Rated Hokage

Chapter 162 Chapter 161

After hearing what Hashirama said, the hearts of Haiyi and Jiraiya sank instantly.

If Minato can't do Hokage, then their efforts for so long can be regarded as all in vain, wouldn't Lu Jiu also die in vain?

But things have come to this point, and they are powerless to change anything, not to mention that even Minato has taken the initiative to recognize the words of the first generation of Hokage.

If Minato doesn’t make Hokage, who will be the next Hokage?

If the first generation of Hokage were to make the decision, Haiyi and Jilai would not be able to imagine any suitable candidates in the village, regardless of everyone present.

"I understand, Lord First Generation." Sarutobi said slowly to himself.

"The root of all this lies with me..."

"I handed over the position of Hokage to him with my own hands. It was I who caused Konoha to suffer such a catastrophe. I made Hokage ashamed..."

"Can you allow me to settle all these grievances?"

His voice was full of determination and will to die, which made Zhu Jian slightly moved.

Orochimaru sneered: "Is it up to you?"

Hashirama looked at Oshemaru and said, "Oshemaru, isn't this what you're asking for?"

Seeing that he was seen through, Orochimaru just snorted coldly and said, "I'm afraid it's not enough for you alone, there is another person who wants to put me to death."

Minato also took a step forward when he heard the sound, and said calmly, "You're right!"

Orochimaru laughed loudly when he heard the sound, venting his emotions wantonly.

He looked at the last person again, and asked forcefully, "Zi Lai Ye, don't you want to do it?"

Jiraiya also kept silent, now that he knew what Dashewan had done, he was still unwilling to do anything.

Master and apprentice, fellow disciples, brothers and sisters are all at their end now.

Oshemaru suddenly made seals with his hands in front of him, and the meeting room suddenly trembled. It should be said that the entire Hokage building was shaking.

A giant white python rushed out from the floor under everyone's feet.


The ceiling overhead began to disintegrate, beams and crumbling masonry were falling.

In the end, Konoha, the Hokage building that had been built for decades, collapsed and turned into ruins.

And the sealing barrier previously set by the Second Hokage was directly broken.

The huge momentum alarmed many ninjas around, and Anbu directly surrounded the place.

The green vines propped up the gravel and tiles, and everyone coughed and got up in the dust and smoke. It was the first Hokage who used the wooden shield to protect them.


Tsunade below shouted angrily.

"What do you want to do?!"

Orochimaru stood on top of the giant python, overlooking everyone from a height, and said coldly: "Today, someone will definitely die, Tsunade, who do you want?"

Tsunade's expression froze.

"You are the one who died!" Minato said suddenly, and rushed towards Orochimaru in a flash.

Seeing this, the surrounding Anbu turned pale with fright, Namikaze Minato actually attacked Hokage-sama? !

Surprised, the Anbu still dutifully rushed forward to protect their own Hokage-sama.

However, as soon as they set off, they suddenly felt an invisible force pinching themselves, preventing them from moving.

"All Anbu back down." Zhenzai said suddenly at this moment.

"It's none of your business."

The Anbu looked at each other and stopped. Although it was their duty to protect Hokage, it was their patriarch who gave the orders.

Minato's attack didn't work, the giant python rushed towards him with its bloody mouth wide open, forcing Minato back.

"Since you want to kill me so much, come all of them!"

Orochimaru drove the giant python towards the direction of Yingyan at high speed, and Minato followed closely after hearing the sound.

People of their level will do a lot of damage, and it is very likely to cause harm to others. It is best to transfer the battlefield.

The third generation's face darkened, and he also flew up to follow.

Jiraiya hesitated on the spot, he knew what was going to happen next, but he himself hesitated at this juncture.

Go kill Orochimaru...

Hashirama watched the three of them go so far away but didn't make any movement.

He stretched out his hand and patted the body beside him, and the surging chakra directly broke through the seal on his body.

After Fei Jian regained his freedom, he immediately said angrily: "Brother, you just let them do whatever they want! Is there any difference between this and the beginning?"

There was silence between the pillars.

