Rated Hokage

Chapter 109 Chapter 108, Yumuren, you don't want your friend to have an accident, do you?

Those orphans were not brought back to the village, but placed in the former secret stronghold of Orochimaru outside the village.

I didn't really go to see what those orphans were like. These were some war orphans collected by Ling Anbu outside. They had no father or mother, and they were young.

Even without bringing them, it would be difficult for them to live in this world.

Orochimaru went to the base to inspect it, and then said that he was very satisfied with it.

Because of the real proposal before, some people in the village who lost their hands and feet due to the war have their severed limbs connected here at Orochimaru, which made them extremely grateful to Hokage-sama.

Orochimaru's research has progressed. I've actually checked it out. The mass production of Baijue has already progressed. Orochimaru made a few samples and installed them with Sharingan and Baiyan respectively. I want to see how they are like ordinary people. What is the difference.

It is a pity that although these Bai Jue have perfect or even stronger human body functions, their intelligence is very low, just like young children.

They can also use Rollan and Sharingan, but that's all.

For this reason, Orochimaru created a few more Baijue in the form of young children, hoping to see if they would grow up, but unfortunately there has been no change in the past few months, and their intelligence level has been locked at a certain stage.

"Could it be a problem with the soul?" Zhen said to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was taken aback.

"These baijue seem to have life, but they are not complete, because they are not naturally conceived human beings, without the reincarnation of the soul, but rely on a sliver of incomplete instinct to move and be driven by people."

"Master Hokage, you believe in the existence of souls, right?"

Orochimaru thought about it for a long time, and suddenly said: "What if we put human souls into these white bodies?"

I was really surprised to hear his thoughts, because this means that there will be a large number of experimental products.

He asked: "If the soul of a person leaves the body, will it not die?"

Orochimaru smiled and said: "Of course not, there are some secret techniques that can make people's soul leave the body, such as the secret technique of the Yamanaka family... For example, the technique of spiritualization..."

The technique of spiritualization, is that the technique of Tsunade's lover Kato Dan?

Really thought about it.

When he thought about it carefully, these things seemed very similar to the reincarnation of Orochimaru later.

But Orochimaru's idea is even crazier. He said: "I want to recreate a batch of juvenile Baijue, make their bodies grow, erase their ideology, turn them into empty shells, and then put those children Put their souls into it, really, what do you think the result will be?"

Hearing this, I really felt my scalp tingling: "What if the process fails?"

Orochimaru said with a smile: "It will definitely fail, there will always be failure, otherwise how can there be success?"

He went on to say: "Really, I think the number of those children should not be enough. You should continue to help me find them."

Zhen bowed his head and replied: "...Understood, Hokage-sama."

Orochimaru said again: "Also, when did you start telling me about Baiyan?"

Zhen's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "I'm still looking for books about this kind of records in the clan, and the progress is slow."

Orochimaru laughed lightly, and said, "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, just take your time looking for it."

"The unknown is interesting, if I find out the secret of Baiyan before you tell me..."

When he stopped talking, he started laughing in a low voice again, the meaning of this laughter was difficult to understand.

After Zhen left Orochimaru's research institute, he went to the pharmacist Nonoyu to see how the children were doing.

He comes back every week and sometimes brings something for the kids.

When these children see Zhen, they will also respectfully call Master Zhen.

Their news is not blocked, they know what happened outside and their status in the village, and Nonaiyu sometimes takes them out for a stroll.

If we come here, we will randomly check the progress of these children's practice. After raising the standard mentioned earlier, Dou's talent level is immediately revealed, and he stands out from the crowd.

I really thought about how to give Dou a better growth environment.

He then went to lie in Konoha Prison.

In the place where serious criminals were held, I saw two Yumu people who were locked up alone.

Her hands and feet were bound by chains, her clothes were ragged, her face was haggard, and her disheveled hair seemed to be in a very bad state of mind.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the two wooden men did not raise their heads, but sat in the corner, staring blankly at the prison wall.

Standing outside the prison, Zhen asked, "Haven't you thought it through yet?"

The two Yumu men didn't seem to hear it.

Shino gestured to the ninja beside him, and two more people were brought in after a while.

These are also two girls, one of them has blond semi-long hair, which was originally a neat bang, but it has not been trimmed for several months, and it has become like this. Although the clothes are sloppy, it is difficult to conceal her cold temperament.

The other girl has dark skin, long silver-gray hair, and a timid expression, as if she has experienced something bad.

Zhenrang opened the prison door and let the two girls in.

Mabuyi said timidly, "Yumuman..."

Hearing his friend's voice, the wooden man slowly raised his head, his eyes lit up.

"Mabui... Samuy..."

Mabuyi directly stepped forward and hugged Yumuren and cried bitterly. She was just a teenage girl, and her spirit had reached its limit after enduring this kind of ordeal.

Her crying also infected the emotions of the other two. Although she didn't lose her composure like Mabui, her eyes were red.

Looking at Mabui's appearance, Yumu asked, "Did they do anything to you?"

Both Mabuy and Samuy were speechless.

Strict interrogation is definitely indispensable for prisoners of the enemy country like them, in order to get some information from them.

Mabuyi looked at Yumu and said slowly: "Yumu...they also arrested my father..."

Uncle Molloy?

Yumuren's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly understood why the other party brought Mabuy and Samuy.

She got up abruptly and ran to the railing and glared at Zhen: "You bastard, I'm going to kill you, even if I'm a ghost!"

Seeing this, Zhen approached the railing with a calm expression. Seeing this, the wooden man stretched out his arms to grab him, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

He said slowly: "You two Yumu people, you don't want your friend to have an accident, do you?"

"I've already said the conditions, just tell me how to control the Tailed Beast and become a perfect Jinchuriki."

Konoha also racked her brains on how to become a perfect Jinchuriki. The two wooden figurines acted as Jinchuriki. The people of the Yamanaka family could not spy on her mind at all. They could only find ways to make her open her mouth, but all kinds of tricks They've tried everything, this girl is tougher than they imagined, no matter how hard she thinks, she refuses to speak.

Zhen Zhen looked at the grim-faced Yumu man, and continued: "You can chat alone, I will come back in ten minutes, but you have to think about it carefully."

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