Rated Hokage

Chapter 201 200, Fuyue: Mikoto is waiting for Hokage-sama at any time

Metkay, who had been by Daimyo's side all the time, sent back a message.

Lord Minamoto, the daimyo of the country of fire, is very fond of the strange Inada Hime who came from the country of Tana, and for this he neglected a lot of state affairs, which made some ministers very dissatisfied.

I have really dealt with Gen-sama, the monarch of the Fire Country is not a mediocre person, what kind of means does this Princess of the Land Country have, to make Daimyo indulge in womanizing.

Kakashi said that it was a very beautiful woman, not as beautiful as a mortal, exuding a special charm all over her body, making it difficult for people to look away at a glance.

This is really even more surprising, because it sounds like the kind of monster that specializes in seducing men.

Kakashi pondered: "It's almost like a monster..."

It's not that he hasn't seen any beautiful women before, but he has never lost his mind just by looking at them. Now when he recalls the appearance of that Qi Daotian Ji, he feels very vague, and only remembers that she is beautiful.

If the daimyo does not do his job properly, it will not be a good thing for the Fire Nation, but it is not his turn to really remind him.

Someone knocked on the door and came in, saying that someone from Yuyin Village had come and was waiting for Mr. Hokage to meet him.

Zhen Zhen casually asked who it was, and the man said it was Xiaonan and Nagato from Yuyin Village.

Hearing that Nagato had come, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He remembered that this person had always had a bad attitude towards Konoha.

After a little thought, Anbu called Uchiha Fugaku over.

"Master Hokage."

Fu Yue has now become extremely respectful in front of Zhen Zhen, keeping his posture extremely low.

"Come with me to meet some people."

Yuyin and Konoha have a very close relationship now, so Shinobi issued a long-term pass certificate to Yuyin for this reason, and whenever Urenin comes to Konoha, he can directly enter with this certificate.

In the reception room at this moment, Xiaonan and Nagato were sitting there waiting for the arrival of Hokage.

"Why are you so unhappy when you come to Konoha?"

Konan looked at Nagato's expression and said helplessly.

"No." Nagato just responded in a muffled voice.

Xiaonan persuaded: "Yahiko is in charge of Yuyin Village now, and his work is very busy on weekdays. We need to find a way to help him share his worries. He wants to give you the power of the second in command, and you have to take this responsibility. No matter what, you can Kareya-sensei is also from Konoha."

"I know." Nagato finally said, "Of course I will take care of the overall situation."

Xiao Nan secretly sighed in her heart, she knew why Nagato hated Konoha because he witnessed the death of his parents at the hands of Konoha ninjas when he was young.

She immediately changed the subject: "Where's Bailong?"

Nagato said: "Bailong said that he came to Konoha for the first time and wanted to take a stroll here."

Bailong is now Nagato's bodyguard, and came with him this time.

At this time, the door of the reception room opened suddenly, Xiaonan and Nagato got up immediately.

"You two have been waiting for a long time." Zhen walked in with a warm smile.

"Master Hokage!"

Xiao Nan spoke respectfully.

Zhenzhen looked at another red-haired young man: "I didn't expect Mr. Nagato to come, what a rare visitor."

"Hokage-sama." Nagato also bowed his head and greeted.

"Let me introduce, this is Uchiha's boss, Uchiha Fugaku."

"These two are Miss Xiaonan and Mr. Nagato from Yuyin."

Xiaonan smiled politely when he heard the words: "Everyone in the Uchiha Ninja world is familiar with it. I didn't expect to see Mr. Fuyue today. I have admired you for a long time.\

,"She wanted to say that it is rare for the three major ninja arts to gather together, but Kanzhen's dark eyes suppressed the words.

However, Fu Yue's gaze stayed on Nagato's body, staring at his purple reincarnation eyes exposed outside.

That is the reincarnation eye, one of the three pupil techniques, the power possessed by the immortals of the Six Paths!


Fuyue came back to his senses and greeted the two of them.

He understood why he was really asked to come here, just to let him see the eye of reincarnation with his own eyes, and see the eye that made him fall to this point. # Konoha dumpling shop.

"Red bean, how did you go to the country of birds this time?"


Hongdou sat on the bench in a dispirited manner, looking casually at the street.

After returning to the village, Hokage ordered that what happened in Bird Country be strictly kept secret. Neither she nor Lin nor Obito knew the truth of the matter, which made her very depressed.

The days have returned to the way they used to be. Several people of the same age gather together to chat, which is boring.

I am too lazy to go out to perform tasks, and I am too lazy to practice.

Hongdou laid her face on the table, and Hong beside her handed over a bunch of dumpling with only one bite.

And at this moment, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure among the crowd on the street.

After being absent-minded for a moment, he got up abruptly and rushed out of the dumpling shop, leaving a group of people in a daze.

"What's up with her?"

"have no idea."

"It seems to be looking for someone..."

Hongdou flew through the crowd and put one hand on the shoulder of a man in front of him.

The other party turned around slowly. This was a thin young man with a ponytail, wearing the uniform of Yuyin Village and wearing the forehead guard of Yuyin Village.

Looking at this person, Hong Dou couldn't help but look dazed.

"What's the matter with you?" the man asked softly.

Hongdou silently withdrew her hand: "...It's okay, I admitted the wrong person."

The appearance, figure, voice, and personality are completely different, and I am really crazy...

She apologized in a low voice: "Sorry."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the dumpling shop.

"Hongdou, do you know that person?"

After being seated, Xuanjian and the others asked.

"Isn't it to strike up a conversation?"

"So you like this type."

Hong also chuckled and said, "He looks pretty good, but it's a pity he's from Yuyin Village."

Hongdou didn't bother to pay attention to this group of people, and glanced at the crowd again, and the person just now had disappeared.

There was a gloomy look in her eyes, and she sat there in a daze, and she didn't know what she thought of. # After sending Xiaonan and Nagato away, he really asked Fuyue: "Senior Fuyue saw that person's reincarnation eyes, what do you think?"

Fu Yue bowed his head and said, "This subordinate has no idea."

Zhen said: "Many people in Yuyin Village are rumored that Nagato is the reincarnation of the Sage of the Six Paths, the savior of the ninja world, and will be respected by the ninja world in the future."

Fu Yue immediately said: "This kind of remarks are pure nonsense, and it is impossible to determine whether the Six Paths Immortals really exist."

Zhen asked again: "Really, then why did Senior Fuyue cling to the eyes of reincarnation before?"

Fu Yue said respectfully: "That's my subordinate's ignorance at the moment. Now I just want to work for Hokage-sama under Hokage-sama. If there is really a savior in the ninja world, I should be Hokage-sama."

I couldn't help but laugh: "Forget it, the savior is too majestic and majestic, and it doesn't suit me. Wasn't Namikaze Minato once called the savior?"

"How can a first-order prisoner be compared with Master Hokage?"

Zhen looked at him with a smile, and suddenly changed the subject: "Senior Fuyue, two days ago your wife told me that she had learned a few new dishes and wanted to invite me to have a taste."

"...I'm afraid that Mikoto's craftsmanship won't satisfy Hokage-sama."

Zhen chuckled: "Satisfied, I am very satisfied, have you tasted it before, haven't you?"

He had been a guest at Fuyue's house more than once before, and the meaning in his words seemed to be talking about this aspect.

"Since Hokage-sama doesn't dislike it... Mikoto is naturally waiting for Hokage-sama at any time."

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