Rated Hokage

189 Chapter 188, I Marry You

There are three holy places in Ninja World, Mt. Miaomu, Shibone Forest and Ryuji Cave. These three places are inhabited by Toad Sage, Slug Sage and White Snake Sage respectively.

The description of Mount Miaomu and Toad Immortal is the most detailed in the original book.

Hama Immortal, whose real name is Hama Maru, is a character of the same period as Six Paths Immortal. He has the ability to prophesy. It was also he who discovered the destruction of the earth by the sacred tree, and guided the two brothers of Yuyi Yucun to seal their mother.

The White Snake Immortal in Longdi Cave is a white-scaled snake that can transform into the posture of an old woman. Compared with the Toad Immortal, this White Snake Immortal is obviously not a kind person. He will set a test for those who want to go to Longdi Cave to seek power. , if it doesn't pass, it will directly become its midday meal.

The White Snake Immortal in Tang Country may also be a big snake from Ryūji Cave.

Although the Eight-Headed Orochi is one of Orochimaru's forbidden techniques, he should not maintain that form forever... If it is really Orochimaru, why would he give himself the guise of a White Snake Immortal?

What is the purpose of developing believers? Is there a lack of test products? With the method of Orochimaru, it shouldn't be so strenuous.

The matter of Tang Country is still full of mysteries, and I feel a little worried. I sent an Anbu to continue investigating in Tang Country to see if I can find anything else.

In the evening, I really went to Kushina's place.

Encountered danger outside, I really wanted to come here to comfort this beauty, but I didn't expect Lin to be here.

He hadn't seen Lin for a while, and this girl seemed to be avoiding him.

After Lin saw the truth at the door, she also wondered why he came here.

"Master Hokage." Lin bowed to Zhen.


"Is Hokage-sama coming to see sister Kushina?" Lin asked.

"...It's nothing, Kushina is in danger in the country of Tang, come and visit." Zhen said.

"Thank you Hokage-sama for your concern, I'm fine." Kushina said with her head bowed.

"Sister Kushina said it's fine, please go back." Lin said in a blunt tone, regardless of his identity as Hokage.

She is very gentle towards others, but she is so savage when it comes to herself.

Feeling really helpless, she looked at Jiuxinna: "This is trying to drive me away, Jiuxinna."

Kushina's heart tightened when she heard the words, and she quickly said: "No, it's just...it's just that there is no need to waste your time, Hokage-sama, you can come in if you want."

What's the point of going in and just sitting around, but you can't do anything.

Lin is here, good things can't be done, she is really depressed, and said: "Forget it, I just stopped by to have a look, and left."

After all, he turned and left.

Seeing him leave, Kushina said to him again: "Master Hokage, go slowly."

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, and secretly rejoiced that Lin was here today, otherwise I would have to...

Lin asked at this time: "Sister Jiuxinna, why is he visiting you?"

Kushina smiled and said, "Don't tell me, Hokage-sama, I'm afraid I might be surprised, so come and have a look."

Lin muttered: "Why is this guy so kind?"

Jiu Xinna thought to himself that of course he wasn't so kind, if you weren't here today, I'd be his plaything again...

He made an excuse for the truth: "He is Hokage, it's normal to care about the villagers... But you, Lin, do you have any problems with Master Hokage? Why are you so rude?"

Lin was stunned: "Is there..."

Is it so obvious...

Kushina laughed and said, "Except for you, no one else would dare to treat Hokage-sama with that attitude."

Naturally, she had never seen Hongdou's attitude towards the truth, and it was even worse than Lin's.

Lin was silent for a moment: "It's nothing, it's just...the relationship was better before, so I'm more casual."

She explained to Kushina, and also explained to herself.

Then he got up and said, "It's getting late, I should go too, sister Jiuxinna."

She was planning to leave, but just happened to meet the real door-to-door.

"Okay." Kushina didn't keep her any longer.

Coming out of Jiu Xinnai's house, Lin was a little restless. She didn't expect to meet the truth again today, and she couldn't help but think about it again.

She has always avoided meeting with Zhen, and even when she is out on missions, she always asks other companions in the temporary team to go to the Hokage Building.

I thought maybe after a while, I would be able to forget about this damn bastard.

Lin just walked around in a daze, absent-mindedly, suddenly felt blurred in front of her eyes, and then the sound of "hoo hoo" passed by her ears, and when she came back to her senses, she had already come to a deserted street.

And the figure in front of her that was pinning her against the wall was also the figure that haunted her in dreams.

"I don't know how to look at the road when I walk, are you thinking of me?"

Thinking of this familiar voice, Lin was in a daze, looking at the familiar face close at hand, her pretty face flushed suddenly.

"You...you..." She faltered and couldn't utter a complete sentence.

"It's been a long time since you saw me. You were the only one who didn't come when I came back from the previous mission to report on my work. It's hard to see me again and still have that attitude."

Lin lowered her head, pursed her lips and said, "Why do I have to see you, who are you to me..."

There was stubbornness in her voice, and she seemed a little bit wronged.