At this time, Zhen suddenly said: "How could it be nonsense?"

Fei Jian frowned and looked over, seeing that the kid from the Hyuga family was talking.

Zhen slowly said: "They all got the answers they wanted, they are all Hokage, why let others arrange their own endings, this is what they deserve, and it is also the best, the first Daime-sama just understands That’s why we didn’t stop it.”

Hashirama couldn't help but look sideways, and then continued to remain silent.

Tobima didn't argue with the truth, and frowned after learning about his elder brother's thoughts.

The figures of the three generations quickly reached the shadow rock, and the sound of ninjutsu was heard instantly.

Rumbling... Everyone looked around, only to see the rock statue of the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru collapsing.

Looking at all this, I can't help but feel a little sad.

"Fire Gate." He said suddenly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a masked figure appeared beside him in an instant.

"What an adult."

"Take action."


Huomen left immediately after giving a response.

Fenjian Shenmou looked over: "What are you doing?"

Zhenping said: "Naturally, it is to protect the villagers from their fighting. You Hokage-samas decide the future of the village, and the villagers need someone to take care of them."

Fei Jian's face darkened, how could he not hear the sarcasm in these words.

But now is not the time to worry about these.

The third generation, Minato and Orochimaru are fighting to the death at the moment, if they don't participate and let it develop.

So what to do with the winner of the trio?

He suddenly looked at Tsunade: "Tsunade, is Naruto in the village?"

Tsunade was stunned, his eyes showing a gloomy look.

"The rope tree...has long since died."

Pupils shrank suddenly: "What did you say?!"

Hashirama was confused: "Who is Naoshu...?"

"...It's my younger brother and your biological grandson. He was born after your death."

This time, not only Toikama, but even Hashirama showed a look of shock.

I just heard Tsunade continue to say: "Naoki has always looked forward to you, Grandpa, and wanted to become Hokage like you. He desperately wanted to prove himself, but he died on the battlefield. He was twelve years old that year, and he was just a Bear with me."

Hashirama and Togama recovered from the shock, and looked at each other speechlessly.

After hesitating, Tsunade said suddenly: "Nawaki...is still a student of Orochimaru, and Orochimaru witnessed Nakoki's death with his own eyes... After that, Orochimaru seemed to be a different person."

Silence, the atmosphere became heavy.

Zhu Jian let out a long sigh, although he had never met this grandson, he felt a burst of sadness.

Another person who wants to be Hokage...

When I really heard the mention of Rope Tree, I just thought it was a little funny.

The second generation still wants to continue to do the same thing as before.

Times have changed, Thousand Hands no longer exist, and Konoha is no longer anyone's private property.

The ruins began to become quiet, and everyone present had different thoughts.

But soon, many figures slowly appeared around, all looking in and whispering.

These are ordinary villagers.

The previous prison riots have stopped, all rebels have been executed, and these villagers have all come out of the shelter.

But instead of going home, they came to the Hokage Building.

Fortunately, there is a circle of Anbu blocking outside, these people can't get too close.

But more and more people were watching, and soon a street was full.

"Is that the first Daime-sama?" Someone finally couldn't help asking loudly.

Zhujian was thoughtful, he remembered that he should have asked, why did the news spread.

Immediately got up and stepped forward, smiled and said to everyone: "Hi everyone, I am Senshou Zhujian."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"It's really the first generation of adults!"

"Then the other one is Master Nidaime?!"

"The former Hokage is really resurrected?!"

"Let me see, let me see!"

The villagers immediately boiled over, and many people squeezed forward desperately, wanting to see what the legendary ninja god looks like.

"Everyone, don't get excited, don't crowd, and be careful not to get hurt." Seeing this, Hashirama shouted loudly.

Looking at the villagers in front of him, Fei Jian faintly sensed that something was wrong.

At this time, a loud voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

"Master First Generation, is Fourth Generation really a traitor?"

Everyone in the ruins was startled when they heard the sound.

Then another voice sounded: "Master First Daime, are the prisoners and Raikage in the prison really released by Minato Namikaze?"

