Rated Hokage

Chapter 203 Chapter 202

The sudden appearance of this person immediately stunned Hongdou.

This is the home of Oshemaru-sama, but this person she had mistaken during the day is here, is it a coincidence?

How could it be such a coincidence!

She couldn't help but took two steps forward, and said in a startled voice, "You...you are..."

The corner of this person's mouth suddenly raised a meaningful smile. This kind of smile was so familiar to Hongdou. The familiar expression completely coincided with the person in her memory, which made her lose her mind on the spot.

"Master Orochimaru..."

"Red beans." Bai Long spoke slowly, and even his voice became the familiar one, low and hoarse, like a thin thread passing through the eardrum.

"Master Orochimaru, it's really you... Master Orochimaru!"

Hongdou's eyes turned red in an instant, and she stepped forward a few steps to hug tightly the person in front of her that made her think about it day and night.

However, just as she rushed to the other party, a hand stretched out by the white dragon like lightning grabbed her neck tightly.

"Long time no see, Hongdou." Bailong said while holding Hongdou's throat tightly.

It was difficult for Hongdou to breathe under his restraint, her face flushed red, her throat was rolling, and she struggled to utter a sentence: "Master Orochimaru...why..."

Bai Long smiled and said: "This body seems to be suitable for use, but I need it more now, why don't you give it back to me."

As he spoke, he formed a seal with one hand, and Hongdou suddenly felt an unprecedented pain sweeping his whole body, his ears roared, his vision was blurred, and his whole soul trembled, as if it was about to be torn apart.

Why...why would Master Orochimaru treat himself like this...

There was a blank in her mind, which was quickly filled by the endless pain.

What Bailong performed was the secret technique of extracting Hongdou's soul from his body. This body was made by Orochimaru, and it naturally had the means left by Orochimaru on it.

Hongdou felt that her consciousness was almost blurred, and a terrible feeling was approaching, which made her feel terrified.

It's death...it's what Makoto said not long ago!

All of a sudden, a strong chakra erupted from Hongdou's body, and the resulting shock wave shook the whole house to dust.

Bailong couldn't help but relax the hand that was holding Hongdou's throat tight at this moment.

Hongdou fell to her knees on the ground, coughing and breathing at a distance, when she raised her head, black shadows appeared around her eyes.

Seeing this, Bailong couldn't help showing surprise.

The feeling of Hongdou now is completely different from just now, with an indescribably powerful aura exuding from her body, which comes entirely from the terrifying chakra that can be felt personally!

It's different from ordinary chakra, but it's completely comparable to Renzhuriki!

In Bailong's view, although this body is powerful, it is unreasonable for Hongdou to show such strength.

Red Dou's hair fluttered in the wind, and she slowly stood up.


Bai Long squinted his eyes and looked at the familiar girl in front of him. There was no pity or love in his eyes, but only longing for this body.

He suddenly said: "So that's the case. Is it his method? I underestimated it."

He seemed to want to make a move, but he suddenly noticed something, and disappeared in place in a flash.

Seeing this, Hongdou was very anxious, and quickly turned on her perception ability to find out the direction of the opponent, but the chakra of this person seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, without any trace.

In the living room, two figures appeared in an instant again.

"red beans!"

It was Huomen and Kakashi, they were attracted by the movement of Chakra just now.

Hongdou stood there in a daze, staring blankly at the place where the white dragon disappeared.

"Adzuki, what happened?" Kakashi asked.

"Is there an enemy?" Huomen also opened his eyes, and his vast vision instantly covered the entire village. Everyone's every move was in his eyes, but he didn't find anyone who was running or could be seen.

Seeing that Anko didn't answer, Kakashi couldn't help frowning slightly: "Ako?"


Hongdou slumped on the ground weakly, the black eye shadows dissipated, she lowered her head and said nothing.

At this moment, Kakashi noticed that there was an obvious red mark on Adzuki's delicate neck, but it was quickly healing itself.

He glanced at the fire gate, and the firemen also noticed.

"Red bean, what happened there?"

Hongdou, who had been silent on the ground for a long time, finally spoke: "...it's nothing."

Her hair fell down, covering her eyes and most of her face.

"Nothing happened."

Outside this mansion, the Anbu who arrived late found Kakashi, Huomen and Anzu inside and did not go in, but waited outside.

Huomen came out, pondered for a moment and ordered Anbu: "Check the whole village, check for suspicious persons, but don't alarm the villagers."


The Anbu left according to the order.

Homon looked back at this mansion again, the former Hokage Orochimaru's residence, he had worked as Orochimaru's personal Anbe, so he was naturally very familiar with this place.

Hong Dou definitely met someone, but who could make her so protective...

He had a bad premonition in his heart, and felt that it would be better to report to Master Hokage immediately.

Kakashi and Red Bean also came out at this time.

Hongdou looked expressionless as if nothing had happened just now.

"I'll go back first." She said to the two of them, then turned and walked towards the other side of the street.

The street was deserted, and the street lights were dim, gradually submerging her figure.

The two stood in front of the mansion, watching her leave, Kakashi said, "Who do you think it is?"

"I thought of an unlikely man."

"I thought of it too..."

"Do you think that's possible?"


Kakashi didn't answer, they all knew that their thoughts were too unbelievable.

A man who had died, and the body was burned in the eyes of many people.

Huomen frowned and pondered: "If it is really that person, what is the purpose?"

The two of them had the same idea in their hearts, and they couldn't help but feel horrified.


"...Let's report to Hokage-sama first."

The night was heavy and the moon was hazy.

Inside the Hokage building, Zhen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the peaceful village outside, with a quiet expression, wondering what he was thinking.

Knock on the fire door and come in.

"Master Hokage."


"Red bean she..."

The fire goalkeeper reported everything that happened just now.

"I see." Zhen just responded calmly.

Homon was stunned for a moment, looked at Hokage's back, thought for a while and thoughtfully said nothing more.

"The subordinate will leave."

Zhen still looked as usual, as if everything just now hadn't disturbed his mood at all.

Konoha reception.

"Bailong, where have you been?"

"I'm a little hungry. I went out and bought some supper. I brought some for you and Mr. Xiaonan."

"You are quite caring."

"I'm Nagato-sama's bodyguard, and I'm here for my job."

"It's getting late, and we have to hurry tomorrow, so let's rest early."


Standing in the courtyard of the reception desk, Bailong watched Nagato go to find Xiaonan with the supper he bought, and suddenly looked up in the direction of the Hokage Building in the distance.

It was still brightly lit, like a beacon in the dark.

Ask for a ticket

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