What she might want to say more is: If I don't go to see you, can't you take the initiative to come and look for me?

Zhen heard the words and sneered: "Who are you talking about me? Don't you know that I am Hokage!"

But Lin snorted and said, "Yes, Hokage-sama, that's amazing. Hokage-sama can bully people at will."


With a muffled sound, Lin's face blushed instantly, and she glared at the person in front of her.

Because Zhen slapped her ass.


"What about me, stare again!" But Zhen raised his hand, as if he wanted to hit again.

Lin bit her lips tightly and didn't dare to say any more, her blushing cheeks were aggrieved and angry.

"Does it hurt?" Zhen asked.

"..." Lin blushed and said nothing, how should she answer this.

And the next moment, Zhen reached out and rubbed her buttocks lightly, as if to relieve her pain.

But she didn't hurt at all, and she really didn't use much force, how much a spanking on the butt can hurt!

Lin only felt a "boom" in her head. After she realized it, she hurriedly dodged aside, and at the same time stretched out her hand to hold the real arm.

"I'll rub it for you." Zhen said shamelessly.

Lin's face was blushing to the point of bleeding. She had fantasized about many scenes after meeting Zhen. The other party might look indifferent and indifferent, might be enthusiastic and blame herself, or might affectionately hold her hand and want to kiss her...

But it's definitely not this kind of shameless touching her butt to take advantage of her!

She said hoarsely: "You...you are too bullying..."

But Zhen said plausibly: "You deserve it, who told you to hide from me."

"How can I..." Lin wanted to refute, but felt wronged, and said instead: "I don't see you, can't you take the initiative to come to me!"

Zhen took advantage of the situation and said helplessly: "I am Hokage, do you know how much work I have to do every day?"

Lin was a little speechless, and faltered there: "I...I..."

Looking up, I saw Zhen's hateful smiling face with a hint of success.

What was exasperating was that he also asked: "Do you miss me?"

Lin turned her face away and said with a sneer, "I'm crazy to think about you. Do you think how happy you are at home with your wife and son?"

Zhen reached out and lifted her chin: "You can also give me a baby."

Lin was about to be laughed out of anger: "You are dreaming!"

Zhen nodded and said: "I do often dream that you gave birth to several children for me."

Lin blushed again at the shameless words, and quickly turned her head to shake off his hand.

She cursed angrily: "You are a bastard! Hooligan! Pervert!"

After she finished cursing, Lin found that this man was staring at her with burning eyes. The two were already very close, so she didn't know why she kept talking to him and didn't dodge.

I hate him so much, just let him block himself against the wall...

"What are you looking at..." Lin couldn't help but her heart beat faster.

"I want to kiss you."

Lin couldn't stand it anymore, she lowered her head and wanted to run away.

How could it really make her wishful? He clamped her hands and feet more domineeringly, making her back close to the wall.

Lin struggled a bit, and her breathing became inexplicably short of breath.

"Really, please let me go."

"I like you a little bit, and I don't want to let you go."

"But you have a wife, and even children!"

"It does not matter, I do not mind."


"Call Hokage-sama, listen, I'll think about it."

"Hokage... my lord..."

Zhen sneered, moved his face closer, and said, "You are begging for help, can you have a better attitude?"

Lin's face also became redder, and she found that her face was twisted so much that she couldn't avoid it.

"Master Hokage..."

Zhen grinned and said with a smile: "After thinking about it, I still want to kiss you."

"You bastard! You don't count... um!"

After half a minute.

In this deserted alley, I squatted helplessly on the ground, looking at the crying girl hugging her knees.

"My dear, why are you crying?"

"You still touch me, you're disgusting, I don't want to talk to you!" Lin Lihua said rainingly.

"I couldn't help it. I was wrong. I won't touch it next time."

"Shut up! You know how to bully me. You are Hokage. You have a family but you can't be responsible for me. I'm a girl, what can I do?"

"Still blame me for not looking for you. You are obviously wrong. You are just playing with my feelings. Once you succeed, you will kick me off, just like the bad man in the novel!"

Lynn cried over and over again.

"You obviously can't give me anything, why are you messing with me!"

"You bastard!"

"Can you stay away from me, I don't want to see you!"

As she spoke, she reached out and hammered at the real body.

Really grabbed her thumping hand: "I'm far away from you, don't you miss me?"

The emotions were vented, and Lin also began to speak indiscriminately: "What's the use of thinking, you are not mine! It's impossible for the two of us!"

"I will marry you."


Lin slowly fell silent, reaching out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Can you say that again."

"I will marry you."

She stared straight at Zhen: "Are you divorcing your wife?"

Zhen shook her head slowly: "You also come to be my wife, just like her, we will get married when you are an adult."

Lin: "..."

Zhen continued: "There is no rule that I can only have one wife."

Lin was silent for a long time, and then let out a low laugh inexplicably.

She looked up at Zhen with a sneer and said, "So there will be other women in the future? You want me to serve you like these people?"

I really want to nod, but I understand that nodding now is probably only a slap.

Lin stood up without saying a word, turned around and left the alley.


Ask for a ticket

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