Rated Hokage

Chapter 148 Chapter 147

Orochimaru's research institute.

The boy Kazuma who was floating in the huge glass container had changed again the last time he saw him.

The originally pale hair color has now become extremely bright red and gorgeous, like the color of blood.

"This is what it looks like after adding the cells of the Uzumaki family." Orochimaru explained on the side.

"I learned from ancient books that the Uzumaki clan and the Qianshou clan are distant blood relatives. After careful research recently, I found that the constitution of the Uzumaki clan is very similar to the first-generation cells."

"Life force?" Zhen said.

"Life force is a very general term." Orochimaru said, "Because the Uzumaki family's physique is strong, the body energy contained in it is far more than ordinary people, and the amount of chakra will be more."

Real question: "Can the primary cells and the whirlpool cells be perfectly integrated?"

Orochimaru said: "I haven't tried these two alone, but they are well integrated under Bai Jue's physique."

Really looking at the boy in the glass container thoughtfully, Senshou Hashirama, Uzumaki Clan, Hyuga Clan...

Is it possible that Orochimaru can really create a body of Otsutsuki?

However, he suddenly discovered something was wrong with this body, maybe it was because he didn't notice it last time.

The boy didn't have any physical signs that a man should have.

"Is he... a boy?" Zhen couldn't help asking.

Orochimaru said: "It can be male or female. It is still in the experimental stage. Sexual desire between men and women is useless in my opinion. How to get rid of it without affecting the function of this body is also what I am studying. thing."

After all, he took a special look at Zhen: "Really, although you are young, you should also pay attention to your body. Having more women will only be a burden."


Why did you suddenly pull on me? There are only two women beside me...

I really couldn't help thinking about it, and then changed the subject: "When is Hokage-sama going to use this body?"

Orochimaru said: "It hasn't been completed yet. Really, transforming others is different from transforming myself. Once I enter this body, it will not be easy to try to improve him."

He has almost completed the secret technique of soul reincarnation, and there are many successful experiments in the research institute.

He called it the reincarnation of the corpse, which was born out of the spirit transformation technique, coupled with the secret technique and forbidden technique of the Yamanaka family, the ghoul sealing, and constantly perfected it, transferring a person's soul to another physical container This kind of thing can already be done easily.

There are roughly three types of white zealots in the research institute. One is the intelligent white zealots created by him. This kind of white zealots has the largest number. In addition, Bai Jue's eyeliner hidden in various places in the village is also them.

The second category is Reincarnation Baijue, that is, Baijue who succeeded in the soul reincarnation experiment of Orochimaru, but all of them were locked up by Orochimaru, and their physical conditions were checked regularly.

The third category is Baijue’s empty shell. The body of Baijue whose consciousness has been wiped out by Orochimaru is generally used for daily experiments. When conducting some in vivo experiments, when the test subject is in a dying situation, Orochimaru will use these Baijue to Mend and heal their bodies.

As for this young body, it can no longer be called Bai Jue.

Orochimaru's biotechnology level is changing with each passing day, and it always surprises me every time.

The reason why the performance is better than in the original work is because of the full support of the village. This kind of logistics is not comparable to that of a small Tianzhi Country Yinyin Village.

Second, the appearance of Bai Jue directly gave Orochimaru a qualitative leap.

Zhen asked Orochimaru again: "How does Oshemaru-sama plan to deal with Kushina?"

Orochimaru asked, "Are you in a hurry?"


"Shouldn't you ask me, what are you going to do with Minato?"


Uzumaki Kushina is now closed in the next room, and she can really feel her chakra very clearly.

Shin then asked, "How does Hokage-sama plan to deal with Minato?"

Orochimaru grinned: "Why, do you think he can still live in this world?"

Zhen was not surprised, but continued to ask: "What about his accomplices?"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes.

At this point, there is no longer any reconciliation between Orochimaru and Minato.

But Orochimaru seems to have no intention of taking the initiative at all.

Orochimaru asked: "Really, you seem to know me very well."

Really bowed his head and said, "Don't dare."


After a long time, Zhen quietly left the research institute, Da Shemaru stood alone in front of the glass container and watched the young man inside in a trance.

He is still waiting, waiting for the attitude of the third generation, waiting for Jiraiya's attitude, waiting to see if they will stand on Minato's side this time.

If he could, that would be the best, and he would be able to erase the last entanglement in his heart as a matter of course.

At that time, he can abandon everything in the past, enter this new body, and explore ninjutsu, life, and the world.

"Master Orochimaru!"

A sudden cry pulled him back from his thoughts.

At this time, Hongdou came bouncing and trotting from outside.

"Master Orochimaru, it's time to eat."


Red Dou laid out the meals she brought on the table one by one. In addition to what she brought for Orochimaru, she also wanted a few strings of dumplings that she liked.

"Today's meal is my new try. It tastes good. You should try it."

"Okay." Orochimaru responded with the corners of his mouth raised.

"I met Zhen when I first came here."

"I have something to ask him."

Red Dou suddenly remembered something, and said to Orochimaru: "Let me tell you, Master Orochimaru, this guy is actually a pervert."


Hongdou said seriously: "When I went to find him earlier, I saw him flirting with his female secretary in the office!"

Orochimaru said, "I'm really just a layman."

Hongdou muttered in a low voice: "He is a pervert!"

Zhen once told Orochimaru that he hopes that in the future, when Orochimaru continues to advance, he can always stand by Orochimaru's side.

But Orochimaru didn't take it seriously.

It is really impossible to follow him all the time, and the truth in the future is likely to stand on the opposite side of him, and Orochimaru knows this very well.

Really, there are a lot of secular ties on my body, and what Orochimaru wants to pursue is precisely to give up these.

"Red beans." Orochimaru suddenly reached out and touched Hongdou's small head.

On the other hand, Hongdou showed a well-behaved and enjoying appearance.

"After dinner, I'll show you something."

"Hey, what is it?"

"You'll find out later."

What he wants to walk is an extremely lonely road. Even if there is a person who can understand him and stand at the same height as him, he will only be his enemy.

But it's good to have an enemy around.

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