Rated Hokage

Chapter 196 Chapter 195

"Dad, what are you looking at?"

Itachi saw his father standing at the door looking at the road outside in a daze, and couldn't help asking.

"Nothing, are you going out?"

"I made an appointment with Zhishui to practice together," Itachi said.

"Well, go, don't come back too late."


Seeing the figure of his son leaving quickly, Fuyue's thoughts flew to the distance again.

It's time to come back...

And just as he turned around to go back to his room, a figure suddenly appeared at the door, it was Anbu.

"Mr. Fuyue, Hokage-sama is here to invite you."

When Fuyue came to the Hokage Building, he saw Obito here, but Obito seemed to have experienced something bad.

"Senior Fuyue, please come here, I need you for something." Zhen said at this time.

"Hokage-sama, please tell me." Fugaku's posture was still very respectful, he paid attention to Obito from the corner of his eye, thinking about the current situation in his heart,

Zhen pondered for a while and said, "Let's talk about it with soil."

Obito's eyes showed grief: "Master Fuyue, Big Brother Iron Fire and Big Brother Daohuo...why did they attack us?"

Fuyue was startled at first when he heard the words, and then asked, "What did you say?"

"When Lin and Hongdou and I were in the Bird Country, we were suddenly attacked by Brother Iron Fire and Daohuo. Lin, Hongdou and the others...they..."

Seeing Obito's sad appearance, Fuyue turned pale with shock: "There is such a thing?! What about Tiehuo and Daohuo?!"

At this time, an Anbu suddenly appeared, took out a seal scroll and spread it out on the ground, and five corpses wrapped in white cloth were channeled out following his seal.

Fuyue had already guessed in his heart at this moment, but he didn't feel any sadness when he saw the five corpses, but he was almost uncontrollably ecstatic.

Tiehuo and the others all have the strength of Jnin. If Obito didn't have Kaleidoscope Sharingan, it would be impossible to be their opponent anyway!

Although these five youths are extremely precious powers for Uchiha, they are nothing compared to the Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

And, Kaleidoscope is by no means the end of Obito!

If you let yourself get the eyes of reincarnation...

Although Fu Yue's thoughts were ups and downs, there was still an expression of shock on his face.

"Master Hokage, this..."

Zhen frowned, and said in a questioning tone: "Why, doesn't Senior Fuyue know about this?"

Fuyue looked at Obito: "Obito, what happened?"

Zhen said: "These five people were killed by Obitu."

Fu Yue looked absent-minded there, and then hurriedly asked, "Where are Miss Lin and Miss Hongdou?"


"That's it..." Fuyue muttered to himself, and finally said to Zhen: "Master Hokage, I really don't know why such a thing happened, but the Uchiha people actually committed the evil deed of killing fellow villagers. As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, there is an unshirkable responsibility."

Zhen said: "Since Senior Fuyue really didn't know, it's no wonder Senior Fuyue."

Fu Yue quickly said: "Don't worry, Hokage-sama, I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly when I go back."

Zhen didn't embarrass him, not even questioning him too much, so he let him leave.

And Fuyue didn't think too much about it. At this moment, his mind was full of Obito Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but he also knew that he shouldn't reveal anything at this time.

Until the evening, he went to Obito's residence in person.

"Master Fuyue, why are you here?"

"Come and see you."

Obito lives alone, and the place where he lives is very simple. The difference between Uchiha and Hyuga is that the Hyuga family lives together in a huge mansion, while each Uchiha family has a separate house.

Seeing that Obito still looked depressed, Fu Yue said: "I am also very sad about Lin's matter. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."


Fuyue said again: "People always have to look forward, with soil, Lin also hopes that you can live a good life."

Obito lowered his head and replied, "I know, Lord Fuyue."

Fu Yue glanced casually at Obito's room. It wasn't very clean and tidy, but it wasn't too messy either. It was just an ordinary boy's bedroom.

There is a photo frame on the table, which is a group photo of the Obito Ninja team, and there is a figure of Minato on it.

"Obito, there is something I want to ask you." Fu Yue said with his back turned to him.

Obito looked at him suspiciously.

"Tiehuo and the others are Junin no matter what, or five of them... how did you kill them?"

"...Master Fuyue."

Obito looked hesitant: "I seem to... have opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan that you told me earlier."


I saw Fu Yue turned around slowly, with an unexpectedly calm tone: "Really, I didn't misunderstand you, Obito, you really have this talent."

Obito said in a heavy tone: "But the price of this power..."

The power awakened because of "lost", what else can I protect? What else can I bring myself...

"Is there only Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Fu Yue suddenly asked again at this time.

Obito was stunned: "What... mean?"

