Rated Hokage

Chapter 168 Chapter 167

The sky is getting dark, Konoha Hospital.

Namikaze Minato was poisoned and was on the verge of death, but fortunately Tsunade was in the village and could pull him back from the ghost gate.

Kushina was waiting outside the door of the operating room, feeling restless.

Hashirama also came, and he sat on a bench beside him, quietly watching Kushina who was pacing back and forth.

"Are you the second Jinchuriki of the village?"


"So, have you met Mito?"

"Mito...Mito-sama?" Kushina was stunned for a moment before suddenly remembering the relationship between the person in front of him and Uzumaki Mito.

"Yes, it was Mito-sama who took me to Konoha...it was also Mito-sama who decided to let me become Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

Hashirama nodded upon hearing the words, the Uzumaki clan has a special physique, and they are indeed excellent candidates for Renzhuli.

He said: "Being an Injurik is a very hard work, especially for a woman, and you have worked hard for so long."

"...No, Mito-sama has taught me a lot, and I am very grateful to her for bringing me to Konoha." Kushina said, looking at the operating room again.

Hashirama pondered for a while and asked, "Can you tell me about Minato?"

Kushina was silent for a moment and said: "Aren't you afraid that what I say is false about my relationship with Minato?"

Zhu Jian smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I just think that what you are talking about is Minato in your eyes."

Kushina went to sit on the bench opposite him, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "Minato, he dreamed of becoming Hokage since he was a child..."

And at the same time.

Tobima came to Sarutobi Hiruzen's house alone.

It was Lake Biwa who opened the door, and she thought she was dazzled when she saw the door.

After Biwako heard the news of Sarutobi's death, he didn't seem too sad.

"For him, death is also a relief."

In the living room, Biwako sat across from the door and said with lowered eyes.

"In the past few days, he has been sleepless at night, and people come to him every day to discuss some things. I can feel his pain."

"It is his long-cherished wish to die for the village."

Toboma asked her about the current Konoha Sannin.

Lake Biwa said: "We watched Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru grow up, especially Orochimaru, who devoted the most effort to him. Orochimaru has shown a very high ninja talent since he was a child. Ri Zan has always trained him as Hokage."

"The child's parents died early, and his temperament is withdrawn and introverted. Although Hirizhan pays special attention to him, he has not been able to get into his heart. Gradually, Hirizhan began to feel that Orochimaru is not suitable for Hokage, until Jiraiya also student, the appearance of Namikaze Minato..."

Tomona sat there and listened quietly, gaining a better understanding of the relationship between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru.

Since it cannot be changed, I chose to replace it.

It may be a good thing for the village, but for Orochimaru, it is abandonment. Since then, there has been this extreme and extreme Fourth Hokage.

At this time, it is meaningless to judge right and wrong, and both of them are dead.

Tobima sat at Sarutobi's house for a long time, and also met Hirizan's youngest son Asma. After learning the news of his father's death, the child couldn't accept it and burst into tears of grief.

This is the behavior that a young man should have. Thinking of the expressionless face of Hinata Makoto who was the same age as Asma, he couldn't help frowning.

Three people, Mito Monyan, Zhuanju Xiaochun, and Akimichi Tekkaze, came.

"Teacher Toikama...it's really you!"

The three old men were all very excited when they saw Feijian.

There is emotion in Feijian's heart. The former students are now older than himself. Only now did he clearly realize what his elder brother said. Their experience may be richer than his own, and he should also learn these things. People are treated as independent individuals.

Several people got together and talked for a long time, at first they were talking about some past events, and then Tokaima asked them to tell about Konoha's situation after his death for so many years.

They talked about the first Ninja World War from Sarutobi Hiruza to the third Ninja World War, telling about some major events that happened to Konoha, and some famous ninjas that appeared, such as Sannin, White Fang, and Golden Ninja. flash……

When Tobuma asked them about Hinata Makoto, the three of them fell silent.

It's not that they don't want to talk, but that they know too little.

The only thing that is clear is that this young patriarch of Hyuga is very capable of handling government affairs. He took care of all the affairs of the village after the war, and he took care of them very well.

In terms of personal strength, he showed it once in the war with Yunin. What surprised Tomona was that Hinata Makoto could fly, and seemed to have a special illusion.

But what Toma really cares about is that this Hinata is really a power figure through and through!

There used to be two largest ninja armed forces in the village, one was Naruto directly under Anbu, and now it is completely in the hands of Hinata.

As for the other Konoha Guard, it was severely deprived of power by Hokage not long ago, and now only a dozen or so people are left doing errands for the villagers, which has improved a lot for Uchiha in the village. in the image.

Moreover, many members of the Hyuga family hold important positions in the village and control all the power in the village.

Now that Orochimaru is dead, and Namikaze Minato has become a sinner, there is no other candidate for Konoha's next Hokage besides him.

Tobima wanted to support another Hokage to be selected, which made the three scheming old people present look embarrassed.

It can be said that unless Hinata is really dead now, or the two brothers can be fully resurrected and regain power.

Otherwise there is no other chance at all.

As for the Tsunade that Toikama was thinking of, he did have a lot of prestige in the village, but it was just a prestige.

Shinya Hinata was also the hero who helped the village defeat Yun Ninja, which was obvious to all the ninjas at that time.

But seeing Hinata really in such a high position, Tomona felt really unwilling.

At the beginning of the trial meeting, this Hinata really didn't show his face, but after the final situation was finalized, this guy took off his disguise directly in front of them, and unabashedly showed the posture of a politician.

If he continued to maintain a humble and respectful attitude, Tobima might still think that this person is a good junior.

But if you want to fight this real Hinata, there must be a suitable Hokage candidate. If Tsunade doesn't want to, who else can there be?


He is also a student of the third generation, but the Namikaze Minato incident will inevitably affect him.

The night gradually deepened, and he refused Lake Biwa's persuasion, and Tobima, who came out of Sarutobi's house, found that he had nowhere to go.

Qianshou no longer exists in this village, and the ancestral house has long since become someone else's home.

Wandering around Tokaima, finally came to the only remaining Sandaime Hokage Rock, looking at the brightly lit village below, it seems that there is no place for him.

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