Rated Hokage

Chapter 166 Chapter 165

The battle of Hokage is still stalemate.

Minato's dangerous blow did not cause any substantial damage to Orochimaru.

Unless the current Orochimaru suffered a fatal injury, Bai Ze, who leaned over him with the spore technique, could completely heal him.

Minato didn't know what Baijue was, he only thought that Orochimaru had used ninjutsu such as a substitute to avoid the attack just now.

The most critical point, he did not hesitate to be bitten by a poisonous snake and touch Orochimaru in order to leave the mark of Flying Thunder God on him.

But following Orochimaru's "peeling" movement, Fei Leishen's mark also remained on the discarded "snake slough" body.

This means that he not only did useless work, but also put himself in danger.

Sensing the discomfort coming from between his legs, Minato realized that procrastinating in the fight would only lead to a slow death for himself.

The ape demon was working hard to fight Orochimaru at close quarters, Minato took out all the remaining kunai on his body, holding his breath and concentrating.

"Senior Ape Demon!"

He yelled suddenly, and threw the bitterness in his hand with a flick of his hand.

"Shuriken Shadow Cloning Technique!"

The water gate formed a seal quickly, and Kunai turned into countless black streamers in an instant, densely covering the entire sky, pouring towards Orochimaru with a frightening momentum.

The ape demon understood, but it didn't plan to retreat. Instead, it continued to fight with Orochimaru to prevent Orochimaru from escaping here. These kunai couldn't harm its indestructible body.

In just a moment, the ground was filled with kunai, like a piece of steel grass, and the inevitable Orochimaru was directly shot into a sieve by kunai.

He didn't change his face, he didn't mean to dodge Minato's attack.

Under the shocked gazes of Minato and the ape demon, the huge mass of white matter appeared on Orochimaru again, as if it was a wriggling piece of meat that slowly wrapped Orochimaru, and within a moment, these white pieces of meat came from His body fell off, and the injury on Orochimaru's body had recovered as before.

What the hell is that? !

Minato was shocked, it was the first time he had seen such a weird self-healing method.

But he quickly suppressed his shock again, and his hands quickly formed seals again, four chakra threads suddenly shot out from the dense Kumai on the ground, tightly binding the limbs of Orochimaru, and the ground was instantly covered with strange black lines , enveloping Orochimaru.

"Four strands of light array!"

Orochimaru, who was imprisoned by the sealing technique, couldn't move his body no matter how hard it was.

The four-line lamp array is an extension of the one-line lamp array, which can be used to bind enemies remotely, but changing from odd-numbered seals to even-numbered seals is entirely a move created by Minato himself.

Minato shouted loudly at this time: "Master Sandaime!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had been gathering chakra, immediately changed his momentum upon hearing the sound, and pressed hard on the ground.

"Earth Dungeon Diyong Nine Seal Corridors!"


In an instant, the ground began to shake, and the rocky ground under his feet began to flow. Walls with a height of more than ten meters surged from the surroundings, and the crowd surrounded them tightly. In the space inside the walls, the earth flew Numerous huge stone pillars sprang out, criss-crossing and intertwined.

The whole body of Orochimaru at the end was engulfed by rocks, leaving only one face and abdomen exposed, and the rest of the body was sealed by solid rocks.

Orochimaru glanced around and said, "It's really amazing ninjutsu. I didn't expect Sarutobi-sensei to hide your hand."

The ape demon picked up the Kusanagi sword on the ground and pierced it directly into his body.

Orochimaru didn't seem to feel any pain, with mocking eyes: "It's a pity, you can't kill me, even if you pierce my heart and cut off my head, you can't kill me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a few white monsters appeared from the giant rock pillar beside him, as if emerging from the surface of the water, these white people tried to destroy the rock that imprisoned Orochimaru. Cut into two pieces.


Sarutobi let out a deep drink at this time, his hands were still in the seal posture, and his eyes were fixed on Orochimaru.

"That's it."

After the words were finished, he suddenly felt an extremely cold aura locked on him.

He stared at the Yinshi in Yuanfei's hand, and suddenly chuckled: "So that's it, the ghouls are all sealed up, it seems that Teacher Sarutobi wants to die with me."

He recognized the forbidden technique, which originated from the super sealing technique of the Uzumaki family. This technique is to sacrifice one's soul to the god of death, and then the god of death will swallow the soul of the caster, and then the caster and the castee The magician will hate and fight forever in the belly of the god of death.

Orochimaru said with a smile: "Mr. Sarutobi, I misread you. It seems that you really have the will to die."

Sarutobi said in a deep voice: "Oshemaru, you have caused too much harm to Konoha, and even if you die, you will be blamed for it. As your teacher, I will eradicate this scourge for Konoha!"

The huge phantom behind him, invisible to outsiders, holds a short dagger in its mouth and holds a Buddhist bead. Its face is like a ghost, and its shape is like a demon!

An invisible arm protruded from Sarutobi's abdomen, rushed towards Orochimaru quickly, and then pulled out a transparent substance from the body.

Once the Ghoul Seal is started, it cannot be terminated, which means that when Sarutobi Hiruzen casts this forbidden technique, his life and his soul no longer belong to him.

And what he has to do is to take away the soul of Orochimaru together, endure the suffering forever and ever, and redeem the sins he has committed!

Namikaze Minato on the side watched this scene quietly, he also knows the ninjutsu of sealing the ghouls, and never thought about whether he would use this ninjutsu one day.

He also wanted to kill Orochimaru with his own hands, but after seeing Sarutobi perform this forbidden technique, he immediately understood the consciousness of the third generation.

More Baijue surged out from the ground and the rock pillars, desperately pounced on the third generation, but they were all killed by the ape demon and Minato.

Sarutobi grinned and said with a sneer: "Oshemaru, it's useless, you are doomed to fight with my teacher forever and ever."

Orochimaru also responded with a sneer: "I'm looking forward to it if you say so."

The ghoul seal was not hindered by anything, Dashemaru's soul was quickly pulled out of his body, and the seal pattern also appeared on Sarutobi's abdomen.

After the operation was completed, Sarutobi was panting violently. The feeling at this moment was unprecedented. All the strength in his body seemed to be drained at once. Not only that, he felt that the god of death behind him was already staring at him.

In this case, everything will be over...

Sarutobi looked up tiredly at Orochimaru, but the scene in front of him made his pupils shrink suddenly.

"What's the matter, Sarutobi-sensei? You seem surprised." Orochimaru looked at him expressionlessly, his eyes still clear.

How come, the soul is already sealed...

Sarutobi's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Orochimaru said slowly: "Sealing the ghouls is the forbidden technique recorded by Konoha. How could I have not studied it, how could there be no way to counter it, Mr. Sarutobi, you underestimate me."

"Since you feel ashamed of me, you can accompany that crippled piece of me to fall into hell forever!"

Orochimaru looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him, and didn't show any more emotions, as if his feelings for him were barren, just watched his body collapse in front of his eyes.

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