Rated Hokage

133 Chapter 132, Minato wants to get married

Ayari's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and her appetite has also become bigger because of this. Her whole body has become rounder, and walking has become inconvenient. Now she seldom goes out. Kushina and Mikoto still visit her from time to time .

Zhen also spends half of her day regularly spending time with her, and now Ayari only goes out when she is with Zhen, because Zhen can use her chakra to support her underneath, and walking is effortless.

Fortunately, Ayari's mood is very stable, and she is basically happy every day, which surprised many people.

It's also true that it's common to hear that women become manic during pregnancy.

I really bring her some small gifts every day when I come back. I bought them in some commodity stores in the village. If they are not fresh enough, I will fly to other towns and cities to buy them.

Lingli said that don't always buy things for yourself, but also prepare some toys for their children in advance.

The family also invited some professional nurses to come, and the meals they cook every day are nutritious meals suitable for pregnant women.

Ling Li smiled sincerely, saying that it was only after seeing her big belly that she realized that she was going to be a father.

It was really only when the day when the child was born was getting closer that I realized this deeply, that I was going to be a father.

In the past few months, Ayari's belly didn't show much, and the pregnancy seemed to be just a talk.

Zhen's mood became very strange now, and he himself couldn't tell what kind of feelings he had for this unborn child.

Is his child Neji or someone else...

It shouldn't be said that, it is definitely not the original Neji, but if it is a boy, the name is still Neji.

But there is the concept of reincarnation in the world of Naruto. If you count the time, it is really possible that it is the Neji of the original book.

In the afternoon, I really finished my work and returned to the clan area. Today, Kushina came and sat in the pavilion with Ling Li to talk and chat.

I really feel that Kushina is more passionate about this child than she is. Every time, she has to touch Ayari's stomach for a long time, as if the child in her stomach is her child, which makes her feel both helpless and funny.

You have done all the actions, what should I do?

Zhen said: "You like children so much, you just have to give birth to one yourself."

But Jiuxinna glared at him: "I'm not married yet, how can I say such things to a lady!"

The relationship between the two has also become very familiar, and they speak a lot more casually.

Zhen was startled suddenly, according to the time, Kushina and Minato are getting married soon...

But now Minato is not Hokage, and Kushina is Jinchuriki. If Minato wants to marry Kushina, I am afraid that Orochimaru will agree.

Will Orochimaru agree?

Sincerely, I am also a little uncertain. Orochimaru and Minato used to be in a competitive relationship. Although Orochimaru’s current status can be larger and the structure does not care about these things, it is completely reasonable to refuse, but it will only intensify the conflict with Minato.

"What are you thinking?" Kushina asked again at this moment.

Zhen smiled slightly: "I was wondering when Minato-senpai will marry you."

Jiu Xinnai said unhappily: "You don't need to worry about this kind of thing!"

She also resented this in her heart, thinking why Minato didn't propose to herself, did she really want to take the initiative?

Kushina secretly sighed, looking at Ayari's swollen belly, she also wanted to give birth to a cute baby for Mizuto.

It is not only Kushina who is distressed by this, but of course Minato.

Although Minato is not that romantic, but he is not a straight man of steel. Of course he knows what Kushina is expecting.

But Jiu Xinnai didn't realize that it was not easy for her to get married.

Originally, in Minato's plan, after he became Hokage, he could marry Kushina without hindrance.

Even if it takes a while, the Third Hokage will not embarrass them when they are in power, but will match them up.

But now the Third Hokage has resigned, not only has he resigned, but he has never asked about the affairs of the village since then. Minato once visited the Third Hokage, but the Third Hokage he saw was just an ordinary old man image.

The current Muye Village has completely escaped his control.

Minato knew that it was impossible to wait until the day when he succeeded Hokage to marry Kushina. Orochimaru was in his prime now, and he didn't know that he would have to wait until the year of the monkey when he stepped down.

He had no choice but to ask Orochimaru for instructions, expressing his desire to marry Kushina, hoping that Master Hokage would approve.

However, the reply given by Orochimaru was that Jinchuriki's body was not suitable for childbirth.

This was already a refusal, and Minato's heart sank in an instant.

He clearly felt at this moment that after losing the position of Hokage, he really lost a lot.

Every time I saw Kushina again, Minato felt extremely guilty, and didn't know how to respond to her expectations.

Why don't you just tell her that Hokage doesn't allow us to get married because of your status as Injuriki?

In desperation, Minato had no choice but to ask Lu Jiu for help, and wanted him to give advice, but Lu Jiu was helpless in such matters.

Some time ago, the clans of the major families were readjusted, and the endings of the three Ikacho clans were all arranged to be near the outskirts of the village. On the contrary, Uchiha's treatment was much better than before.

This is also expected. No one in the village knows that Ikacho was once a staunch supporter of Namikaze Minato. It is normal for Orochimaru to push them out of the center of power. This kind of thing can only be planned in the future up.

Lu Jiu said that he could only find a way to persuade Orochimaru and set the conditions for Orochimaru to agree.

But what bargaining chips do they have now, the whole Konoha is under the control of Orochimaru, and Minato himself is not a family ninja.

Lu Jiu thought about it, and finally came up with an idea for Minato.

"Minato, why don't you try Hinata Ma's place?"

Minato couldn't help being taken aback.


Hinata Makoto, as Hokage's deputy, has enough strength and reputation, and now he can be regarded as second only to Orochimaru in the village.

Moreover, Orochimaru is basically indifferent to the political affairs in the village, and it is okay to say that Konoha is now in charge of the truth.

At least, there is really no need to ask Orochimaru for a huge part of the matter.

"Maybe you can use him to get Hokage's consent." Shikahisa said to Minato.

Minato and Makoto have a pretty good relationship, they once fought side by side, and Makoto found him when he was seriously injured and brought him back to the camp.

But this kind of relationship is only on the battlefield. There are no political parties on the battlefield, and everyone is a companion.

But after the war ended, the relationship between the two faded away a lot in an instant, and they almost never had a special relationship, and they only met occasionally to say hello.

On the contrary, Kushina often goes to Hinata's house, because she and her real wife have become close friends.

Minato was thinking about it, and it seemed that there was only one way at the moment.

Go ask Hinata.


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