Rated Hokage

117 Chapter 116, Wedding Invitation


Kakashi, Kai and Huomen entered the barbecue shop one after another, shaking the raindrops off their bodies at the door.

"It's raining a lot." Huomen sighed.

The dense rain outside blocked people's sight, and they could vaguely see a few vague figures moving on the street.

"The weather is getting warmer." Kakashi also said.

"Shouldn't it be cold on a rainy day?" Kai wondered.

Kakashi didn't explain anything to Kaido, and went to the box inside with the fire door.

Everyone has arrived, except Jing Yin and Lin.

"Yo, Kakashi, Fire Gate, Kai."

Someone greets them.

Kakashi glanced at Obito, and was surprised to find that he was listlessly sitting on his seat, and he didn't make a sound when he saw him coming, which was very abnormal.

"Didn't you call Zhen?" Hongdou asked.

"My lord is busy with official duties." Huomen explained.

Asma chuckled: "After all, he is a big shot in the village."

As soon as Kakashi took his seat, Genma came up to him: "That guy Obito seems to have failed in his confession, and he hasn't said a word since he came in."

Kakashi's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

While everyone was chatting, the sound of rain outside added some atmosphere to the box.

Everyone started to order food, even if the two girls came, they would not order food, so there was no need to wait for them.

Not long after, the curtain of the box was lifted, and two beautiful figures walked in.

"Are we late?"

Everyone's eyes looked over, and they couldn't help but glance at Obito sitting there.

Lin glanced at Obito, but her expression was normal, and she walked to the empty seat beside Hong and sat down.

"It's not too late, I just finished ordering." Xi Hihong smiled lightly.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault for delaying something." Jing Yin apologized.

Everyone is very curious about what happened between Obito and Lin. Apart from Lin, it seems that there is nothing that can make Obito's nervous person become like this.

It is well known that Obito likes Lin, and so does Lin like Kakashi.

But that guy Kakashi is like a piece of ice, and everyone is not very optimistic about Lin's intentions. On the contrary, they think that Obito is more likely to be such a gentle person as Lin.

Lin seemed unaware of the strange atmosphere at the banquet, and chatted with everyone on her own.

Huomen was promoted to Jōnin, which surprised everyone.

"Why didn't you notify everyone in advance, so I can celebrate for you." Asma said.

"It's not that important, it's not necessary, and now that everyone is here, it's a celebration." Huomen laughed.

Isn't it important to be promoted to Jonin...

Everyone was speechless, feeling that the genius's brain circuit was different from theirs.

Kai clenched his fist at the side: "I have to work harder!"

The grilled meat was brought up one by one, and it looked very tempting. Soon after it was placed on the stove, the aroma filled the air, and the atmosphere in the banquet became more lively.

Shizune said, "I'm leaving the village with Tsunade-sama."

"How long will it take this time?"

Shizune and Tsunade had left the village for a while before, but they came back during the war with Iwanin, and everyone thought it would not be too long this time.

Jing Yin felt the same way, she said, "I don't know either."

Lin sighed: "I also want to go on a trip with Master Tsunade."

Tsunade, one of the Sannin, is the dream of all the female ninjas and medical ninjas in the village. Lin is very envious of Shizune's ability to worship Tsunade as a teacher. Although her teacher Minato is also very good, she is not professional after all.

Recently, she felt that it was difficult to improve her medical ninjutsu level, so she focused on the practice of strength, and prepared to tame the tailed beast to become a perfect Jinzhuriki. This is not only what she expected, but also what Kushina expected .

Jing Yin chuckled: "What's so good about this kind of life, it's better to be with everyone in the village."

Obito looked at Lin who was talking and laughing with everyone, his heart was full of pain, and thinking of what she had said to him before was even more painful.

"Obito, why don't you eat it?" Hong Dou asked suddenly at this moment, causing many people to focus on it.

Obito forced a smile and said, "I... have no appetite."

Asma smiled and said, "If you don't eat, you have to pay."

Kurenai Yuhi quietly approached Lin and asked, "Did something happen to you and Obito?"

Lin has ignored Obito since she came in and now, even a fool can see that something is wrong... Maybe Kay didn't see it, and he would talk to Obito as if nothing had happened.

Everyone was curious about this, but they were too embarrassed to ask it in person.

"Ignore him." Lin just said, picking up a piece of meat and putting it in her mouth.

At this time, Huomen suddenly took out a stack of thick envelopes, got up and distributed them to everyone by name.

"What is this?" Everyone was curious, took a look and found that it was a wedding invitation.

"My lord is getting married," Huomen said.

There was a moment of silence in the arena, and there were inconceivable sounds of "eh".

"Really...really going to get married?!"

"No way!"

Everyone was surprised and couldn't believe it.

"The wedding is next month, Master Zhen asked me to give these to everyone." Huomen said, "I hope everyone can come to participate."

Kakashi and Kai knew about this in advance, but they were not as surprised as everyone else.

Everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, and felt that this kind of thing was too outrageous.

Really... seems to be the same age as them! This marriage is too early!

Everyone couldn't help but imagine letting the current self get married, which was a little hard to accept.

"Who is the bride?" Yu Hihong asked.

"It's Master Lingli from our clan." Huomen said.

Most of the people didn't know each other, but Hongdou remembered that she had seen that woman when she went to the Hyuga Clan to find Zhen. She was quite beautiful, but she should be much older than Zhen.

Asma said: "Maybe...the marriage of this kind of wealthy family is different from what we thought."

Lin looked down at the invitation card in her hand, which still had her name written on it, and unconsciously strengthened her hand holding the invitation card.

This guy is obviously going to get married, but he's still so clueless...

"Lin?" Jing Yin at the side called her strangely.

"It's okay... I just think it's incredible." Lin looked up and smiled.

To be honest, she is probably the only one.

Everyone was amazed at the fact that they were really going to get married. Hong Dou said that he had seen the bride, and everyone asked if the bride was good-looking.

"Quite good looking."

The barbecue on the stove was sizzling, and Lin took a sip of the tea, holding the edge of the cup, and the heat smoked her eyes.

"Are we going to prepare gifts then?"

"Of course."

"I haven't been to anyone else's wedding yet."

"I participated with my parents when I was a child."

"What's it like to be married?"

"I'm very happy, after all, I want to be with a beautiful girl."

"Xuanjian, you are really nasty."

Lin turned her head out of the window, looking at the hazy rain curtain, and heard the voices of people talking, but she felt inexplicably upset.

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