Rated Hokage

135 Chapter 134

Kushina didn't sleep well for two days in a row, and was always worrying about her inability to get married.

Even when she was practicing with Lin, she was in a trance.

"Miss Jiuxinna?" Lin's calling sound woke her up for the first time.

"What's wrong with you today, you've been in a daze."

Looking at Lin who was gently wiping her sweat, Jiuxinna hesitated for a moment and asked, "Lin, what kind of person do you really think?"

Lin was stunned for a moment, her sweat-wiping arms stopped in the air, and her expression became a little unnatural.

"Why... you mentioned him all of a sudden?"

Jiu Xinnai didn't notice this, she was agitated at the moment, she just smiled and said: "It's nothing, just a random question."

The two have their own concerns, and what Kushina thinks is whether she will really try her best to help herself.

And Lin recalled the scene with Zhen before, she hadn't seen Zhen for a while, and devoted herself to the cultivation, Lin thought it was quite good.

"Really...he's not bad." Lin said after hesitating.

In front of others, you can't just speak ill of him casually.

Just a guy who isn't serious at all...

Lin thought to herself.

"Do you think he's serious?" Kushina asked suddenly, as if she knew what Lin was thinking.


Lin didn't know how to answer now, and she also realized that it was strange for Kushina to ask such a question.

She asked cautiously: "Sister Jiuxinna, what do you mean?"

Jiu Xinna pondered for a while, and said, "Do you know that he has a very beautiful secretary?"

Lin nodded slightly. She heard about it and knew the identity of the secretary.

After all, in a place like Hokage Building where people come and go, suddenly there is such a beautiful girl, how could it not attract attention.

It's just that there are not many people who know that Samyi is Yun Nin's captive. After Lin learned the news, she secretly cursed Zhen in her heart. This guy really is a big carrot!

I actually thought about him for a while, it's not worth it!

At this time, Jiuxinna asked cautiously: "Then, do you think he is very horny?"

Lin: "Maybe... yes."

Kushina also nodded in agreement: "I think so too."

After she finished speaking, she started to be in a daze again, not knowing what she was thinking.

Lin doesn't know what's worth gossip about, that guy...he's just a jerk, so there's nothing to gossip about!

Every time Lin thinks about it, she will feel angry, and what's even more annoying is that this guy has never taken the initiative to find herself once!

asshole! asshole!

Lin finished drinking the water and continued her practice.

In the afternoon, Kushina came to Hokage's office again, just in time to run into Zhen who was about to leave.

"Are you okay?" Zhen asked her.

"I asked you before, how is it?"

"Hokage-sama has no time for these two days, he is busy with his own affairs, wait for two days." Zhen said.

"Oh..." Jiu Xinnai responded, and then his eyes swept back and forth on Zhenzhen.

"Is there anything else?" I asked helplessly.

"Then what..." Jiu Xinna faltered and faltered, lowered his head and fiddled with his fingers in front of Zhen.

"I recently... found some new books about the sealing technique..."

"You... want to come to my house to see?"

Hearing this, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then looked at Kushina who seemed to be very embarrassed, and suddenly shivered.

What is this woman trying to do?

After watching her for a while, I really held back a sentence: "Now?"

Jiu Xinna still lowered her head: "You can...anytime you want."

Involuntarily, he took a step closer to her, noticing her flushed nape and ears.

Hearing the fresh fragrance of Kushina's hair, goose bumps all over his body.


Is this woman hinting at me?

I really can't believe it, this is Kushina Uzumaki!

Although he had abnormal thoughts in his heart, he never thought that Jiu Xinnai would take the initiative one day.

Zhen's throat rolled down unconsciously, and he said, "Okay... I happen to be free this afternoon."

Kushina bit her lower lip tightly, and just kept silent when she heard this, and stood there for a while before turning around and walking towards the door.

Seeing this, Zhen followed her all the way out of the Hokage Building.

On the way, Kushina didn't say a word, and walked with her head down all the way, the atmosphere between the two became awkward and delicate.

When he walked to the door of Jiu Xinnai's house, Jiu Xinnai looked around with a guilty conscience.

This is Zhen's second visit to Kushina's house. He still clearly remembers the erotic scene that happened the last time he came, and he can't help but look forward to what may happen next.

"Sit down first." Kushina said to Zhen, poured Zhen a glass of water and entered the bedroom.

Shinichi looked around with a glass of water in his hand. Minato and Kushina, the two passionate couples, didn't live together. Shin didn't expect it at first. Maybe the women here are more conservative. They don't care about marriage and first night. It's heavy.

After about a few minutes, Kushina came out, and she changed her clothes again.

A sleeveless top and a light-colored long skirt.

She also took out a book, which was indeed related to the sealing technique, but her attention was no longer on the book at this moment.

Kushina noticed Zhen's burning eyes, subconsciously brushed the long hair next to her ears, and slowly came to sit on the sofa next to Zhen's body.

"This is some high-level sealing technique of our Uzumaki clan. Lord III didn't ask me to hand it all over to the village... Really, if you are interested in this, you can take a look."

When Kushina spoke, she avoided Zhenxin's gaze, and Zhen reached out to pick it up, but deliberately touched the back of Kushina's hand.

She withdrew her hand instantly in shock, as if she was ashamed and angry, but she endured it without attacking.

Seeing her reaction, Zhen laughed in his heart, and he wanted to ask Kushina some.

What, is it possible that you called me to your house just to read to me?

Zhen simply flipped through the book in his hand, and the above records were indeed some seal techniques that he had never seen before, but these did not have a great effect on Zhen.

His current level of completion of immortal engraving no longer requires these sealing techniques.

Really didn't get anxious right away, anyway, he wasn't the one asking for help, so he read the book on his own.

"It is indeed a rare book." He said slowly, "Thank you, Kushina, for showing me such an important thing."

Kushina forced a laugh: "We are friends, aren't we? Since you have a need, if you can help, I will naturally help."

"I want to take it back and study it carefully, can I?"


"In that case, I will take my leave first."

After all, he really stood up from the sofa and was about to leave.

Jiuxinna was stunned for a moment, and quickly stood up: "Are you leaving now?"

Zhen smiled and said: "I can't wait to study these sealing techniques. Is there anything else you can do, Kushina?"

"I..." Jiu Xinna stammered, hesitant to speak.

"I have nothing to do, it's just me and Minato, I hope you can spend more time with Hokage-sama."

Zhen immediately showed embarrassment: "I will help you and Minato persuade Hokage-sama, but I really can't promise you anything. It is difficult for others to change what Hokage-sama decides."

After he finished speaking, he handed back the book in his hand: "It's impossible for me to read it again."

Jiuxinna couldn't help being anxious, and wanted to push the book back again.

"Really, you..."

Zhen sighed and said, "Jiushinna, you are embarrassing me."


Both of them were holding the book with their hands, but Kushina couldn't stop trembling a little, lowering her head and lips almost biting to bleed.

Zhen Zhen looked at the woman in front of her who was constantly struggling in her heart as usual, as if she was watching an extremely delicate flower in full bloom.

How could he resist breaking it, crushing it?

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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