"Master First Generation, please answer us!"

"Can we still trust Hokage?"

The voices in the crowd were one after another, they were constantly asking the first generation of Hokage, trying to get answers from him.

Hearing this, Hai at the back felt his mind go blank for a moment, leaving only one thought.

It's over!

This news must have been spread on purpose!

Feijian thought this in his mind at the moment, otherwise why would these villagers appear here at the same time.

I thought that with the eldest brother around, no one would dare to lift the table.

who made it

At this moment, Feijian's thoughts changed sharply, but his understanding of the current village was too lacking, and no one except the people in the meeting just now knew about it.

But he quickly locked his sights on Hinata Makoto.

What the boy said just now...

Zhen seemed to be aware of Tobima's gaze, and glanced at him calmly, then walked forward and came to Hashirama's side.

"Please be quiet, everyone!"

The real voice spread throughout the area in an instant, and the villagers stopped talking when they saw that it was the real adult who made the sound.

The real work on weekdays is not just sitting in the office and reviewing some documents.

He basically does all the government affairs related to the villagers by himself, helping the villagers solve many problems, and has a very high reputation in the village.

Hashirama looked at all this with a somewhat numb expression.

After you sing, I will appear on the stage...

Zhen said loudly to the villagers: "Everyone just listen to Mr. First Generation, and Mr. First Generation will give us an answer."

All eyes were on Hashirama. Hashirama had never been in such a predicament like today. The people in front of him were all his villagers, but he didn't recognize any of these faces.

These people talk about looking forward to themselves...

Hashirama took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Fourth generation..."

The words he thought rolled in his throat for a long time, hesitated for a long time, his eyes flickered, and finally there was only one sentence left in his mouth.

"It's a traitor!"

After saying this, the villagers fell into a deathly silence.

The nature of what they heard is different from what was confirmed in the mouth of the first Hokage.

Obviously, not long ago, they were cheering that the Fourth Hokage was the savior who saved the village when Konoha was in danger!

The Fourth Hokage is also the proud disciple of the Third Hokage. It is a good story that the doctor of ninjutsu taught Konoha Sannin who is well-known in the ninja world.

"Impossible!" An angry voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

"Impossible! How could the Fourth Generation be a traitor! He is the hero who saved the village, and he also cured my leg!"

The villagers started whispering.

Witnessing all this, Zhenzhen walked forward slowly, and said to everyone: "He directed and acted to save the village, and he was the one who put the village in danger. He was the one who sent the information to Iwanin at the beginning. He showed up with reinforcements!"

This kind of news is too shocking. Even if such a thing happened in the past, it would never be possible to make it public.

This means that the image of Hokage may completely collapse in the hearts of these villagers.

This means that the village may lose the trust of the daimyo and become isolated by the state.

This means that Konoha will become the laughing stock of the entire ninja world!

But it's not up to him to say it, and someone else will say it, otherwise why would these villagers come here to question themselves?

Is there any help for such a Konoha?

Feeling sad in Zhujian's heart, why did the Utopia created by himself come to this point?

Shin continued on the sidelines: "Not only the fourth generation, but also Namikaze Minato!"

"They have all done things to harm their compatriots. In order to fight for power and gain, they disregarded the lives of their companions and the safety of the village. This prison riot was instigated by Namikaze Minato behind the scenes. Our trial of them has ended. I confessed to my mistakes, and now the third generation is fighting them to bring them to justice."

There was an uproar in the crowd.

Compared to the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru who doesn't care about political affairs, Namikaze Minato's image and reputation are much better. Even if he is not Hokage, almost everyone present has seen him, and they all know that he is a very good-tempered , He is a friendly and unassuming person, and he is also a powerful hero who has led the village to defeat the enemy several times.

Before Orochimaru succeeded to the throne, many people hoped that the Fourth Hokage would be Namikaze Minato.

How could such a person do something that would harm the village?

But right now the first generation of Hokage is standing in front of them, telling them that this is the reality!

No matter how upright and stalwart a person is, if he turns himself over, what will be exposed will only be unbearable.


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