today's live broadcast... Huh? I suddenly found a handsome little brother, wait a moment, I will add a friend and then download the broadcast!"

Little Dada seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly became excited.

In the live broadcast room, the audience looked at the direction she was aiming at, and they found a handsome guy.

"It's really handsome!"

"Oh, isn't this my husband? My husband is also going to Xinshou Village No. 888!"

"Hey, Zou Kai, it's obviously my husband!"

"Cut~ It's just a boy, what's the use of being handsome? He doesn't have any masculinity at all!"

"Blind? Can this little brother be called unmasculine?"

The barrage immediately became lively.

Yanzu should have guessed it, right?

That's right, it was Ye Quan himself who caught Dada's attention!

(PS: Brothers, please send it at three o'clock, continue to ask for flowers, comments, begging, begging, begging! There are a lot of manuscripts!)

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