Fuyue stared at Obito: "Are you only awakened by the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Obito just looked at Fuyue blankly, as if he didn't understand what Fuyue meant.

Fu Yue frowned, wondering if it is possible to break the seal curse of Sharingan and evolve into a kaleidoscope Sharingan of eternal light...

But Obito doesn't have any brothers and sisters, and the best of his blood relatives doesn't even have sambal lines on Sharingan.

Fu Yue looked at Obito in front of him and said, "Let me see your eyes."

Obito asked at this time: "Master Fuyue, what do you mean by what you just said? Can I awaken other powers?"

Fu Yue didn't answer his question, but said, "Let me see your eyes first."

The two people, one big and one small, confronted each other here.

Fu Yue frowned: "Obitu?"

Obito suddenly muttered to himself at this time: "So that's it, you've seen that stone tablet..."

Obito's voice was very soft, but Fuyue could hear it clearly.

Stele, does he know stele?

Fuyue looked slightly stagnant: "Obito, you..."

Obito's expression became calm, and he said slowly: "I was still wondering why you planned all this so hard, it turned out to be for the eyes of reincarnation."

The words "Samsara Eye" shocked Fuyue even more, his eyes flashed, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who are you!"

I saw that Obito's figure in front of him suddenly changed, which was different from the effect when the transformation technique was lifted, but a distorted change in appearance.

Fu Yueyi couldn't help but lose his voice: "Hi... Hokage-sama."

"Senior Fuyue, why are you interested in reincarnation eyes?"

Zhen smiled and looked at Fuyue: "Besides, why do you want to do this kind of thing without telling me? If you tell me in advance, I may not hinder you."

Fuyue's expression changed from cloudy to sunny, and he noticed a very slight movement, it should be that someone came outside the room at this moment.

Anbe... or Crown Guard?

May all come.

Fu Yue forced a smile on his face: "I didn't expect Hokage-sama to know such a thing."

Zhen said: "As one of the three major pupil arts, is it strange that I, Hinata, know about this?"

Fu Yue could only echo: "What you said is..."

He didn't want to tear himself apart with Zhen, even in the current situation where he didn't get anything.

Even if he and Zhen become enemies one day in the future, it should be when he has enough to kill me!

At this time, Zhen said again: "You are also in a high position in the village, so I can turn a blind eye to whatever I do."

"But you should be aware of the consequences of mutilating your companions, and besides, didn't Senior Fuyue know that Hong Dou is my valet, so he dared to do something to her?"

Fu Yue chose to play dumb: "I can't understand what Hokage-sama means."

Zhen Leng sneered: "Why, do Senior Fuyue still want to confront Uchiha Tetsuhiro and the others? Do you want me to send someone to bring them over from the torture department?"

Tiehuo and the others are not dead, and the plan has completely failed!

Five jounin... what went wrong!

Fuyue's face turned blue and white, he could see that this trip was definitely not with good intentions, how would he break the situation...

The opponent is Hokage, and here is Konoha, the chance of winning by yourself and the opponent is extremely low!

And he wasn't alone, so how could he risk everything to fight the opponent to the death.

At this time, Zhen spoke again: "Senior Fuyue, am I not good enough for you Uchiha? Have you forgotten what kind of situation Uchiha was before me?"

Fuyue took a deep breath, and said in a flattering tone: "I will naturally keep in mind Hokage-sama's kindness to Uchiha."

Zhen pulled the chair aside and sat down, looked at Fuyue with a sneer and said, "Really, why do I think you have forgotten?"

"Master Hokage is too serious..."

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened from the outside.

Standing at the door was Huomon, one of the crown guards, and Hokage's confidant.

"Master Hokage, we found Itachi Uchiha at the practice field west of the village."

Fu Yue's face changed suddenly when he heard this.

"Master Hokage!!"

I really ignored him, but asked Huomen: "Huomen, how many people are there in Uchiha now?"

Huomen responded: "There are seventy-six Uchiha people in total, including twenty-three ninjas in service."

Zhen sighed softly: "This is the Uchiha clan of Megatron Ninja World, and now it has declined to this point. Senior Fuyue tried to revitalize the family dishonestly, why did he kill his compatriots?"

Fu Yue felt trembling all over when he heard what Zhen said.

How cruel Hinata really is, he knew it early on, he knew it from the time when Orochimaru was Hokage.

Later, Orochimaru was exposed to have passed information to Iwanin and killed thousands of Konoha ninjas. It is unbelievable that there is no real shadow of Hinata behind this to kill Fuyue.

Is it possible that the death of Hinata Hyuzu and his true supremacy followed the trend?

"Do you know what will happen to the clan if the head of the clan betrays the village?"

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